Artistically Ornated Atmosphere

  • #1
Science Advisor
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TL;DR Summary
A Life Science article expresses "expert concern" on the effects rocketry (SpaceX in particular) on the upper atmosphere.
That Life Science article is entitled "SpaceX rockets keep tearing blood-red 'atmospheric holes' in the sky, and scientists are concerned".
De-orbiting SpaceX rockets are smashing temporary holes in the upper atmosphere, creating bright blobs of light in the sky. Now, scientists have warned that these "SpaceX auroras," which look like glowing red orbs of light, could be causing unrecognized problems — though they are not a threat to the environment or life on Earth.
The article suggests "astronomy and communications" as potential "unrecognized problems".
Also from the articles:
There have already been two major SpaceX spirals this year: The first was in January, which was spotted forming above Mauna Kea in Hawaii, and the second occurred in April, which shone during a traditional auroral display in Alaska.

As a non-expert, non-scientist, I think the short-lived red satellite "contrails" and spirals to be potentially quite entertaining night time features.
And if they obscure the predicted "space bill boards", so much the better.
Physics news on
  • #2
Note how none of the experts expresses concern in the direct attributions. They discuss it as phenomenon that exists, one discusses how it's an opportunity to learn more about the atmosphere.
  • #3
One of the six 'Classic' AC Clarke tales of Lunar exploration featured an experiment that jetted a plume of Sodium to become ionised by sunlight and visible from Earth. Experiment's 'Owner' was unaware the 'nozzle', a simple cut-out, had been mischievously replaced by a stencil which duly 'sky-wrote' a famous soft-drinks' logo.... Moon is,newspaper Evening Standard in 1956.
There's a link to archived text, #3 includes wry Tale_5, "Watch this Space"

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