An ambiguity in the definition of tensors

In summary, the conversation discusses the definition of tensors and how they transform under coordinate transformations. It is mentioned that there are different types of tensors and not all collections of components will be tensors. The conversation also mentions a specific matrix that is believed to be a tensor, but gives zero under transformation from cartesian to polar coordinates. It is suggested that this is an unfortunate choice of tensor and coordinate system.
  • #1
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One of the definitions of the tensors says that they are multidimensional arrays of numbers which transform in a certain form under coordinate transformations.No restriction is considered on the coordinate systems involved.So I thought they should transform as such not only under rotations but also under transformation from cartesian to plane polar coordinates,so I tried it on the contravariant tensor below:
[itex] \left(\begin{array}{cc}-xy&-y^{2}\\x^{2}&xy\end{array}\right) [/itex]
But I got zero for all four elements.I got confused then I thought maybe curvilinear coordinates are somehow different from cartesian.Is it correct?If not,what's the reason?
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  • #2
Maybe you can show us your computations.
  • #3
[itex] r= \sqrt {x^2+y^2}[/itex]
[itex] \theta=tan^{-1}{\frac{y}{x}}[/itex]

[itex] \frac {\partial r} {\partial x} = \frac {x}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} [/itex]
[itex] \frac {\partial r} {\partial y} = \frac {y}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} [/itex]
[itex] \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial x}=\frac {-y}{x^2+y^2}[/itex]
[itex] \frac{\partial \theta}{\partial y}=\frac {x}{x^2+y^2}[/itex]

And then I used the transformation rule below and the partial derivatives above:

[itex] A^{' kl} = \frac {\partial x^{' k}} {\partial x^{i}} \frac {\partial x^{' l}} {\partial x^{j}} A^{ij} [/itex]

I calculate one of them here:


A^{' 11}=( \frac {x}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} )^2 \times (-xy) + \frac {x}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} \times \frac {y}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} \times (-y^2) + \frac {x}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} \times \frac {y}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} \times x^2 + ( \frac {y}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} )^2 \times xy =0


I did the calculations several times,I'm sure there was nothing wrong with them.
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  • #4
There are different types of tensors. If you're only worried about how your objects transform between cartesian coordinate systems, then you'll define what you mean by a tensor in terms of orthogonal transformations (and you'll get Cartesian tensors). On the other hand, if you're interested in considering how objects transform under general coordinate transformations, you'll define a tensors (or general tensor) by the transformations of the components as you did above.

Now, not all collections of components will be tensors. Maybe the matrix you defined above doesn't represent the components of a general tensor?
  • #5
Now the question is,how can I understand that?
  • #6
Shyan said:
Now the question is,how can I understand that?

How do you mean understand?

Tensors are defined as things that transform like [itex]T_{a,b}=\frac{ \partial x^n}{\partial x^a}\frac{ \partial x^m}{\partial x^b}T'_{n,m}[/itex] or the other way if it's mixed or contravariant. If it doesn't transform like this then it isn't a tensor.
There's nothing to really 'understand' about it, it's just a definition, things that don't transform like tensors aren't tensors!
  • #7
Ok.That's right.
But the matrix I've given in my first posts,transforms as a contravariant tensor under rotations but gives zero under transformation from cartesian to polar coordinates.
That's what I want to know the reason.
  • #8
I went through your calculation as well, your transformation rule seems correct...

Maybe the problem is that your coordinate matrix has determinant 0, but I don't see why it's wrong.
  • #9
What you mean by coordinate matrix?
I just know one matrix relating this and that's the Jacobian which does not have zero determinant here.
I think if we analyze another tensor which works well here,we can find the wrong thing.
  • #10
Shyan said:
What you mean by coordinate matrix?
I just know one matrix relating this and that's the Jacobian which does not have zero determinant here.
I think if we analyze another tensor which works well here,we can find the wrong thing.

Well, [itex] \left(\begin{array}{cc}-xy&-y^{2}\\x^{2}&xy\end{array}\right) [/itex] has determinant zero. It probably doens't play any role here, but I´m not an expert.

If we took [itex] \left(\begin{array}{cc}x&y\\y&x\end{array}\right) [/itex], it would be


A^{' 11}=( \frac {x}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} )^2 \times x + \frac {x}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} \times \frac {y}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} \times y + \frac {x}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} \times \frac {y}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} \times y + ( \frac {y}{\sqrt {x^2+y^2}} )^2 \times x


which obviously is not zero. So it seems to be as unfortunate choice of tensor and coordinate system. But still, it is wierd. If we tried coordinate transformation to polar coordinates and back to cartesian, result would be zero. Which is wrong.
  • #11
You have yet to give any reason why you think that is a tensor!
  • #12
Very good point HallsofIvy.
Just the professor at university told that it is a tensor and has done the transformation for rotations and it proved to be a tensor under rotations.
Maybe its not a tensor because it does not work well under this kind of transformation.
So very unfortunate choice.

FAQ: An ambiguity in the definition of tensors

What is an ambiguity in the definition of tensors?

An ambiguity in the definition of tensors refers to the fact that there are multiple ways to define and interpret tensors, which can lead to confusion and inconsistency in their use.

What are tensors used for?

Tensors are mathematical objects that are used to represent and manipulate multidimensional data, such as vectors and matrices. They are commonly used in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science.

What is the difference between tensors and matrices?

Tensors and matrices are both mathematical objects that contain multiple components. However, tensors are more general and can have an arbitrary number of dimensions, while matrices are limited to two dimensions.

How do tensors relate to Einstein's theory of relativity?

Tensors are an essential tool in Einstein's theory of relativity, as they are used to describe the curvature of spacetime and the effects of gravity. In this context, tensors are known as the metric tensor or stress-energy tensor.

What is the notation used for tensors?

The most common notation used for tensors is index notation, also known as Einstein notation or tensor notation. In this notation, tensors are represented by placing subscripts and superscripts on the components to indicate their position in the tensor. Another common notation is the tensor product notation, which uses symbols such as the cross product or dot product to represent tensor operations.

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