Can stylus be used on any smartphone?

  • Thread starter Wrichik Basu
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Wrichik Basu
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I have a simple Samsung Galaxy On7, Android 6.0.1. I was checking on the net if my phone can support a stylus, but didn't find any material. One of my relatives was asking me too (she has a Lenovo phone, which doesn't come with a stylus), but I couldn't give a satisfactory answer.

Can any phone support a stylus? Or are there special screen requirements which forbids ordinary phones from letting the user use a stylus?

N.B.: From the word "ordinary", I mean those smartphones (of any make) that do not come with a stylus.
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  • #2
I don't know what On7 means. But here is a case and stylus for a Samsung Galaxy S7 phone.
  • #3
There are a couple of phone/pad stylii on the market. The passive ones with a conductive rubber tip should work on all capacitive screens ie all phone screens and nearly all tablet screens. There were some old ereaders that used resistive technology in the early day because it was cheaper than capacitive screens.

The Apple pencil is an example that uses a combination of touch and bluetooth. It works on ipad pros but not on iphone 6 as an example so you'd need to check if your phone/tablet device supports it or not. Apple pencil doesn't work with android as far as I know.

Bamboo also has a line of stylii that use a similar scheme as the Apple pencil but don't have the full capabilities of the pencil namely its pressure sensitivity. These stylii are more responsive than the passive ones with the conductive rubber tip but fall short compared to the pencil. Again you need to check if the particular stylus supports your device.

Some ipad apps like Paper-by-53 supported the 53 pencil but its app specific.

Its always best to check with the app, phone or stylus vendor to see what they say. The stylus vendor would most likely be the best one to check because they want to sell you a stylus.
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  • #4
anorlunda said:
I don't know what On7 means. But here is a case and stylus for a Samsung Galaxy S7 phone.
Here's is a link to the On7 specs.

It's a much less costly phone than S7.

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