What are some current issues and concerns in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

  • Thread starter KingNothing
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In summary, the individuals are discussing a group project about Bosnia and are looking for more present information about the country. They are specifically looking for information about the current problems and issues that people in Bosnia care about. One of the individuals suggests checking out the website www.myspace.com/Bosnia for more information.
  • #1
Hey...I am trying to help out with a group projects for one of my classes...we basically have to give a presentation about bosnia...every aspect of it.

I was wondering if anyone knows anything about this country, anything interesting and modern or any resource that might have this sort of information. It's relatively easy to find history, but I'm looking for more present information.

One of the biggest holes in our research right now is what sort of problems and issues the people care about - for example, in America people have many complaints about health care, and care a lot about things such as abortion, stem cell research, and how many potholes are in their road.
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  • #3

I am not an expert on Bosnia and Herzegovina, but I can offer some general information about current issues and concerns in the country based on research and news sources.

1. Political instability: Bosnia and Herzegovina is a complex country with three main ethnic groups - Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats. The country has a decentralized political system, which has caused ongoing political tensions and struggles for power among these groups. This has led to a lack of effective governance and decision-making, hindering the country's progress and development.

2. Economic challenges: Bosnia and Herzegovina is one of the poorest countries in Europe, with high unemployment rates and a large informal economy. The country also faces economic disparities between its different regions, with the capital city of Sarajevo being more developed compared to other areas. This has led to social and economic inequalities, contributing to political tensions and instability.

3. Corruption and organized crime: Corruption is a major issue in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the country ranking low on the Corruption Perceptions Index. This has resulted in a lack of trust in the government and institutions, hindering economic growth and development. Organized crime is also a concern, with reports of human trafficking and drug trafficking.

4. Ethnic and religious tensions: The country still struggles with ethnic and religious divisions, stemming from the Bosnian War in the 1990s. These tensions are still present and can lead to occasional violence and protests, particularly during political events or anniversaries related to the war.

5. Environmental issues: Bosnia and Herzegovina faces various environmental challenges, including air and water pollution, deforestation, and waste management. These issues have a significant impact on public health and the country's natural resources, hindering its sustainable development.

6. Human rights concerns: The country has made progress in addressing human rights issues since the war, but there are still concerns about discrimination and violence against minority groups, including the LGBT+ community and Roma population.

These are just some of the current issues and concerns in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is important to note that each of these issues is complex and interconnected, and addressing them requires a comprehensive and collaborative approach from all stakeholders.

FAQ: What are some current issues and concerns in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

1. What is the geography of Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country located in Southeastern Europe. It is bordered by Croatia to the north, west, and south, Serbia to the east, and Montenegro to the southeast. The country has a diverse landscape, with mountains, valleys, and rivers. The capital city, Sarajevo, is located in a valley surrounded by mountains.

2. What is the history of Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Bosnia and Herzegovina has a complex history, with various empires and kingdoms ruling over the region throughout the centuries. It was part of the Ottoman Empire from the 15th century until 1878, when it was annexed by Austria-Hungary. After World War I, it became part of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. In the 1990s, the country declared independence and experienced a devastating civil war. It has been a sovereign state since 1995.

3. What is the population of Bosnia and Herzegovina?

As of 2021, the estimated population of Bosnia and Herzegovina is around 3.3 million people. The country has a diverse population, with Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats being the largest ethnic groups. There are also smaller minority groups, including Roma, Jews, and others.

4. What is the government like in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

Bosnia and Herzegovina has a complex political system, with a federal parliamentary republic and a multi-party democracy. The country is divided into two entities, the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republika Srpska, each with its own government. The central government is responsible for foreign affairs, defense, and monetary policy, while the entities have control over other areas.

5. What is the economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina like?

The economy of Bosnia and Herzegovina is mainly based on services and industry. The country has rich natural resources, including coal, iron ore, and timber, which contribute to its industrial sector. Agriculture also plays a significant role in the economy, with crops such as wheat, corn, and fruits being the main products. Tourism is also a growing industry, with the country's beautiful landscape and historic sites attracting visitors from around the world.

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