Can Kindness Be the Key to a Harmonious Scientific Community?

  • Thread starter wolram
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In summary, a man whose smile is natural and has a ready twinkle in his eyes is attractive, no matter his age. What a generous person, my dear lorinda, to post such a good post! My dear warhorse, you have never been so gurkha.huh? Gurkhawarhorse-sounds like some fierce warrior who knows how to ride a mighty steed. Perhaps I'm wrong, though..Since arildno told us he's gay, is he trying to come on to everybody? Or is it just me?
  • #1
Gold Member
Dearly Missed
Absolutely no insults are allowed, every one has to be nice to each other.

I posted my photo ,oh what the heck be cruel if you like. :-p
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  • #2
I love you.
  • #3
Mk said:
I love you.

:blushing: What a generous person. :biggrin:
  • #4
Generous in what my dear lover?
  • #5
u 2 should get married :!)
  • #6
My dear warhorse, you have never been so gurkha.
  • #7
huh? :confused:

lost in translation dahlin' :!) :redface:
i can't help the way i am!111111
  • #8
someone told me that u were dead in 4000 BC :rolleyes: :eek:
  • #9
:redface: no one is nice to me. :cry:
death greets me warm , now i will just say good bye ! :shy:
  • #10
wolram said:
Absolutely no insults are allowed, every one has to be nice to each other.

I posted my photo ,oh what the heck be cruel if you like. :-p
A man whose smile is natural and has a ready twinkle in his eyes is attractive, no matter his age. :smile:
  • #11
my dear lorinda
such a good post! :approve:
  • #12
gurkhawarhorse said:
my dear lorinda
such a good post! :approve:
You've got such an interesting username!
gurkhawarhorse-sounds like some fierce warrior who knows how to ride a mighty steed.
Perhaps I'm wrong, though..
  • #13
Since arildno told us he's gay, is he trying to come on to everybody? Or is it just me?

gurkhawarhorse - sounds like some fierce warrior who knows how to ride a mighty steed.

A man whose smile is natural and has a ready twinkle in his eyes is attractive, no matter his age.

Death greets you with young, warm men.
  • #14
arildno said:
A man whose smile is natural and has a ready twinkle in his eyes is attractive, no matter his age. :smile:
"ready" twinkle? I just noticed this. Ready for what? To ride a mighty steed? :eek:
  • #15
Mk said:
Since arildno told us he's gay, is he trying to come on to everybody? Or is it just me?
It is so fun to induce panic reactions in straight men; can't say that counts as come-ons, though.
  • #16
by the way what the [EDIT=strike the heck]heck [/heck] is mighty steed? :confused: :confused: sorry :redface:
  • #17
warhorse-do you think you can ride to war on a sickly pony?
gurkha-fierce, Nepalese warriors.
  • #18
how did u know that? i thought only we nepalese and some british people know that
btw, how can u see midnight sun in norway?
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  • #19
actually my username was chosen by my brother, he is a gurkha.
  • #20
gurkhawarhorse said:
how did u know that? i thought only we nepalese and some british people know that
Because gurkha means cucumber in Swedish.. :wink:
btw, how can u see midnight sun in norway?
I can't; I live too far south.
  • #21
doesnt matter because gurkha is just the wrong english pronounciation. it actually gorkhali (people) of the country gorkha. gorkhali was too hard so gorkha became popular, and then came gurkha. now people think gorkha means keeper of the cows, wtf, wtf, wtf.
present nepal is the expanded form of gorkha empire. it became 150 times its own size!
anglo nepal war and there was a treaty nepal lost land like germany in ww1. the impressed british called my ancestors to join them in their world conquering mission. they went and still go.
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  • #22
gurkhawarhorse said:
doesnt matter because gurkha is just the wrong english pronounciation. it actually gorkhali (people) of the country gorkha. gorkhali was too hard so gorkha became popular, and then came gurkha. now people thin gorkha means keeper of the cows, wtf, wtf, wtf.
present nepal is the expanded form of gorkha empire. it became 150 times its own size!
anglo nepal war and there was a treaty nepal lost land like germany in ww1. the impressed british called my ancestors to join them in their world conquering mission. they went and still go.
Was the Gorkhali Empire originally centered about Katmandu (present day capital of Nepal, I think..), or is that part of the region subjugated by the gorkhali?
  • #23
gurkhawarhorse, many reguards to your, bro such a fine army and brave men.
  • #24

well, the king of gorkha. P.N. Shah, was actually trying to conquer kathmandu valley but he knew it was hard to defeat the 3 countries there (they were as a whole called nepal so that is why we call ourselves gorkhali but our country is named nepal). so he went by conquering smaller ones to increase power and isolated ktm valley and defeated it after 3 wars.
his second son kept on going and nepal emerged.
  • #25
How many professional gurkhas are serving in the British army today?
Are they chosen from ex-patriate Nepalese families living in the UK, or is there some sort of contests back in Nepal from which the toughest ones (say, the winners) are awarded the opportunity of serving for the British?
  • #26
nearly 50 % of all soldiers in the anglo-nepal war did suicide 25 % became sages left everything and went to forent to pray to god, remaining some went to be gurkha but now many go because of the money they get. u must have guessed we r geeedy lol.
  • #27
gurkhawarhorse said:

well, the king of gorkha. P.N. Shah, was actually trying to conquer kathmandu valley but he knew it was hard to defeat the 3 countries there (they were as a whole called nepal so that is why we call ourselves gorkhali but our country is named nepal). so he went by conquering smaller ones to increase power and isolated ktm valley and defeated it after 3 wars.
his second son kept on going and nepal emerged.
Were the gorkhali originally a mountain tribe, then, (nomads, perhaps?) who extended their influence down into the valleys?
  • #28
no, not nomads but mountain tribe indeed
  • #29
wolram said:
gurkhawarhorse, many reguards to your, bro such a fine army and brave men.
nah, thanks but its the ££££££s :redface: :redface: :biggrin:
  • #30
gurkhie, could you provide a few answers to this post as well?
arildno said:
How many professional gurkhas are serving in the British army today?
Are they chosen from ex-patriate Nepalese families living in the UK, or is there some sort of contests back in Nepal from which the toughest ones (say, the winners) are awarded the opportunity of serving for the British?
  • #31
dunno how many r there, hundred thuosands?

yep, there r tests annually. 44 out of 250 in each district (75 districts r there but tests happen in 10 now because of maoists) go to england. some come back failing the tests there.
  • #32
What a nice thread, hope the sun gets to shine a bit on everyone today!
  • #33
hypatia said:
What a nice thread, hope the sun gets to shine a bit on everyone today!
We still have a beautiful late summer here in Norway; I hope everyone else has equally nice weather as we are having right now! :smile:
  • #34
Here in Finland the temperature is high for the season, the sun is shining and there are very little signs of autumn. In addition, I only have two boxes left to unpack in my new flat. This is already starting to look like a home! :smile:
  • #35
gurkhawarhorse, I hope your likeing your new location, and have settled in. Your home country is just magical, I hope to go back one day.
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