Can anyone help? in quantum mechanics commutator prove [L^x,L^y] = ihL^z

In summary, the conversation discusses the proof of the commutator relation [L^x,L^y] = ihL^z in quantum mechanics. The conversation explains how to use the commutation rules and the expansion of the commutator to solve for the angular momentum operators and obtain the desired result.
  • #1
can anyone help?? in quantum mechanics commutator prove [L^x,L^y] = ihL^z


:L^x =(y^(pz)^-z^(py)^)
:L^y =(z^(px)^-x^(pz)^)
:L^z =(x^(py)^-y^(px)^) where ^ is just showing its operator

prove comutator [L^x,L^y] = ihL^z

I am swamped at every hurdle and can't seem to get my head around this question to find the answe of ihL^z . any help would be very much appreciated
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  • #2
You're aware of the form of the commutation relation, correct?

[tex][\hat{L}_x,\hat{L}_y]\psi = \hat{L}_x (\hat{L}_y\psi) - \hat{L}_y (\hat{L}_x\psi) [/tex]

Solve this for the angular momentum operators [tex]\hat{L}_x[/tex] and [tex]\hat{L}_y[/tex] - which you know. The result should cancel down to the form of the angular momentum operator [tex]\hat{L}_z[/tex].
  • #3
I like the nice, geometric proof of the commutation relations for angular momentum that Sakurai, for example, gives in his delightful book. Unfortunately not mathematically rigorous, but very well looking.
  • #4
yeah I am aware commutator rules but i just can't prove the relation ,i am confused about how to rearange and put in that form. i.e my maths might not be up to scratch but if u can help me with this little proof i might be able to crack the rest... here it goes ...
z(py)x(pz) - x(pz)z(py) ,how do i break this down mathematically without breaking any rules to get ih{x(py)} if [z,pz] = ih..
  • #5
foranlogan2 said:
yeah I am aware commutator rules but i just can't prove the relation ,i am confused about how to rearange and put in that form. i.e my maths might not be up to scratch but if u can help me with this little proof i might be able to crack the rest... here it goes ...
z(py)x(pz) - x(pz)z(py) ,how do i break this down mathematically without breaking any rules to get ih{x(py)} if [z,pz] = ih..


[tex] [ L_x, L_y] = [Y P_z - Z P_y, Z P_x - X P_z ] [/tex]

and then use the fact that the commutator of sums is equal to the sum of commutators

[tex] = [Y P_z, Z P_x] - [Z P_y, Z P_x] - [Y P_z , X P_z] + [ Z P_y , X P_z] [/tex]

Now do each of those commutators.

(My favorite trick is to use directly [AB,CD] = A[B,C]D + B[A,D]C + AC[B,D] +[A,C] DB which can be proven by simply expanding or starting from the simpler and obvious [AB,C] = A[B,C] + [A,C] B )

  • #6
Pk=ih d/dk use these relations, careful derivatives and then eliminate.
and result is [Lx,Ly]=ihLz .
  • #7
thanks patrick , do i use [AB,CD] relation for each 4 commutators?,like [YPz,ZPx] and also [ZPy,ZPx] etc
  • #8
foranlogan2 said:
thanks patrick , do i use [AB,CD] relation for each 4 commutators?,like [YPz,ZPx] and also [ZPy,ZPx] etc

Yes. And you use [itex] [X_i, X_j]= [P_i,P_j] =0 [/itex] and [itex] [X_i,P_j] = i \hbar \delta_{ij} [/itex]. you'll see, you will get [itex] i \hbar L_z [/itex].

You are welcome


FAQ: Can anyone help? in quantum mechanics commutator prove [L^x,L^y] = ihL^z

What is a commutator in quantum mechanics?

A commutator in quantum mechanics refers to the mathematical operation that measures the non-commutativity of two operators. In simpler terms, it is a way to determine if two operators can be performed in any order and still yield the same result.

What is the significance of proving [L^x,L^y] = ihL^z in quantum mechanics?

Proving this commutator relationship is important because it shows that the three components of angular momentum, represented by L^x, L^y, and L^z, do not commute with each other. This is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics and has important implications in understanding the behavior of particles on a microscopic level.

How is the commutator [L^x,L^y] related to the uncertainty principle?

The commutator [L^x,L^y] is related to the uncertainty principle because it shows that there is an inherent uncertainty in measuring the components of angular momentum simultaneously. This is similar to the uncertainty in measuring the position and momentum of a particle, as described by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

What is the physical interpretation of the commutator [L^x,L^y] = ihL^z?

The physical interpretation of this commutator is that the components of angular momentum do not have definite values at the same time. This means that if we know the value of one component, we cannot know the value of the other two with certainty. This is a fundamental principle in quantum mechanics and is related to the probabilistic nature of particles.

How is the commutator [L^x,L^y] = ihL^z derived?

The commutator [L^x,L^y] = ihL^z can be derived using the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics, such as the commutation relations between operators and the properties of angular momentum. It involves using the mathematical tools of linear algebra and complex numbers to show that the three components of angular momentum do not commute with each other.
