Asymptotic Safety for Quantum Gravity

In summary, asymptotic safety is a feature of a theory that can be helpful in terms of preventing singularities from arising in the theory at high energies.
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Sabine Hossenfelder recently wrote about an old theory of quantum gravity due to Weinberg: asymptotically safe quantum gravity. Is anyone familiar with this idea? What I couldn't figure out from the article is whether asymptotic safety is an approach to making consistent quantum field theories, or whether some quantum field theories just happen to be asymptotically safe. Was Weinberg just hoping/speculating that gravity is asymptotically safe, or was he suggesting a research program to develop an asymptotically safe theory that has the correct low-energy limit?
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It may just happen to be that some QFTs are asymptotically safe. For example, QCD is believed to be asymptotically free, which is a special sort of asymptotic safety. All indications are that quantum general relativity is not asymptotically free. However, we cannot rigourously rule out that it is not asymptotically safe, with a non-trivial fixed point at high energies. Non-rigorous calculations suggest that (some form of) quantum general relativity is asymptotically safe. (I used "some form of" because there is more than one action that produces classical general relativity.)

An example of a non-trivial fixed point is the Wilson-Fisher fixed point. An example of an asymptotically safe theory is the Gross-Neveu model.
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Asymptotically safety is something that arises in respect to the renormalization of a constant in a physical theory. If you go to arbitrarily high energies, there are two possibilities - you get infinities (not asymptotically safe), or the values converge towards a finite limit (asymptotically safe).

At a heuristic conceptual level an asymptotic safety feature of a theory is a bit like special relativity which causes everything else to get screwed (time slows down and distances are tweaked) at velocities approaching the speed of light which is the asymptotic limit of the speed of anything in the universe.

The energy scale at which the finite asymptote is reached (for quantum gravity at least and possibly for all of the forces) is assumed to be somewhere in the general vicinity of the GUT scale.

What I couldn't figure out from the article is whether asymptotic safety is an approach to making consistent quantum field theories, or whether some quantum field theories just happen to be asymptotically safe.

Asymptotic safety is a feature of the theory. It is not necessary for a mathematically consistent quantum field theory, but a quantum field theory that is asymptotically safe does have some characteristics that make it attractive (like an absence of singularities where you don't want them to be). A self-aware theoretical physicist is generally going to know with a little bit of investigation if a particular theory is asymptotically safe fairly early on in devising or investigating it. Sometimes it is a feature that the physicist will care a lot about in devising the theory, while other times this may be incidental to other design criteria and just happen to pop up when focusing on other design criteria for a mathematically consistent quantum field theory.

If you are using a "top down" construction of a theory, you would start at the high energy asymptote and work your way down to lower energies. If you are using a "bottom up" construction of a theory, you would generalize your low energy theory to higher energies and start to observe asymptotic behavior emerge as you approach very high energies.
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FAQ: Asymptotic Safety for Quantum Gravity

1. What is asymptotic safety for quantum gravity?

Asymptotic safety for quantum gravity is a theory that aims to reconcile the principles of quantum mechanics and general relativity by positing that gravity becomes safe or "tamed" at extremely high energies, allowing for a consistent and predictive theory of quantum gravity.

2. How does asymptotic safety differ from other theories of quantum gravity?

Unlike other theories, such as loop quantum gravity and string theory, asymptotic safety does not require any additional dimensions or exotic particles. Instead, it proposes that the behavior of gravity can be described by a single fundamental force at all energy scales.

3. What is the evidence for asymptotic safety?

The main evidence for asymptotic safety comes from theoretical calculations and simulations, which have shown that the theory is mathematically consistent and can potentially solve some of the fundamental issues with existing theories of quantum gravity. However, more empirical evidence is needed to support its validity.

4. What are the implications of asymptotic safety for our understanding of the universe?

If asymptotic safety is proven to be a valid theory, it would have significant implications for our understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe. It would provide a consistent framework for unifying quantum mechanics and general relativity, and potentially offer explanations for phenomena such as dark matter and the origin of the universe.

5. What are the current challenges and limitations of asymptotic safety?

One of the main challenges of asymptotic safety is the lack of empirical evidence to support its validity. Additionally, the theory is still in its early stages and many details are yet to be worked out, such as how it can be tested experimentally. Some researchers also question whether it can fully account for all the complexities of gravity and the universe.

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