Best Algebra TextBook For Self Learner?

  • #1
member 624364
Hi there, I have been searching multiple websites and forums but have not found a cohesive answer to my queries.

I am currently going through this textbook to learn pre-algebra:
Also, is this a good book to be studying as an autodidact for pre algebra? I am honestly quite lost on how to go about learning topic, so I have just been trying to go through this textbook.

What would be the best and most comprehensive algebra textbook for a 16 year old autodidact? In the american education system, it would be referred to as algebra 1 I think.I don't know if there are books with 1 and 2. But its the introductory algebra textbook I am looking to study.

Also, any advice on what I should supplement along with this textbook during my studies?
Khan academy, smaller algebra books, youtube videos etc?

Any guidance would be very welcome, At the minute I feel quite lost and un-guided on how to learn these maths topics, such as which textbooks to read and buy, what to supplement them with etc.
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  • #4
I have found the openstax math textbooks, I am wondering whether or not anyone has any experience with them and whether or not they recommend them. I am looking to study pre algebra and introductory algebra.

  • #5
I've checked the lists of content and these look good.
  • #6
Thanks for the book recommendation! So you think I should use these textbooks? Or do you have any other that you also know of?
  • #7
I think they can be recommended, because a) different books shouldn't differ so much in content and b) the source (Rice, Houston, TX) is reliable. I would definitely add the trigonometry and calculus to the list. I liked the classification, although it looked a bit as if there were repetitions to some extend, but this shouldn't be a bad thing. And they offer an online reading as well as a pdf download, so they can be printed, either entirely or in parts. I think you can even order printed versions. I just downloaded the intermediate version now to have a closer look. I found the following:
  • The way it is presented is fine. Whether someone likes it or prefers a different kind of presentation has to be found out on an individual basis. No one can tell. But it's free, so no risk to find out.
  • Things are explained in a clear language and detailed.
  • I was surprised by the number of pages. My schoolbooks had had far less pages.
  • There are exercises included, which is a good thing, because in the end, the most important part is to practice. A lot.
  • I have found the solutions at the end of the book, so you can always check your answers.
All in all it is a good way to study it. Maybe a bit too detailed and long. Nobody can give you an ultimate answer, because therefore one needed to know a lot more specific information as: which way you learn best, how disciplined are you, what are your typical mistakes, do you understand the explanations in the book by yourself, or do you need further assistance, how fast are you and so on and so on.

We can give you a good amount of help here on PF, too, but this takes some time to type and to wait for answers. Anyway, both sources together should be a good match. Try to have fun!
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Likes member 624364
  • #8
Thank you for that very detailed response! I am very happy with your reply, If you like it and satisfied with it, then I am too! I actually prefer the longer books since it means I will probably learn more that way.

Physics forums has a very friendly community I found. I was welcomed the first time I showed up on the forums a few months ago :)
  • #9

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