Fix Blog Vote: Tools to Enrich Quantum Mechanics Discourse

  • Thread starter Feeble Wonk
  • Start date
In summary, the speaker accidentally voted for a blog post and wants to know if they can undo or edit the vote to correct their mistake. They apologize for the inconvenience and offer to change it themselves if possible. They also mention the name and date of the blog post they voted for. The other person suggests reloading the page to change the vote and thanks the speaker for bringing it to their attention. They also clarify that a blog vote is for rating Insights articles.
  • #1
Feeble Wonk
Sorry to bother you guys about this, but I'm curious if there is anyway that I can "undo" or edit a blog vote. I inadvertently placed a vote by simply touching the wrong star, and lowered the bloggers overall score as a result. Aside from simply feeling guilty about doing so, it's exactly the opposite of my view regarding the blog. I'd like to correct that if possible.

If you can do it from your side, that would be fine. I just didn't want to waste your time with that. The blog is "Tools to Enrich our Quantum Mechanics Interpretations Discourse" by aleazk that he posted initially on 2/22/16. I would have voted "5 Stars" had I been trying to vote. Again, sorry for the bother.

Thank you.
Physics news on
  • #2
Reload the page, then you can change your vote (just click the stars again). It doesn't seem to work without reloading the page.
  • #3
I will change it, thanks for the note.
  • #4
Thank you both.
  • #5
What's a blog vote?
  • #7
Ah, thanks.

FAQ: Fix Blog Vote: Tools to Enrich Quantum Mechanics Discourse

1. What is "Fix Blog Vote: Tools to Enrich Quantum Mechanics Discourse"?

"Fix Blog Vote: Tools to Enrich Quantum Mechanics Discourse" is a set of tools designed to improve the quality and accuracy of discussions and debates about quantum mechanics. It provides tools for fact-checking, source verification, and facilitating productive discussions among scientists and non-scientists alike.

2. How does "Fix Blog Vote" work?

The "Fix Blog Vote" tools use algorithms and machine learning to scan and analyze online discussions and debates about quantum mechanics. It then provides users with evidence-based information and resources to help them make informed and accurate arguments.

3. Who can use "Fix Blog Vote"?

Anyone can use "Fix Blog Vote" to enhance their understanding and discussions about quantum mechanics. It is designed for scientists, students, educators, and anyone interested in learning more about this complex topic.

4. Is "Fix Blog Vote" biased towards a certain viewpoint?

No, "Fix Blog Vote" is not biased towards any specific viewpoint or theory in quantum mechanics. It is designed to provide objective and evidence-based information to help users form their own informed opinions.

5. Can "Fix Blog Vote" be used outside of quantum mechanics discourse?

While "Fix Blog Vote" is specifically designed for quantum mechanics, the tools and techniques used can be applied to any scientific or academic discussion. It can also serve as a model for improving discourse and promoting critical thinking in other fields.

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