Blue Tits: The Fascinating Spring Sighting

  • Thread starter wolram
  • Start date
In summary, Blue tits are small birds that are found in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. They are also known as the common tit or the Eurasian tit. The blue tit is an active bird. It will often sit on a branch and frequently fly around.
Physics news on
  • #2
May 24?

Holy crap! I thought this thread was going to be about that photography class project I posed for in college. Thanks for scaring the pee out of me, wol!

Blue tits are small birds that are found in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. They are also known as the common tit or the Eurasian tit. The blue tit is an active bird. It will often sit on a branch and frequently fly around. It is a small bird, with a body length of between 11 and 13 cm. It has a blue head, blue wings, and a chestnut back. The breast is white, and the belly is light grey. The blue tit is an insectivore. It will eat spiders, caterpillars, beetles, and other bugs. It will also eat seeds, nuts, and berries. It will eat insects that are on the ground or in the trees. It will also catch them in mid-air. It will fly up to an insect in the air and hit it with its beak.
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  • #3
Math Is Hard said:
May 24?

Holy crap! I thought this thread was going to be about that photography class project I posed for in college. Thanks for scaring the pee out of me, wol!
Blue Tits

But you're in college now...:confused:
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  • #4
franznietzsche said:
But you're in college now...:confused:
franz... shhhh!


I meant the first time!
  • #5
Math Is Hard said:
May 24?

Holy crap! I thought this thread was going to be about that photography class project I posed for in college. Thanks for scaring the pee out of me, wol!

, as IF i would :blushing: one of my pals.

copies are 20$ pm me.
  • #6
wolram said:
, as IF i would :blushing: one of my pals.

copies are 20$ pm me.

So cheap? :-p
  • #7
wolram said:
, as IF i would :blushing: one of my pals.

copies are 20$ pm me.
don't you dare, or I'll give you a purple nurple!:biggrin: :devil:
  • #8
Math Is Hard said:
don't you dare, or I'll give you a purple nurple!:biggrin: :devil:

OOUCH, my favorite tit is the Great tit. :!)

Parus major
  • #9
wolram said:
OOUCH, my favorite tit is the Great tit. :!)
heh heh. Sounds like an insult, Wol.

"Oh shut yer gob, you great tit!" :biggrin:
  • #10
Math Is Hard said:
heh heh. Sounds like an insult, Wol.

"Oh shut yer gob, you great tit!" :biggrin:

It is, only we say, shut up you great tit head :smile:
  • #11
wolram said:
OOUCH, my favorite tit is the Great tit. :!)
Check out the Members Photos thread, Woolie. You obviously haven't seen SOS's bikini pictures. :-p
  • #12
Danger said:
Check out the Members Photos thread, Woolie. You obviously haven't seen SOS's bikini pictures. :-p

The trouble is some of these birds can be magpies, and tell pork pies :-p :-p kitchen roll should be taxed for use i am
a realist, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
  • #13
This thread wasn't teetering close to Blue Tits enough to the brink of deletion already, without you bringing up bushes?
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  • #14
wolram said:
It is, only we say, shut up you great tit head :smile:
:smile: I like that. The English truly have a wonderful way with words. hmmm.. I've been looking for a new insult to use on my brother. This just might do the trick...:approve:
  • #15
Math Is Hard said:
:smile: I like that. The English truly have a wonderful way with words. hmmm.. I've been looking for a new insult to use on my brother. This just might do the trick...:approve:
I think the English perfected the art of bludgeoning with words.
  • #16
Astronuc said:
I think the English perfected the art of bludgeoning with words.
heh heh. Well put. :biggrin: The French aren't bad at it either.
  • #17
I walked in for some coffee and Smurf porn... what did I get? some Avian fetish
  • #18
This is almost as bad as the beaver/merkin discussion in TKC. You guys... :rolleyes:
  • #19
Math Is Hard said:
heh heh. Well put. :biggrin: The French aren't bad at it either.
Yeah, but French just doesn't sound the same as English. :smile:
  • #20
See the thing about English is, with a lot of the regional dialects, even the most polite & civilised conversation can sound a little on the rough side, even slightly hostile. It gives us the edge in slanging matches :biggrin:
  • #21
I have yet to see anything comparable to Monty Python's Flying Circus produced in any other country or language.

I mean they must have taken special classes at Cambridge (Chapman, Cleese and Idle) and Oxford (Palin and Jones).

And Now for Something Completely Different! :rolleyes: :smile: :biggrin:

Now that's the way to hijack a thread!
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  • #22
Lol at me, looking for the actual bird, finding this photo, wondering why the hell it was posted and where, finding this forum, finding someone that was saying how it would appear in a google porn search and deciding to post about him doing a search on a bird and finding a random forum. Bah. Its almost not funny now that I type it all out.
  • #23
Yeah well, 25 replies and 2,000x more views sounds like that "looking for the actual bird" story applied to a lot of google searchers :wink:
  • #24
Danger said:
Yes! That's more like it. I particularly like the nice knobbly surface texture so you don't lose your grip when they get all sweaty.

FINALLY! Someone else who knows the meaning of "Attractive!":biggrin:

FAQ: Blue Tits: The Fascinating Spring Sighting

1. What is a Blue Tit bird sighting?

A Blue Tit bird sighting refers to the observation or spotting of a Blue Tit bird in its natural habitat. Blue Tits are small, colorful birds commonly found in gardens, woodlands, and parks throughout Europe and parts of Asia.

2. What do Blue Tits look like?

Blue Tits have a distinct appearance with a blue cap and wings, yellow breast and belly, and a white face with a black stripe through the eyes. They also have a small, black beak and short, stubby tail feathers.

3. Where can I find Blue Tits?

Blue Tits can be found in various habitats such as woodlands, gardens, parks, and even urban areas. They are native to Europe and parts of Asia, and can also be found in some parts of North Africa. Look for them in areas with plenty of trees and shrubs for nesting and a variety of insects and seeds for food.

4. What is the best time of year to spot Blue Tits?

Blue Tits can be seen throughout the year, but the best time to spot them is during the breeding season in spring and early summer. During this time, they are more active and vocal as they search for food and build their nests.

5. How can I attract Blue Tits to my garden?

To attract Blue Tits to your garden, provide a variety of bird-friendly plants and trees, a reliable source of food such as bird feeders with seeds and insects, and a source of water. They also prefer areas with plenty of hiding spots for protection, so consider adding some shrubs or bushes to your garden.

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