Amazon selling Uranium ore? Isn't that illegal?

  • Thread starter MusicTheorist
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In summary, this surprised me. I'm doing a science project on superconductivity, so I was browsing the web for chemistry and physics stuff and I saw some experiments that looked interesting (solidifying liquid nitrogen) on youtube. I wondered where they got the chemicals because I thought it would be illegal, but I googled it and saw a place. What shocked me is that people are selling Uranium ore. Isn't that illegal?
  • #1
Ok, this surprised me. I'm doing a science project on superconductivity, so I was browsing the web for chemistry and physics stuff and I saw some experiments that looked interesting (solidifying liquid nitrogen) on youtube. I wondered where they got the chemicals because I thought it would be illegal, but I googled it and saw a place. What shocked me is that people are selling Uranium ore. Isn't that illegal?

Did anyone else here know about this?

I found out that it's a joke on amazon, but one place is selling it. I'm not sure if I should post the name here.
Chemistry news on
  • #2
Why - you can dig it up out of the ground you know
It's very low activity - the label says 200counts/min, and uranium is an alpha emitter it's pretty safe. Alphas are stopped by skin.

A smoke detector source is about 1micro-curie, about 10,000 times more active.
Your body emits about 5000 counts/sec from radioactive postassion.

ps. some of the comments are brilliant
  • #3
I didn't think it was actually dangerous, but I thought the government would be completely on top of this because of all the troubles in the middle east. If you google United Nuclear they have one that says it's highly radioactive...

And yes, the comments are amazing.
  • #4
It would be a rather expensive way of producing uranium - compared to buying it by the ship load form Canada or Kazakhstan!
Uranium ore is generally only 0.1% U and then U235 is < 1% of U so you could probably do more damage by hitting someone with the tin.
  • #5
Ebay has plenty of radioactive materials on sale, from uraninites, thorium mantles, and glowing key chains filled with tritium.

Utah seems to be a popular place to go on uranium hunting:

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  • #6
Oh lordy, I love it!

"I purchased this product 4.47 Billion Years ago and when I opened it today, it was half empty. "
  • #7
So, this really isn't dangerous or illegal?
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  • #8
Illegal would depend on your local regulations.
A mole of U238 produces about 3alpha and 6beta * million events/second.
The source claims 60,000 counts/minute = 1000 counts/s so there is only about 0.001 - 0.0001 mol of U present

The highest grade ore (from Canada) is about 20% Uranium so a fist sized rock of natural ore would have a higher activity than this. And it's perfectly safe to work in the mine (although you do get your boots washed down afterwards !)
  • #9
AFAIK, even medium-enriched, lightwater-reactor grade uranium is fairly safe to handle, with some minimal protections.

(Google 'nuclear fuel pellet' and you'll find any number of pictures of people holding them, if with gloves.)

Recall, if there's a nuclear meltdown, it's not really the uranium people are worried about. Not as much as the cesium and radioactive iodine and other fission products which are much more radioactive.
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Related to Amazon selling Uranium ore? Isn't that illegal?

1. Is it legal to sell Uranium ore on Amazon?

Technically, it is not illegal to sell Uranium ore on Amazon. However, there are strict regulations and laws surrounding the sale and possession of radioactive materials, including Uranium. It is important to adhere to these regulations and obtain proper permits and licenses before selling or purchasing Uranium ore.

2. Can anyone buy Uranium ore on Amazon?

No, not just anyone can buy Uranium ore on Amazon. In order to purchase this material, you must be a licensed and authorized buyer. This typically requires a background check and proof of proper training and knowledge of handling radioactive materials.

3. What are the dangers of handling Uranium ore?

Uranium ore is a radioactive material and can be hazardous if not handled properly. Exposure to high levels of radiation can cause serious health issues, including radiation sickness and an increased risk of cancer. It is important to follow strict safety protocols when handling Uranium ore to minimize any potential risks.

4. Can Uranium ore be used for nuclear weapons?

While Uranium ore is used as a fuel source for nuclear reactors, it is not the same type of enriched Uranium used in nuclear weapons. The Uranium ore sold on Amazon is typically low-grade and not suitable for use in weapons. Additionally, the sale of enriched Uranium is heavily regulated and restricted by the government.

5. Why would anyone want to buy Uranium ore on Amazon?

Uranium ore has various industrial and scientific applications, such as in the production of nuclear energy, medical treatments, and scientific research. It is also used in some manufacturing processes and to produce certain types of glass and ceramics. However, it is important to note that the sale and possession of Uranium ore is strictly regulated and should only be purchased by authorized and licensed individuals or organizations.

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