Calculating tension on chain fence with someone sitting on it.

In summary, the conversation discussed how to calculate the tension or force on a chain fence with someone sitting on it. Variables such as the distance between fence posts, the arc of the chain, and the person's weight were mentioned. The approach of using static equilibrium and Newton's Second Law was suggested, with the equation T1 + T2 + Mg = 0 being used to find the tension in the chain. The use of angles and trigonometry was also mentioned, and the importance of considering the weight of the chain itself was brought up.
  • #1

I'm hoping someone can show me a simple formula to calculate the tension or force on a chain fence with someone sitting on it.

I imagine that the variables are;
- the distance between the fence posts
- the arc of the chain
- the persons weight

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  • #2
I don't think I am quite understanding your question. The way you have it worded now, it's a basic statics problem, but I don't think that is what you are getting at.

Can you be a bit more specific as to what you are wanting to see as a result?
  • #3
Thanks for your quick reply.

I want to be able to calculate the tension or chain strength needed in kgs to support a persons weight sitting on a fence given the length and arc/radius of the chain.
Each section of the chain linked fence is chain suspended between 2 posts, I would like to calculate the stress/tension put upon the chain should someone or something be put on or hung from it, this would then able correct chain size/strength.

PS I'm not an engineer or an engineering student so this problem may seem easy for most people on this forum.
  • #4
Generally speaking, the tension in a rope, cord, chain is found using a static equilibrium approach (Fred eluded to this).

Can you clarify what you mean by arc exactly?

If you have the weight of the person sitting on the chain and the distance from him to the ends AND the distance from the horizontal that he "sinks" while sitting on it you can find the answer. Or, if you know the angle the chain makes with the horizontal (this what you will find with the distances mentioned above if you don't know or set the angle) plus the weight you can determine the tension as well.

The basic equation is found using Newton's Second Law, Fnet = Ma.

So you would have this initially:

[tex] T_1 + T_2 + Mg = Ma [/tex]

But since it is in static equilibrium you have:

[tex] T_1 + T_2 + Mg = 0 [/tex]

And inserting a standard cartesian coordinate system you have:

Note: this assumes the guy is in the middle of the chain and the angle he makes with the horizontal is the same on both sides. If not, the you'll just need to use two different angles (theta1 and theta2).

x components: [tex]-T_1 \cdot cos(\theta) + T_2 \cdot cos(\theta) + 0 = 0[/tex]

y components: [tex]T_1 \cdot sin(\theta) + T_2 \cdot sin(\theta) - Mg = 0[/tex]

where [tex]Mg[/tex]= the person's weight

As you can see, if the angle ([tex] \theta [/tex] is the same), for the x components [tex] T_1 = T_2 [/tex].

Just substitute that fact into the second (y component) equation and solve using the other knows.

If you don't know the angle, you can find it using basic trigonometry.

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  • #5
Ah. Stewart beat me to it. That's exactly the approach I was thinking about. A basic statics approach. The tension will give you the required load the chain needs handle.

Don't worry about having an arc shape in stead of a "V" shape when someone sits on the chain. Also, if this is in a public place, or for any other reason, make sure to at least double the chain to give you an acceptable factor of safety.
  • #6
I'm not sure I am following this.

If the angle the chain sinks to 15 degrees (even for both sides) and the persons weight is 80kgs then this is the formula as I understand it from above.
T1 . sin(0) + T2 . sin(0) - Mg = Ma
15 . 0 + 15 . 0 - 80

I am sure I am doing something wrong here as I expect the greater the angle the less the tension and that only at a 90degree angle would the tension be the same as the persons weight.

I hope someone can clarify where I am going wrong.

  • #7
munga said:
I'm not sure I am following this.

If the angle the chain sinks to 15 degrees (even for both sides) and the persons weight is 80kgs then this is the formula as I understand it from above.
T1 . sin(0) + T2 . sin(0) - Mg = Ma
15 . 0 + 15 . 0 - 80

I am sure I am doing something wrong here as I expect the greater the angle the less the tension and that only at a 90degree angle would the tension be the same as the persons weight.

I hope someone can clarify where I am going wrong.


Take another look at what I wrote, you have to use the y component equation to find [tex]T_1 [/tex] (and [tex]T_2[/tex] since they are equal per the x component equation).

Using the y component equation (remembering that [tex]T_1[/tex] and [tex]T_2[/tex] are equal) you end up with:

[tex]T_1 \cdot sin(\theta) + T_1 \cdot sin(\theta) - Mg = 0 [/tex]

which then gives:

[tex]T_1 \cdot sin(\theta) + T_1 \cdot sin(\theta) = Mg [/tex]

then solving for [tex] T_1 [/tex] gives:

[tex]T_1 = \frac{Mg}{2 \cdot sin(\theta) } [/tex]

  • #8
Thanks very much Stewart.

It makes perfect sense now its morning.

thanks for all your help.
  • #9
BTW, munga - perhaps you've already figured this out, but just in case ...

When you talk about the arc that a chain takes (for an ideally flexible chain it takes the form of a catenary curve), that comes from considering the weight of the chain itself. The statics approach that the other posters above give neglects the weight of the chain, so in effect it forms two straight lines from its ends to the person's butt in the middle. Once you make that approximation, then the angle just comes from the geometry and is independent of the person's weight; you just draw a triangle using the known lengths of the chain on either side of the person as well as the horizontal distance between the ends of the chain.

If you really wanted to do a more accurate calculation, e.g. if the weight of the chain were heavy enough compared to the person's weight that you would see noticeable sag, then the calculation becomes more difficult. The only way I know how to do it is to use the calculus of variations, which usually shows up only in more advanced classes in Mechanics.
  • #10
belliott4488 said:
BTW, munga - perhaps you've already figured this out, but just in case ...

When you talk about the arc that a chain takes (for an ideally flexible chain it takes the form of a catenary curve), that comes from considering the weight of the chain itself. The statics approach that the other posters above give neglects the weight of the chain, so in effect it forms two straight lines from its ends to the person's butt in the middle. Once you make that approximation, then the angle just comes from the geometry and is independent of the person's weight; you just draw a triangle using the known lengths of the chain on either side of the person as well as the horizontal distance between the ends of the chain.

If you really wanted to do a more accurate calculation, e.g. if the weight of the chain were heavy enough compared to the person's weight that you would see noticeable sag, then the calculation becomes more difficult. The only way I know how to do it is to use the calculus of variations, which usually shows up only in more advanced classes in Mechanics.

As long as the mass of the chain is relatively small as compared to the body, then you can assume it to be negligible, hence a massless chain. The other condition that must be true is that it be unstretchable. Both of those seem to be the case here, or at least that was my interpretation of the problem.

  • #11
We can think of a thousand ways to Sunday to complicate the problem. Yes, it is a simplified approach. However, take a look at the return on investment for the time spent solving a much more complicated problem versus the extra degree of accuracy you would get. It wouldn't be worth the time.

That's one of the reasons for putting in a factor of safety.
  • #12
Yes the safety factor would take care of everything else. No need to analyze a guy sitting on a chain fence to death.
  • #13
I must not have been clear, but I didn't meant to suggest at all that it would be preferable to consider the weight of the chain or otherwise to calculate its shape. I mentioned the catenary solution only because the OP asked about the arc of the chain, so I thought I'd make mention of what it would take to do that. I also meant to suggest the reason why in all likelihood it is completely unnecessary to do this.
  • #14
Actually, the chain wouldn't even form a catenary since it has a point load in the middle. It would only form a catenary if it was of uniform density and under its own self weight.

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FAQ: Calculating tension on chain fence with someone sitting on it.

1. How do you calculate the tension on a chain fence with someone sitting on it?

To calculate the tension on a chain fence with someone sitting on it, you will need to know the weight of the person and the length of the chain fence. You can then use the formula T = (w x L) / 2, where T is the tension, w is the weight of the person in pounds, and L is the length of the fence in feet. This will give you the tension in pounds per foot.

2. Why is it important to calculate the tension on a chain fence with someone sitting on it?

Calculating the tension on a chain fence with someone sitting on it is important because it helps determine if the fence is strong enough to support the weight of the person. If the tension is too high, it could lead to the fence breaking or collapsing. It is also important for safety reasons, as a fence with too much tension could potentially injure someone sitting on it.

3. What factors can affect the tension on a chain fence with someone sitting on it?

The main factor that affects the tension on a chain fence with someone sitting on it is the weight of the person. The length of the fence and the type of chain used can also have an impact on the tension. Other factors such as wind and uneven weight distribution can also affect the tension on the fence.

4. Can the tension on a chain fence with someone sitting on it be too high?

Yes, the tension on a chain fence with someone sitting on it can be too high. If the tension is too high, it can put excessive stress on the fence and cause it to break or collapse. This can be dangerous for both the person sitting on the fence and anyone nearby. It is important to properly calculate and monitor the tension on a chain fence to avoid any potential hazards.

5. How can you adjust the tension on a chain fence with someone sitting on it?

To adjust the tension on a chain fence with someone sitting on it, you can either increase or decrease the length of the fence or the weight of the person. If the tension is too high, you can reduce it by adding more slack to the fence or using a heavier chain. If the tension is too low, you can increase it by tightening the fence or using a lighter chain. It is important to make these adjustments carefully and to always consider safety precautions.
