Can someone explain to me force field strengths versus distance squared?

In summary, the use of distance squared in equations such as F=Gm1m1/r^2 and F=kQ1Q1/r^2 is based on experimental evidence showing that the strength of various forces, including light, gravity, and radio waves, follows a squared function as distance increases. This is a common phenomenon in nature and can also be seen in other functions such as linear, logarithmic, and square functions. The behavior of a coil spring, for example, may also be surprising when analyzed in terms of these functions.
  • #1
Hey guys, I'm wondering why is distance squared in these equations?

Like F=Gm1m1/r^2 and F=kQ1Q1/r^2

Physics news on
  • #2
AliSkully said:
Hey guys, I'm wondering why is distance squared in these equations?

Like F=Gm1m1/r^2 and F=kQ1Q1/r^2

Because when you measure those experimentally, that's what matches.

And beyond that, what is the realationship between the radius and surface area of a sphere? :smile:
  • #3
Yes, the square function is just indicating that for every distance you move away or to the 'object' it is not directly or indirectly proportional but increases or decreases by the square of the distance.

It's the way nature is...Its physics!

For instance if you measure the power to a radio receiver at one distance then move back that same distance, or double the distance away, it will not be 1/2 as strong but but a squared law function. Like -2,-4,-16,-34 for the same increment of distance away.

A Lot of things are like that in nature. Light, gravity, forces, radio wave strengths, tidal waves, even my voice level when I scream at students.

There are more functions than just linear functions. If you take 2 poles of a magnet that are 4 feet apart and measure the attractive force, like berkman suggested, then moved the 2 magnets 2 feet apart the strength would not have doubled but would have gone up by a factor of 4 times and so on...

I would suggest that you study linear functions (step), logarithmic functions (exponential) and then the square functions, to name a few.

After you do, tell us what kind of function a coil spring exhibits pushing or pulling the same increments of length, the answer might surprise you!
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FAQ: Can someone explain to me force field strengths versus distance squared?

1. What is a force field?

A force field is an invisible area of influence around an object that can exert a force on other objects within it.

2. What is the relationship between force field strength and distance?

The force field strength is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the object and the source of the force field. This means that as the distance increases, the force field strength decreases.

3. How is force field strength measured?

Force field strength is typically measured in units of force per unit charge, such as newtons per coulomb.

4. Why does force field strength decrease with distance squared?

This is due to the nature of force fields, which spread out in a spherical pattern around the source. As the distance from the source increases, the surface area of the sphere also increases, leading to a decrease in force per unit area and therefore a decrease in force field strength.

5. How is the inverse square law applied to force fields?

The inverse square law states that the intensity of a force field is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source. This means that as the distance increases, the force field strength decreases exponentially.

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