- #1
- 212
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Homework Statement
Chemical reactions being studied in which a body A undergoes transformations
according to the following scheme:
k1, k2, k3 , k4 are the rate constants .
We denote x (t ), y ( t) , z (t) the respective concentrations of the products A, B, C at a given time t
( t expressed in minutes).
The initial conditions x (0) = 1, y (0) = 0 and z ( 0) = 0 .
Is arranged above the vessel where the reaction takes place by a burette which is poured
product A at a constant speed in the tank. Under these experimental conditions,
functions x , y, z defined on the interval [0 ; + infinite [ check the following differential system :
dx/dt (1-2x +y+ z)
dy/dt (x - y)
dz/dt (x - z)
Question 1:
Calculate d/dt( x + y + z) and , using the initial conditions, deduce that :
y(t) + z(t) = 1 + t - x(t)
Question 2:
Demonstrate that x is a solution of the differential equation (E) : dx/dt + 3x = 2 + t, then resolve
Equation ( E) knowing that it validates the initial condition x (0) = 1 .
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Question 1:dx/dt+dy/dt+dz/dt= 1-2x+y+z+x-y+x-z
dx/dt+dy/dt+dz/dt= 1
integral dx/dt+ integral dy/dt+ integral dz/dt= integral ( 1 dt)
Question 2:
dx/dt =2+t-3x
dx/dt(x) =1
1= 2+x-3x
... does not work. :(
I am not sure what to do here, some tips would help.