Talk Like a Pirate Day: YARRRRGH!

  • Thread starter Math Is Hard
  • Start date
In summary, the pirates celebration went well. King and the chorus of pirates sung and danced to celebrate their Pirate King. The pirates discussed how to celebrate Pirate talk day. They discussed how to celebrate Pirate talk day.
  • #1
Math Is Hard
Staff Emeritus
Science Advisor
Gold Member
Avast, me hearties!

Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!
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  • #2
"For I am a Pirate King!"

Pirate King:

"Oh, better far to live and die
Under the brave black flag I fly,
Than play a sanctimonious part,
With a pirate head and a pirate heart.
Away to the cheating world go you,
Where pirates all are well-to-do;
But I'll be true to the song I sing,
And live and die a Pirate King.
For I am a Pirate King!
And it is, it is a glorious thing
To be a Pirate King!
For I am a Pirate King!"

Chorus of Pirates:
"You are!
Hurrah for our Pirate King!"

Pirate King:

"And it is, it is a glorious thing
To be a Pirate King."

Chorus of Pirates:.
"It is!
Hurrah for our Pirate King!"

King & Chorus"
"Hurrah for the/our Pirate King!"

Pirate King:
"When I sally forth to seek my prey
I help myself in a royal way.
I sink a few more ships, it's true,
Than a well-bred monarch ought to do;
But many a king on a first-class throne,
If he wants to call his crown his own,
Must manage somehow to get through
More dirty work than ever I do,
For I am a Pirate King!
And it is, it is a glorious thing
To be a Pirate King!
For I am a Pirate King!

Chorus of Pirates:
"You are!
Hurrah for the Pirate King!"

Pirate King:

"And it is, it is a glorious thing
To be a Pirate King."

Chorus of Pirates:
"It is!
Hurrah for our Pirate King!"

King & Chorus:
"Hurrah for the/our Pirate King! "

*-*The Pirates of Penzance
Gilbert & Sullivan**
  • #3
Yarrr, 'tis a fine day to be sure. I've been confoundin' the land lubbers with me pirate speak all through the day. Yarrr!
  • #4
Yarrrrrgh! Ahoy, Cap'n Math be Hard and first mate mattthyouaaeuuuwww!

What say you to splittin' a bottle o' rum in celebration o' this fine day?
  • #5
Yar-har-har! Ye scurby land lubbers think you got what it take t'be a pirate, do ya's? I'll have you know I'm t' roughest, toughest pirate that ever sailed t' seven seas!
  • #6
Evo said:
Yarrrrrgh! Ahoy, Cap'n Math be Hard and first mate mattthyouaaeuuuwww!

What say you to splittin' a bottle of rum in celebration o' this fine day?
Yaarrrr! Tis a fine idea! And maybe later we'll be makin' some crew members walk the plank!
  • #7
Math Is Hard said:
Yaarrrr! Tis a fine idea! And maybe later we'll be makin' some crew members walk the plank!
Yarrrrgh, if it be in shark infested waters, 'twill be a good time.
  • #8
Evo said:
What say you to splittin' a bottle o' rum in celebration o' this fine day?

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  • #9
Entropy said:
I'll have you know I'm t' roughest, toughest pirate that ever sailed t' seven seas!
Me eyepatch is ten times smarter than yors, an' my parrot can whip yor parrot with one wing tied behind it's back!
  • #10
ahhh hahhhh gggg! this then be the perfect day for ye olde pirates jokes then! eh! me harties! ahhhg!
So, did you hear this piratical conversation:
Pirate 1: "ah ha, grrr, ah where's me buccaneer?!"
Pirate 2: "ahhhg, grrr, its on yer buccin head! ah hah... grrr!"
  • #11
Why we need more pirates

...enough said? Think about it.
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  • #12
fi said:
its on yer buccin head! ah hah... grrr!"
HAR HAR HAR HAR! A rum for fi on me!
  • #13
At Dinner:
P1:"grrr ahhgh Somebody pass me the finger bowl... ahhh gggrrr"
P2:"Owww, grr ahhhg, who ate all the fingers??!"
  • #14
Yarrrghhh, Hoisten up me misen mast and rosin up me mainsail. Then ye can blow me down. :-p Yarrrrghhh! :biggrin:

I love pirate speak day. Yarrrrghhh!
  • #15
:smile: :smile: @ sneaking in FSM pirate 'theory' (Sorry, I don't speak pirate. Maybe someone could give me lessons.)
  • #16
honestrosewater said:
(Sorry, I don't speak pirate. Maybe someone could give me lessons.)
Gasp! <a wave of stunned silence sweeps across PF>

HRW, just add a couple of yarrrrghs here and there, no one will know
  • #17
I wondered why I never see HRW in the piracy forum.
  • #18
HRW, start with the 5 "A"s
Ahoy! - "Hello!"

Avast! - Stop and give attention. It can be used in a sense of surprise, "Whoa! Get a load of that!" which today makes it more of a "Check it out" or "No way!" or "Get off!"

Aye! - "Why yes, I agree most heartily with everything you just said or did."

Aye aye! - "I'll get right on that sir, as soon as my break is over."

Arrr! - This one is often confused with arrrgh, which is of course the sound you make when you sit on a belaying pin. "Arrr!" can mean, variously, "yes," "I agree," "I'm happy," "I'm enjoying this beer," "My team is going to win it all," "I saw that television show, it sucked!" and "That was a clever remark you or I just made." And those are just a few of the myriad possibilities of Arrr!
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  • #19
Pirate Haiku

Shiver me palm trees
'tis the new 'Pirate Barbie',
she's keel-haul ready!

The treasure chest lost
No map, no rum, no booty
Just parrot doody

Pirates steal poor folks'
life savings, then sail away.
Let's keelhaul Enron!

Thinkin' of a change
Perhaps I'll try my eye patch...
On the other side

Too much rum last night.
It all be a blur today.
I ate me parrot.
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  • #20
zoobyshoe said:
I wondered why I never see HRW in the piracy forum.
An you nair be findin' me on a poop deck nigher. Arrrrrr! (:blushing: hmmm...)
  • #21
honestrosewater said:
An you nair be findin' me on a poop deck nigher. Arrrrrr! (:blushing: hmmm...)


i nominate HRW as the best pirate:biggrin:
  • #22
Yarrr, awesome avatar MIH!

I heard some people at school today yelling Yarrr, and I wondered if today was that day.
  • #23
mattmns said:
I heard some people at school today yelling Yarrr, and I wondered if today was that day.
Right ye are, matey!
  • #24
Math Is Hard said:
Shiver me palm trees
'tis the new 'Pirate Barbie',
she's keel-haul ready!
Arrrrr! What a beauty she be! As deadly with a cutlass as a calculator, no doubt!

Pirate Haiku?
Who knew?
Did you?

-Pegleg Seuss
  • #25
Piratical quizz for ye lubbers:
Q: Why are pirates called pirates?
A: Dunno, they just aaaaarrrrggggghhhhh!

zooby me hearty, ahhah, another tot of ye finest rum for ye, 'tis easy going down an tougher coming up! arrhgggh! bless ye for ye kindness, aaarrrgghhh
There be dragons, arrgggghhh ha ha!
  • #26
Math Is Hard said:
HRW, start with the 5 "A"s
Top Ten Pickup Lines for the Lady Pirates

By popular demand ...

10. What are YOU doing here?

9. Is that a belayin' pin in yer britches, or are ye ... (this one is never completed)

8. Come show me how ye bury yer treasure, lad!

7. So, tell me, why do they call ye, "Cap'n Feathersword?"

6. That's quite a cutlass ye got thar, what ye need is a good scabbard!

5. Aye, I guarantee ye, I've had a twenty percent decrease in me "lice ratio!"

4. I've crushed seventeen men's skulls between me thighs!

3. C'mon, lad, shiver me timbers!


...and the number one Female Pirate Pick-up Line:

1. You. Pants Off. Now!
Blow me down, I been speakin pirate all me life. Mothers, hide yers lads. There be a wanton woman after their booty! :devil: Arrrrrr!
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  • #27
-from Pirateopedia (Uncyclopedia)

Yarr Chenney is even in.

edit: NOOOO, did you read that caption? Not allowed. :redface: Fix it and replace.
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  • #28
HRW be a wanton woman, she's always wanton somethin'.. :wink:
  • #29
Ahoy there mateys! Arrr, this be a day to be celebrating, it be. Yaaaaarrrrrrhhh! Pass that rum bottle matey. What be our headin' Cap'n Math Be Hard? Yaaarrrrh!
  • #30
Sorry Evo :redface:
  • #31
Sorry Evo

Yarr! Evo be a harsh mistress. But she has the finest pirate booty in all the seven seas.
  • #32
Entropy said:
Yarr! Evo be a harsh mistress. But she has the finest pirate booty in all the seven seas.
Yarrrrghhh Shiver me timbers. :biggrin:
  • #33
Moonbear said:
Ahoy there mateys! Arrr, this be a day to be celebrating, it be. Yaaaaarrrrrrhhh! Pass that rum bottle matey. What be our headin' Cap'n Math Be Hard? Yaaarrrrh!
Yarr, them waters be fearful an' choppy tonight, so we won't weigh anchor. Besides, I've got a date with Cap'n Morgan tonight at the tavern. Come along, lass - he's got a mate with 'im - with one good eye and a new peg leg!
  • #34
Math Is Hard said:
Happy Talk Like a Pirate Day!

I was wondering where the thread was this morning. Thought you had dropped the ball.
  • #35
Avast ye scurvy landlubbers, i be Billy Ram captain o the good ship, Black Sheep, i bin earin tales o thee motltycrew, oo aaahh, i be ear to tell e not to cross my bow, an i tell e why.
I sank the Empire, the most powerful ship at sea, captained by Gill Yates the blackest pirate to ever set sail, oo aaahh
Now i avs is crew n all their black murderous skills, oo aaahh.
So cross swords or cannon with i at thee peril, the crew of the Black Sheep will tek all e av even thy teeths skin oo aaahh, Ha ha ha.

FAQ: Talk Like a Pirate Day: YARRRRGH!

1. What is Talk Like a Pirate Day?

Talk Like a Pirate Day is an annual event that encourages people to talk like pirates for a day. It was created in 1995 by John Baur and Mark Summers, who proclaimed September 19th as the official Talk Like a Pirate Day.

2. Why do people celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day?

People celebrate Talk Like a Pirate Day as a fun and lighthearted way to embrace the pirate culture and have some laughs. It's also a way to break out of the monotony of everyday life and let loose for a day.

3. How do you talk like a pirate?

To talk like a pirate, you can use common pirate phrases and slang, such as "Ahoy matey!", "Shiver me timbers!", and "Avast ye!". You can also use a pirate accent and add "Arrr!" or "Yarrrgh!" to the end of your sentences.

4. Is Talk Like a Pirate Day historically accurate?

No, Talk Like a Pirate Day is not historically accurate. It is meant to be a fun and playful celebration of pirate culture and is not meant to be taken seriously or as an accurate representation of real pirates.

5. Are there any benefits to talking like a pirate?

Talking like a pirate can be a fun and entertaining way to break the ice and make new friends. It can also be a great stress reliever and can help improve your creativity and imagination. Plus, who doesn't love a good pirate joke or pun?

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