Solving Aerodynamics Homework: Free Vortex near Infinite Plane

  • Thread starter jstrz13phys
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In summary, we are trying to find the total force on an infinite plane due to a two dimensional vortex located at a distance h above the plane. The pressure at infinity is p_\infty and the velocity at infinity is U_\infty parallel to the plane. The vortex has a strength of \Gamma and the fluid is incompressible and perfect. To find the force, we can integrate the pressure over the area of the vortex, using Bernoulli's equation and the relationship between the velocity field and the vortex strength. As h approaches infinity, the force becomes negligible and the pressure equation simplifies to Bernoulli's equation for a flow of U_\infty and static pressure P_\infty.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A two dimensional free vortex is located near an infinite plane at a distance h above the plane. The pressure at infinity is p_\infty and the velocity at infinity is U_\infty parallel to the plane. Find the total force (per unit depth normal to the paper) on the plane if the pressure on the underside of the plane is p_\infty. The strength of the vortex is \Gamma. The fluid is incompressible and perfect. To what expression does the force simplify if h becomes very large?

Homework Equations

I know that I will eventually integrate pressure over an area to get the force. I just don't know where to start. I also thought about imposing a mirror image of the cortex under the plane to cancel out the y components of velocity. (Not sure about this)

The Attempt at a Solution

It is intuitive that as h increase the force becomes negligable. I just can't find the expression for the force.
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  • #2
The net force on the plate would result from the pressure differential across the plate, i.e on the bottom of the plate the pressure is constant P_infty, while above the plate, the vortex reduces the pressure locally, but the pressure would be P_infty as one moves further (laterally) from the vortex.

Can one determine the pressure field in and around the vortex?
  • #3
I can use Bernoulls's equation to find the pressure above the plain right? Then integrate over the area of the vortex?
  • #4
Is the 2-D vortex in a plane parallel to the plate, such that the axis is normal to the plate?

I'm trying to visualize a 2-D vortex, which I assume is circular in 2-D?

Ostensibly one would have a formula for the pressure within the vortex as a funtion of its rotational velocity.
  • #5
I am not sure what you are asking, see the word document i have atached.


  • VORTEX.doc
    36.5 KB · Views: 263
  • #6
That helps.

There is a relationship between the velocity field around the vortex which is proportional to the vortex strength, [itex]\Gamma[/itex]. Below the vortex, the flow field of the vortex is in the opposite direction of U-infty.

Is there a discussion in one's textbook that includes something like [tex]U_\theta = \frac{\Gamma}{2\pi{r}}[/tex], where r is the distance measure from the center of the vortex. I think then it is a matter of expressing the flow field around the vortex by r ~ h - y, where y is the elevation from the plane.

When h gets very large, the pressure equation should be that of Bernoulli's equation for a flow of U_infty and static pressure P_infty.
  • #7
Thank you for your help, I have figured out the answer. I took the stream function for the superposition of flows and added a mirror image of the vortex. Then converted the stream function to rectangular coordinates. The took derivative wrt y then integrated pressurewrt to x this game me the lift = density X strength X Velocity (when h goes to infininty)

FAQ: Solving Aerodynamics Homework: Free Vortex near Infinite Plane

1. What is a free vortex near an infinite plane?

A free vortex near an infinite plane is a type of aerodynamic flow that occurs when a fluid (such as air) rotates around a central axis in a circular pattern, while simultaneously moving horizontally along an infinite plane. This type of flow is often used to model the behavior of fluids in aerodynamic systems, such as in aircraft wings or propellers.

2. How is the free vortex near an infinite plane modeled mathematically?

The free vortex near an infinite plane is modeled using the mathematical equations of fluid dynamics, specifically the Navier-Stokes equations. These equations describe the conservation of mass, momentum, and energy in a fluid and can be solved to determine the characteristics of the flow, such as velocity and pressure.

3. What factors influence the behavior of a free vortex near an infinite plane?

The behavior of a free vortex near an infinite plane is influenced by several factors, including the speed and direction of the fluid flow, the distance between the vortex and the plane, and the shape and size of the vortex. Additionally, external factors such as air temperature and pressure can also affect the behavior of the vortex.

4. How is the free vortex near an infinite plane different from other types of aerodynamic flows?

The free vortex near an infinite plane is different from other types of aerodynamic flows, such as boundary layers or laminar flows, in that it is an idealized model that does not take into account factors such as viscosity or turbulence. Additionally, the free vortex near an infinite plane is a two-dimensional flow, whereas other types of flows may be three-dimensional.

5. What are some real-world applications of the free vortex near an infinite plane?

The free vortex near an infinite plane is commonly used in the design and analysis of aerodynamic systems, such as aircraft wings, propellers, and turbines. It can also be applied in meteorology to model the behavior of atmospheric systems, such as hurricanes or tornadoes. Additionally, the principles of the free vortex near an infinite plane can be used in the study of fluid mechanics and in the development of new technologies for fluid control and manipulation.
