Any geometrical meaning of multiplication of quaternions?

In summary, unit quaternions are a type of purely imaginary quaternion that can be rotated by an angle theta about an axis specified by another purely imaginary quaternion. The product of two unit quaternions has a geometric meaning, similar to the multiplication of unit complex numbers. However, understanding the geometric relationship between three points in four dimensions can be complicated, and it is recommended to use Geometric Algebra for a systematic treatment. Alternatively, unit quaternions can also be viewed as part of the special unitary group and represented with matrices, as explained in Stillwell's Naive Lie Theory.
  • #1
Let's just talk about unit quaternions.
I know that $$\left(\cos{\frac{\theta}{2}}+v\sin{\frac{\theta}{2}}\right)\cdot p \cdot \left(\cos{\frac{\theta}{2}}-v\sin{\frac{\theta}{2}}\right)$$
where ##p## and ##v## are purely imaginary quaternions, gives another purely imaginary quaternion which corresponds to ##p## rotated by an angle ##\theta## about the axis specified by ##v##. So the product ##q\cdot p \cdot q'## has a geometrical meaning.

But what about any arbitrary unit quaternion multiplication ##q_1\cdot q_2##? What does it mean geometrically (just like unit complex number multiplication means adding their angles)?

If ##z_1\cdot z_2=z_3##, then ##z_3## is the point we end up at when we rotate point ##z_1## by the argument of ##z_2## or vice-versa. Now, if ##q_1\cdot q_2=q_3##, then ##q_1,q_2,q_3## are points in four dimensions. What is the relation between these three points?
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  • #2
It gets complicated. In my opinion, the best geometric treatment of 3D and higher is with Geometric Algebra. It systematically treats many geometric concepts with algebraic operations.
(see )

PS. A word of warning. Although Geometric Algebra consolidates and replaces a lot of specialized mathematical "gimic" algebras, it is not well known, the learning curve is not trivial, and translating the more popular algebras to it is not always easy.
  • #3
For the unit quaternions we have ##U(1,\mathbb{H}) \cong SU(2,\mathbb{C}) \cong \mathbb{S}^3## (cp. section 3 in
Thus the multiplication is the same as in the special unitary group, or on the 3-sphere. Both, ## SU(2,\mathbb{C}) ## and ## \mathbb{S}^3 ## are geometric objects, so the multiplication directly translates into geometry.
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  • #4
I tried a book on geometric algebra a while ago but it didn't speak that much to me.

For quarternions, thinking about them as part of special unitary group, and in particular using a matrix representation, as done in Stillwell's Naive Lie Theory, is how I'd do it.

FAQ: Any geometrical meaning of multiplication of quaternions?

What are quaternions?

Quaternions are a type of hypercomplex number that extends the concept of complex numbers. They have four components, written in the form a + bi + cj + dk, where a, b, c, and d are real numbers and i, j, and k are imaginary units.

What is the geometrical meaning of multiplication of quaternions?

The geometrical meaning of multiplication of quaternions is that it represents a rotation in three-dimensional space. Each quaternion has a corresponding rotation axis and angle, and when two quaternions are multiplied together, the resulting quaternion represents the combined rotation of the two individual rotations.

How is multiplication of quaternions different from multiplication of complex numbers?

The main difference is that complex numbers have two components, while quaternions have four. This means that the rules for multiplication are different, and in quaternions, the order of multiplication matters. Additionally, multiplication of complex numbers results in a scalar, while multiplication of quaternions results in another quaternion.

Can quaternions be used in computer graphics and animation?

Yes, quaternions are often used in computer graphics and animation because they provide a compact and efficient way to represent and manipulate rotations in three-dimensional space. They are also less prone to gimbal lock, a common issue with other rotation representations.

Are quaternions used in any other fields?

Quaternions were originally developed for use in physics, specifically in the study of rotations and spatial orientations. They are also used in engineering, robotics, and quantum mechanics. In recent years, they have also gained popularity in machine learning and artificial intelligence applications.

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