An evening w/ the lady or an evening w/ the guys?

  • Thread starter gravenewworld
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses preferences for socializing with either men or women. The group seems to agree that both can be enjoyable, but some may have a slight preference for one gender over the other. They also mention the importance of having diverse groups and avoiding stereotypes. There is a mention of certain hobbies and activities that may be more enjoyable with a specific gender. Overall, the group values the company of both men and women, but may have personal preferences based on the situation.
  • #1
Which do you prefer?
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  • #2
Since I don't have a lady, an evening with the guys would be prefered?
  • #3
Lady friends are better any day of the week. You'll just have to trust me on that one.

Oh, you mean lady in the singular. Then it's a toss up. Get yourself a group of women friends. They're a blast!
  • #4
What an odd question. I like to be around a diverse group of men and women.
  • #5
Huckleberry said:
Lady friends are better any day of the week. You'll just have to trust me on that one.

Oh, you mean lady in the singular. Then it's a toss up. Get yourself a group of women friends. They're a blast!

I agree with this, ladies are more interesting than males usually, but one lady is sometimes worth the world.
  • #6
It depends upon whether I'm horny or looking to shoot pool.
  • #7
Danger said:
It depends upon whether I'm horny or looking to shoot pool.

That's an either or?
  • #8
I'd prefer/enjoy mixed company as Cyrus mentioned, but if I had to choose one gender or the other, I'd choose to go out with a group of women, as long they were intelligent.

My idea of a fun evening is to go to a book store or read a book, or do interesting research online, or attend a lecture on an interesting topic, whether its scientific, technical, current events (and world affairs), . . . .

It's really nice to meet people from different parts of the world and learn about what's going on in the world first hand.
  • #9
Both. Sometimes the lady and I go out on dates, but when I hang with my friends it's girls and guys.

You only need to separate women and men when they fit their respective stereotypes. I stay away from these people.
  • #10
LowlyPion said:
That's an either or?

Not when I was unattached; it was a definite 'both'. Unfortunately, the wife wouldn't know which end of a cue to strike with. (In a game, that is; she wouldn't have any trouble wielding it against me if I tried to combine my hobbies in her absence.)
  • #11
A woman, definetly. If only for a change, as meeting with blokes and a group of males isn't exactly hard.
  • #12
Depends who's paying, if the lady pays her round, i would prefer an evening with the lady.
  • #13
Never a lady of the evening, only my honest woman. Some guys I know need to lower their standards from the unattainable "Miss America."
  • #14
Depends on who you are talking about. If this group is just friends, then I don't really mind, however it must be just friendship, no romance and no hookups (nothing more anoying to me than couples groups). In general I would prefer the company of guys though as I most definitely do not restrict my behavior based on the group I am with, which is sometimes very blunt or crude (not sexually).
  • #15
I would rather be in mixed company. It's way more fun!
  • #16
It depends on if I'm naked or not.
  • #17
Topher925 said:
It depends on if I'm naked or not.

Either way, you can hang out with a diverse group of women and men.

FAQ: An evening w/ the lady or an evening w/ the guys?

1. What is the difference between "An evening w/ the lady" and "An evening w/ the guys"?

The main difference is the gender of the individuals involved. "An evening w/ the lady" typically refers to spending time with a female partner or friend, while "An evening w/ the guys" refers to spending time with male friends.

2. Is it important to have an evening with just one gender?

It is not necessarily important, but it can be beneficial to have separate time with each gender. This allows for different conversations and activities that may cater more towards a specific group.

3. What are some potential activities for "An evening w/ the lady" or "An evening w/ the guys"?

Activities can vary depending on personal preferences, but some common ones for "An evening w/ the lady" may include going to a spa, having a fancy dinner, or watching a romantic movie. For "An evening w/ the guys", activities may include playing sports, going to a bar, or watching a action movie.

4. Can these types of evenings help strengthen relationships?

Yes, spending quality time with either just the ladies or just the guys can help strengthen relationships. It allows for deeper conversations and bonding over shared interests.

5. Are there any potential drawbacks to having "An evening w/ the lady" or "An evening w/ the guys"?

As with any social gathering, there is always the potential for conflicts or misunderstandings. It is important to communicate openly and respectfully with each other to avoid any potential issues.
