Advice regarding first research paper

In summary: You can also try to contact some of the editors of the American Journal of Physics and ask them directly. In summary, the conversation is about the speaker's plan to write a paper on the angle of repose of different granular materials and their search for a suitable journal to publish it in. They have found a professor to help and are considering the American Journal of Physics, but are seeking advice on whether their subject matter would be a good fit for the journal.
  • #1
Hello everyone!

I am planning on writing a paper about the angle of repose of different granular materials (i.e.the cone that sand makes in an hourglass). My research will involve both experimental and theoretical work; I am going to collect data regarding the shape that different materials make, as well as deriving the shape of the material mathematically.

I think the paper will be around a freshman/sophomore undergrad level. I have begun to search for literature on this topic, and have found some, but none of the other papers have included an actual derivation of the shape like I will.

Here's my question: Do you think that this has any reasonable chance of being published in any journal? Perhaps the American Journal of Physics - I know that their articles are slanted more towards education.
I am just trying to get a feel for whether this is a realistic endeavor. Please let me know if there is any more info that I should give you guys. Thanks a lot for your help!

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  • #2
It could help you greatly if you would find a professor who you could publish with. Find somebody who is relatively interested in the project. He/She can help you with writing the paper and can give you advice in what kind of journal you can publish.
I don't say I'm an expert on this, but if you don't have the endorsment of a professor, then publishing will likely not be so easy...
  • #3
Thanks for your quick reply, micromass.
There is a professor who is willing to help me with this, so that is not a problem.
However, do you think that the actual subject matter is something that the American Journal of Physics (for example) would consider?
(If anyone else is reading this thread, please feel free to chime in as well!)
Thanks again,
  • #4
bahal2 said:
Thanks for your quick reply, micromass.
There is a professor who is willing to help me with this, so that is not a problem.
However, do you think that the actual subject matter is something that the American Journal of Physics (for example) would consider?
(If anyone else is reading this thread, please feel free to chime in as well!)
Thanks again,

Since you have a professor who is willing to help, I think you should ask him about this. He should know the field sufficiently well to know what are the best journals suitable for the paper.
  • #5

I would first like to commend you for taking on a research project and seeking advice from others. It shows dedication and a desire to improve your skills as a researcher.

To answer your question, I believe that your research on the angle of repose of different granular materials has the potential to be published in a journal, especially one focused on education like the American Journal of Physics. However, it will ultimately depend on the quality and significance of your results and analysis.

My advice would be to make sure that you thoroughly review the literature on this topic and clearly state the novelty and contribution of your research. Additionally, it may be helpful to consult with a mentor or experienced researcher in your field to ensure the validity and rigor of your experimental and theoretical work.

Overall, I believe that with proper preparation and execution, your research has a reasonable chance of being published in a journal. Best of luck in your endeavors!

FAQ: Advice regarding first research paper

1. What is the purpose of a first research paper?

A first research paper serves as an opportunity for students to develop their research and writing skills, as well as to demonstrate their understanding of a specific topic or subject area.

2. How do I choose a topic for my first research paper?

When choosing a topic for your first research paper, consider your interests, the requirements of the assignment, and the availability of resources. It is important to choose a topic that is manageable and relevant to your field of study.

3. What is the structure of a first research paper?

The structure of a first research paper typically includes an introduction, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion. However, the specific structure may vary depending on the discipline and requirements of the assignment.

4. How do I conduct research for my first research paper?

To conduct research for your first research paper, start by identifying credible sources such as academic journals, books, and reputable websites. Take thorough notes and organize your research to support your argument or thesis statement.

5. How do I properly cite sources in my first research paper?

To properly cite sources in your first research paper, use a citation style recommended by your instructor or department. Common citation styles include APA, MLA, and Chicago. Be sure to accurately cite all sources used in your paper to avoid plagiarism.
