Calculating the frequency of a photon

In summary, the frequency of EMR is typically measured indirectly using a spectroscope with a diffraction grating. However, in the infrared range, it is not possible to directly measure the frequency due to limitations in current electronics. Instead, the energy of the interaction is measured and used to determine the frequency. It is also not possible to directly measure the frequency of a single photon. At the LHC, the energy of a gamma ray resulting from electron-positron annihilation is measured, and the wavelength is inferred based on the amount of energy absorbed by the detectors.
  • #1
Gold Member
I've read that the frequency of EMR is found by means of a spectroscope , which uses diffraction grating and that it is derived indirectly from its wavelength. Is that true?

Is there a way, an instrument that count directly the frequency of a photon or a y-ray? and up to what frquency? Is it possible to verify that the frquency of a γ-ray resulting from the annihilation of an electron is 1.2356 x 10^20 Hz (511.000 eV)?
Thanks for your help!
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  • #2
Once we get into the IR range, we lose the ability to directly measure the frequency of the EM wave. Current electronics simply can't operate fast enough. Instead, we can measure the energy of the interaction, separate the incoming light into a spectrum, and a few other things to get the frequency/wavelength indirectly.

Edit: I feel I should also mention that it is impossible to directly measure the frequency of a single photon. A photon is a single event, whereas we need multiple photons to interact with our measuring devices to be able to track the frequency of the EM wave. If we observe a radio wave over time we are seeing millions and millions of photons per second, each one carrying a small piece of information about the wave.
  • #3
Here is a useful calculator:

Electromagnetic Frequency, Wavelength and Energy Ultra Calculator
  • #4
Drakkith said:
Once we get into the IR range, we lose the ability to directly measure the frequency of the EM wave.
Edit: I feel I should also mention that it is impossible to directly measure the frequency of a single photon.
Thanks, Drakkith, but are you able to measure the oscillations in presence of a coherent laser beam of visible light? And how do you measure wave length with precision?

So, at LHC they measure the energy of the y-ray from e-/e+ annihilation only measuring its wavelength? how precise can it be?
  • #5
bobie said:
Thanks, Drakkith, but are you able to measure the oscillations in presence of a coherent laser beam of visible light?

No, visible light oscillates at too high a frequency for electronics to follow.

And how do you measure wave length with precision?

A spectrograph can do this by separating the different wavelengths.

So, at LHC they measure the energy of the y-ray from e-/e+ annihilation only measuring its wavelength? how precise can it be?

They don't measure its wavelength. The wavelength is inferred based on how much energy the gamma ray gives to the detectors upon absorption. At least that's how I think it works. I'm not up to speed on high energy particle physics.

FAQ: Calculating the frequency of a photon

1. What is the frequency of a photon?

The frequency of a photon is the number of wave cycles that pass a given point per second. It is measured in units of hertz (Hz) or cycles per second.

2. How do you calculate the frequency of a photon?

The frequency of a photon can be calculated using the equation f = E/h, where f is the frequency, E is the energy of the photon, and h is Planck's constant (6.626 x 10^-34 J*s).

3. What is the relationship between frequency and energy of a photon?

The energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency. This means that as the frequency increases, the energy of the photon also increases.

4. What is the significance of calculating the frequency of a photon?

Calculating the frequency of a photon is important because it helps us understand the behavior and properties of light. The frequency of a photon determines its color and can also be used to determine the energy of the photon.

5. Are there any other ways to calculate the frequency of a photon?

Yes, the frequency of a photon can also be calculated using the equation f = c/λ, where c is the speed of light (3.00 x 10^8 m/s) and λ is the wavelength of the photon. This equation is useful when the wavelength of the photon is known.
