How to Solve Complex Integrals: Understanding the Process?

So you should not get back exactly the same polynomial. But the roots themselves appear!To see this, consider the particular case of a monic polynomial z^2 + bz + cThe roots will be\xi_1 = \frac{-b+\sqrt{b^2-4c}}{2} and \xi_2 = \frac{-b-\sqrt{b^2-4c}}{2}Then the polynomial can be factored as(z-\xi_1)(z-\xi_2). So in your case, the denominator becomes (z-i(-2+\sqrt{3}))(z-i(-2-\sqrt{3})).
  • #1
I'm integrating 1/(z-1/2) over the closed disk w/ radius = 3 centered at 0.

I've seen other problems where the final answer was i2pi times f(w) - here w =1/2.

Since f(z) is equal to 1. Is the final answer just i2pi?

Next up:

I have the integral of dt/(2 + sint) the problem then tells me expand sin to its complex definition and replace e^it with z. My question is what does dt become?Lastly:

I'm given the integral zexp(z^2). I'm asked to provide a proof for why it equals zero on any closed curve gamma.

Do I simply perform a u sub (u=z^2, du=2zdz) and then say that since e^u is entire and thus holomorphic on any region (or curve) it is equal to 0?
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  • #2
Hi MurraySt! :smile:

The answer to your first question is indeed [itex]2\pi i[/itex], but you might want to give a more rigourous reason for this. Maybe the Cauchy Integral formula.

For the second question, consider [itex]\gamma[/itex] the circle of radius 1, thus [itex]\gamma(t)=e^{it}[/itex] You must find a complex function such that


(I just guessed the limits, as you did not provide any). So using the definition of the complex integral, you must find f such that

[tex]\int_0^{2\pi}{f(e^{it})ie^{it}dt} = \int_0^{2\pi}{\frac{dt}{2+\sin(t)}}[/tex]

Regarding the third question. Can't you just say that [itex]ze^{z^2}[/itex] is holomorphic on [itex]\mathbb{C}[/itex] and thus any integral is 0.
  • #3
As a quick follow-up: If my curve is oriented negatively (clockwise) how does this affect my final answer? Do I simple negate it?
  • #4
MurraySt said:
As a quick follow-up: If my curve is oriented negatively (clockwise) how does this affect my final answer? Do I simple negate it?

Yes! :smile:
  • #5
So sorry to bother you one final question:

The denominator of my problem is z^2 +4iz -1. I used the quadratic equation to get the answers i(-2+rad3) and i(-2-rad3).

Does my denominator simply become the product of the roots? It scares me that I don't get back any z.

Thanks as always for your help!
  • #6
MurraySt said:
So sorry to bother you one final question:

The denominator of my problem is z^2 +4iz -1. I used the quadratic equation to get the answers i(-2+rad3) and i(-2-rad3).

Does my denominator simply become the product of the roots? It scares me that I don't get back any z.

Thanks as always for your help!

Well, you're scared for the right reason! In general, if we have


and if we have roots [itex]\xi_1,\xi_2[/itex], then we can factor it as


FAQ: How to Solve Complex Integrals: Understanding the Process?

1. What is a basic complex integral?

A basic complex integral is a mathematical concept used in complex analysis to find the area under a complex-valued function. It involves integrating a function over a complex plane rather than a real interval.

2. How is a basic complex integral different from a real integral?

A basic complex integral is different from a real integral in that it involves integration over a complex plane, which includes both real and imaginary numbers. This means that the integral can have a complex value, whereas a real integral will always have a real value.

3. What is the notation used for a basic complex integral?

The notation used for a basic complex integral is ∫f(z)dz, where f(z) is the complex-valued function being integrated and dz represents an infinitesimal element in the complex plane.

4. What are some common techniques used to solve basic complex integrals?

Some common techniques used to solve basic complex integrals include the Cauchy Integral Formula, the Residue Theorem, and contour integration. These techniques involve using complex analysis tools such as Cauchy-Riemann equations, Laurent series, and residue calculus.

5. How are basic complex integrals used in real-world applications?

Basic complex integrals have various real-world applications, including in physics, engineering, and economics. They are used to solve problems involving complex variables and are crucial in understanding phenomena such as fluid flow, electromagnetic fields, and quantum mechanics.

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