Are killer meatballs taking over our dinner plates?

  • Thread starter Jug
  • Start date
It seems that the meatball's aggressive behavior in Zooby's case was due to the dog's barking and stinging attacks.In summary, the conversation discusses the decline in meatball quality and taste, the possibility of the mafia being involved, the suggestion to make one's own meatballs, and the introduction of disease and issues with meatball breeding. The group also discusses their own experiences with meatballs, including hunting them in the forest, concerns over growth hormones and mad meatball disease, and the decline of natural predators. The conversation ends with a humorous suggestion to reintroduce little old Italian women into the wild to balance out the meatball population.
  • #1
By the way...

...have you noticed how much snaller and tasteless the meatballs have become? Maybe the mafia is a good thing.
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  • #2
Make your own meatballs. Hunt your own food and make it meatballs. Eat some. The spread the disease
  • #3
I've been hunting meatballs in the forest near my home for years. I swear I've never seen a single one. :frown:

- Warren
  • #4
Sorry to dig up such an old thread, but I can't resist!

Originally posted by chroot
I've been hunting meatballs in the forest near my home for years. I swear I've never seen a single one. :frown:

It's all for the best. I shot me a meatball once, and let me tell you, wild meatballs are much too gamey. You're much better off with free-range meatballs. Once I tried them, I never looked back.
  • #5
I don't eat meatballs under any circumstances, because they are, in fact, just furballs with the skin removed.
  • #6
Under the meatball protection act all ball hunting is now banned. Meat breeders are playing with their ball stocks - crossing their balls with various stocks of wild balls - in an effort to raise the meat quality.
  • #7
Great. Soon there will be allegations of behind the scenes meatball growth hormone abuse, as well as outbreaks of mad meatball diease.
  • #8
Originally posted by zoobyshoe
Great. Soon there will be allegations of behind the scenes meatball growth hormone abuse, as well as outbreaks of mad meatball diease.

The Horror! Better start switching to veggieballs, or no balls at all.
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  • #9
Originally posted by motai
The Horror! Better start switching to veggieballs, or no balls at all.

Yes, it's time to start switching to more PC foods, like veal and bald eagle.
  • #10
I just had a meatball sandwich from Subway last week. It was awful. I now see how people who eat at subway lose weight so easily.

Last good meatball sandwich I bought was from a street vendor in Philly.

  • #11
Originally posted by Njorl
I just had a meatball sandwich from Subway last week. It was awful. I now see how people who eat at subway lose weight so easily.

If the average meat content in a meatball sandwich from Subway equals the average meat content in a coldcut sandwich from Subway, there must have been about... oh... 0.4 meatballs in that sub of yours. No wonder.
  • #12
Tell me about it. All those meatballs running loose without FDA approval.
What has the world come to?
  • #13
I never trusted meatballs;I always stick with cheeseballs myself. They are easier for me to digest.
  • #14
Zooby's Diary. 7-15-03

"Was awaken at 3:A.M. by barking dog. Investigation with flashlight revealed a large herd of wild meatballs had gotten into the garden and was decimating all above ground produce. Beans, tomatos, corn, chilis, zucchini, pumpkins - all ruined. Dog sustained several bites but all are superficial. Called pest control. Two guys came by this afternoon and set traps. Been happening everywhere, they said. Too much human encroachment on meatball natural habitat."
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  • #15
All those liberal wackos crying "Save the meatballs" has caused an overpopulation problem. Especially after the decline of their natural enemies in the wild (Little old Italian women, rarely found living in the woods nowadays). This overpopulation just leads to hunger and fighting over food supply and the kind of rampage displayed by groups such as Zoobyshoe saw. They have grown fearless even to the point of attacking larger animals such as the dog.

Perhaps a solution would be to re-introduce little old Italian women into the wild. Try and regain the balance of nature.
  • #16
I think the problem Zooby was experiencing was related to the cross-breeding of U.S. meatballs with Africanized "killer" meatballs from south of the border. Meatballs are normally very docile except when extremely threatened and would be too timid to attack a common housepet.

FAQ: Are killer meatballs taking over our dinner plates?

1. What are killer meatballs?

Killer meatballs are fictional, hypothetical meatballs that are popularly featured in pop culture as a comedic or horror element. They are often portrayed as oversized, dangerous, and capable of causing harm to those who consume them.

2. Is there any scientific evidence to suggest that killer meatballs exist?

No, there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of killer meatballs. They are purely a fictional concept and do not exist in the real world.

3. Could killer meatballs actually take over our dinner plates?

No, it is highly unlikely that killer meatballs could take over our dinner plates. As mentioned before, they are not real and therefore cannot physically manifest in our meals. Additionally, there are strict regulations and safety measures in place in the food industry to prevent any harmful substances from entering our food.

4. What inspired the idea of killer meatballs?

The concept of killer meatballs is a popular trope in pop culture, often used for comedic or horror effect. It is likely inspired by the fear and paranoia surrounding food safety and the idea of something we consume turning against us.

5. Are there any real-life foods that could be considered "killer meatballs"?

No, there are no real-life foods that can be considered "killer meatballs". While there have been instances of food poisoning and contamination, they are not intentionally created to harm people and are not as exaggerated as the fictional killer meatballs portrayed in media.

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