Can Parameterization be Redefined Any Simpler?

  • Thread starter royblaze
  • Start date
In summary, parametrization is used to find a specific way to graph a function. This can be useful for different applications.
  • #1
Hello all. This is just a question I've been having while learning about parameterization of curves in my Calc III class.

Now, I've never taken parameterization lessons (?) which apparently are supposed to be covered in Calc II (which includes heavy integrals, series, and other stuff).

But now that we are revisiting paramerization, I've got a question.

Why is it defined in the way that it is?

I mean, for some HW questions I had to draw the resultant curve of something. But I didn't paramterize or anything. I just fit in values of t into a function of t and I got points. I connected the points. I checked my answer, and the graph looked really good compared to what the book says the answer is.

My teacher, on the other hand, said something along the lines of

"try saying that (_1,_2) can be redefined by something easier, for example, let's set _1 as 'x' and then redefine _2 in terms of our new x."

What I'm saying, then, is, why do we parameterize? If given a function r(t), and I'm asked to graph it, can't I just plug in values of t and then plot those points and connect them?

If anyone also has any good reference websites about parameterization, that would be great too.
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  • #2
royblaze said:
But now that we are revisiting paramerization, I've got a question.

Why is it defined in the way that it is?

You haven't told us what your definition of parametrization is. You just sight examples of (I assume) polar curves. What does that have to do with parametrization?
  • #3
I guess my definition of parameterization is just simply taking a given equation r(t) equation and using different values of t to find see how the function looks on a graph. The "parameter" comes from t being what defines the r(t)...

That's what I think. :P
  • #4
Is that right? I'm still unsure.
  • #5
I'm not sure exactly what you are asking here, but parameterizations of curves are not unique. The only reason for using a partiular parameterization is because it happens to be useful.

As a trivial example, the non-parametric equation of a circle [itex]x^2 + y^2 = a^2[/itex] could be parameterized as [itex]x = a \cos t[/itex], [itex]y = a \sin t[/itex], or [itex]x = 2at / (1+t^2)[/itex], [itex]y = a(1-t^2) / (1 + t^2)[/itex], or in polar coordinates as [itex] r = a[/itex], (where the parameter [itex]t[/itex] doesn't appear at all in the parameterized eqations!) etc.

Parameterizations are useful for much more than just plotting curves from points - for example finding the length of a curve by integration, finding tangents, normals, and curvature at any point in terms of the parameter, etc.

FAQ: Can Parameterization be Redefined Any Simpler?

1. Can you explain the concept of parameterization in simpler terms?

Parameterization is the process of defining and organizing variables in a mathematical or statistical model. It allows for more flexibility and customization in the model, making it easier to analyze and interpret data.

2. Why is parameterization important in scientific research?

Parameterization allows researchers to represent complex systems or phenomena in a simplified and mathematical way. This makes it easier to make predictions, test hypotheses, and draw conclusions from data.

3. Can parameterization be redefined to make it even simpler?

While parameterization can always be refined and improved upon, there is a trade-off between simplicity and accuracy in any mathematical model. A simpler parameterization may not accurately represent the complexity of the real-world system.

4. How do scientists determine the appropriate level of parameterization for a model?

The level of parameterization for a model depends on the research question and the available data. Scientists carefully choose which variables to include and how to define them to best represent the system being studied.

5. Are there limitations to parameterization in scientific research?

Yes, parameterization can be limited by the complexity of the system being studied and the availability of data. Additionally, it is important to carefully consider the assumptions and simplifications made in the parameterization process.

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