Can an alternating series with decreasing terms converge to zero?

In summary, the conversation discusses proving convergence for an alternating series and how to show that it does not converge to zero. The experts suggest using the comparison test with a series that has a similar rate of change but is monotonic and bounded.
  • #1
member 428835
Hi PF!

The other day I was showing convergence for an alternating series, let's call it ##\sum (-1)^n b_n##. I showed that ##\lim_{n \to \infty} b_n = 0## and that ##b_n## was monotonically decreasing; hence the series converges by the alternating series test. but I needed also to show it did not converge to zero. the argument I used was that since ##|b_1 - b_2| >0## and that since ##b_n## monotonically decreases, we then know ##\sum (-1)^n b_n > |b_1 - b_2|##. Is my intuition correct here? If so, is it ever possible to have a series described above converge to zero?

Let me know what you think!
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  • #2
First thought this was wrong, but yes.

Set ## a_n=b_{2n}-b_{2n+1}\geq 0 ##

## \sum(-1)^n b_n =\sum a_n \geq 0 ## and this can only be zero if ## \forall n, b_n=0 ##

Edit you seem to have the index n starting at 1 instead of 0 so you need to adjust the above a little, but this doesn't change anything except perhaps a sign.
And your argument, assuming the b's are strictly decreasing, works - you can also complete it to cover all cases where b is not identically 0.
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  • #3
Thanks! I thought so but wanted reassurance.
  • #4
Wrong conclusion! [itex]a_n=0[/itex] will hold if pairs of alternate terms have the same magnitude [itex]b_{2n}=-b_{2n+1}[/itex], and [itex]b_{2n} \gt b_{2n+2}[/itex].
  • #5
But ##b_n## is monotonically decreasing.
  • #6
Oops you are right of course !

The sum is 0 iff ## \forall n, b_{2n}=b_{2n+1} ## and that's all we can say.

Of course if we know that b is strictly dereasing this cannot happen, but i was trying to avoid needing that since op did not say "strict".

Failed attempt, sorry.

To expand, the generic counterexampe to my initial claim is the altermating sum
## b_0-b_0+...+b_n-b_n+...##
which converges to 0 iff ## b_n\rightarrow 0 ##
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  • #7
I'd use comparison test with another series that has similar rate of change as the one you're using.

##\sum \limits_{i} \left | {b_i} \right | \geq \sum \limits_{i} \left | {a_i} \right |##

Where ##a_i \approx b_i## in structure, but ##a_i## is both monotonic and bounded.

FAQ: Can an alternating series with decreasing terms converge to zero?

What is an alternating series?

An alternating series is a series in which the signs of the terms alternate between positive and negative. For example, 1 - 2 + 3 - 4 + 5 - ... is an alternating series.

How do you determine if an alternating series converges or diverges?

In order to determine if an alternating series converges or diverges, you can use the Alternating Series Test. This test states that if the absolute value of the terms in an alternating series decreases and approaches 0 as n approaches infinity, then the series converges. If the absolute value of the terms does not approach 0, then the series diverges.

What is the Alternating Series Remainder formula?

The Alternating Series Remainder formula is a formula used to approximate the sum of an alternating series. It states that the remainder of an alternating series is less than or equal to the absolute value of the first neglected term. This formula can be used to determine the accuracy of an alternating series approximation.

Can an alternating series converge to a negative value?

Yes, an alternating series can converge to a negative value. The sum of an alternating series is not restricted to be positive or negative, it can take on any real value depending on the terms of the series.

What are some real-world applications of alternating series?

Alternating series have many applications in fields such as physics, engineering, and economics. For example, alternating series can be used to model alternating current in electronics, the motion of a pendulum, and the fluctuations of stock prices. They can also be used to calculate error bounds in numerical analysis and to approximate solutions to differential equations.

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