What is the average age in the Physics Forum?

In summary: Same here...I've been bumped into the group with the 50 year olds. :tongue:but i still have the mojo of a 22 y oldYeah with help from drugs, right?In summary, the demographics of the Physics Forum are not what I expected. There are more people over the age of 35 than I thought, and some people are not happy about it.

How Old Are You?

  • 0 - 15

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • 16 - 21

    Votes: 27 34.6%
  • 22 - 25

    Votes: 17 21.8%
  • 26 - 35

    Votes: 10 12.8%
  • 36 - 50

    Votes: 13 16.7%
  • 51 - 70

    Votes: 10 12.8%
  • 71 +

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • #1
I'm curious about demographics here at the Physics Forum.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Can anyone find the other 2 dozen threads on this? I'd like to tag them all under a single heading.


That's a perfectly fine question, btw, Luke.
Last edited:
  • #3
  • #4
Evo said:
Can anyone find the other 2 dozen threads on this? I'd like to tag them all under a single heading.

Haha no, but I see "average speed and velocity" like 5 times in the suggested threads thing at the bottom.
  • #5
Friday Evening:

0 - 15 0 0%
16 - 21 9 64.29%
22 - 25 1 7.14%
26 - 35 0 0%
36 - 50 3 21.43%
51 - 70 1 7.14%
71 + 0 0%

Interesting (if actual majority is 26+)!
  • #6
i am 72
  • #7
but i still have the mojo of a 22 y old
  • #8
marlon you're joking, aren't you. There's a prominent statesman who's also 72 years old.
  • #9
Defennder said:
marlon you're joking, aren't you. There's a prominent statesman who's also 72 years old.

nope, i truly am 72
  • #10
Just a spry old Dutchman are you?
  • #11
I'm 24, but my maturity is a factor of pi less.
  • #12
binzing said:
Just a spry old Dutchman are you?

spry old yes, Dutchman no
  • #13
Interesting 26-35 dip starting to appear. To busy forging a career and changing nappies to mess about in here!
  • #14
mal4mac said:
Interesting 26-35 dip starting to appear. To busy forging a career and changing nappies to mess about in here!

Some of us were over 35 when we had kids.
  • #15
What? I thought you were Dutch...If you don't mind, Where are you from?
  • #16
binzing said:
What? I thought you were Dutch...If you don't mind, Where are you from?
  • #17
I'm guessing people will take exception to having 51 in the same group as 70:biggrin:
  • #18
Some other's might not take too kindly to having 72 in the same category as 72,000.

I'm in the middle; in that so far uncommon age group belonging to finishing grad students, postdocs and "young" faculty. You could say I'm nearly peerless.
  • #19
marlon said:
i am 72
So your average age is 36?
  • #20
Astronuc said:

Ah yes, that sounds familiar.
  • #21
Astronuc said:
Ah! So he's French.

*run away, giggling like a five-year-old*

  • #22
mal4mac said:
Interesting 26-35 dip starting to appear. To busy forging a career and changing nappies to mess about in here!

I think it has more to do with the inclusion of larger ranges of ages in the older than 35 categories.
  • #23
Chi Meson said:
Ah! So he's French.

*run away, giggling like a five-year-old*


owwwch that is not nice
  • #24
16 (4 char)
  • #25
I expected the demographic to be younger here, that's why I made smaller categories, but 16-21 being the predominate age is still a surprise.
  • #26
marlon said:
i am 72

Do you plan to vote?

71 + . . . 0 . . . 0%
  • #27
LukeJD said:
I expected the demographic to be younger here, that's why I made smaller categories, but 16-21 being the predominate age is still a surprise.

Not to those of us who have been here a while. We have a lot of university students here.
  • #28
Evo said:
Can anyone find the other 2 dozen threads on this? I'd like to tag them all under a single heading.


That's a perfectly fine question, btw, Luke.

I'm no longer in the same age group. After a couple years of membership, it changes... slightly.
  • #29
JasonRox said:
I'm no longer in the same age group. After a couple years of membership, it changes... slightly.

Same here...I've been bumped into the group with the 50 year olds. :-p
  • #30
marlon said:
but i still have the mojo of a 22 y old

Yeah with help from drugs, right? :wink:
Last edited:
  • #31
I'm 22.

FAQ: What is the average age in the Physics Forum?

1. What is the average age in the Physics Forum?

The average age in the Physics Forum varies depending on the specific forum or community you are referring to. However, in general, the average age tends to range from late teens to mid-30s.

2. Is there a minimum or maximum age requirement to participate in the Physics Forum?

No, there is no specific age requirement to participate in the Physics Forum. People of all ages are welcome to join and contribute to discussions and share their knowledge and insights.

3. Are there any age restrictions for certain discussions or topics in the Physics Forum?

No, there are no age restrictions for any discussions or topics in the Physics Forum. However, it is expected that all members conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate manner, regardless of age.

4. Are there any age-related benefits or resources available in the Physics Forum?

Yes, there are often resources and discussions specifically geared towards younger members or those who are just starting their journey in the field of physics. Additionally, being a part of the Physics Forum allows for networking and connecting with professionals of all ages in the field.

5. Can older individuals still benefit from participating in the Physics Forum?

Absolutely! The Physics Forum is a diverse and inclusive community, and individuals of all ages can benefit from the knowledge and insights shared by others. Age should not be a barrier in pursuing a passion for physics and engaging in discussions about the subject.

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