Can we predict a complex molecule's shape?

In summary: We just didn't have the technology to do it on a computer.In summary, by complex, DaleSpam means a molecule with a lot of atomic parts. Scientists are hoping that with the discovery of quantum computing this will be made easier, but I doubt we will see this anytime soon.
  • #1
I've recently learned that we can predict the shape of molecules with a small amount of atoms. Can the shape of a complex molecule with many atoms be predicted too?
Chemistry news on
  • #2
can you give me an example of what you mean by a complex molecule?

theoretically you can, by analysing the lone pairs present, the number of bond pairs and using the electron repulsion theory.
  • #3
By complex, I mean that there are a lot of atomic parts. Water is a simple molecule. Methane is a simple molecule. A complex molecule would be something like glucose. An amino acid is even more complex. And a simple protein is even more complex. Can we predict a protein's shape by knowing the bonding of atoms and electron repulsion? I know there isn't just one shape to each molecule, but can the possible shapes be predicted?
  • #4
  • #5
Most of the biggest supercomputing clusters in the world are dedicated to protein folding computations.
  • #6
proteins are very complex molecules. but i think it would not be impossible to predict the molecular shape of glucose or an amino acid. you just have to start systematically, say from one of the Carbon atoms, and proceed then with the other bonds. These molecules do not have too many atoms.
  • #7
like DaleSpam said, most of the supercomputing clusters in the world are dedicated to this field. Also since the PS3 was released, there has been a new program also released that allows anyone who wishes to participate in giving even more power. Basically you install it on your PS3, and then scientists from across the world can use the power to add even more computational solving power.

But as far as my knowledge goes into this topic, it takes a very long time in determining the basic structure of a basic complex protein. Which is why scientists are hoping that with the discovery of quantum computing this will be made easier. But I doubt we will see that anytime soon.
  • #8
understand. said:
I've recently learned that we can predict the shape of molecules with a small amount of atoms. Can the shape of a complex molecule with many atoms be predicted too?

Yes, it's done all the time with computer modelling in Molecular chemistry/Biochemistry and Toxicology to predict molecular interractions with receptors on cells, enzyme active sites etc..

Even at Uni in the 80s, in biochemistry we were watching videos showing the construction of a 3d model of the enzyme Lysozyme and well as Insulin, Haemoglobin and DNA.

FAQ: Can we predict a complex molecule's shape?

1. How do we determine a complex molecule's shape?

The shape of a complex molecule can be determined through various methods such as x-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and computational modeling. These techniques allow us to visualize the arrangement of atoms within a molecule and determine its overall shape.

2. What factors affect a complex molecule's shape?

The shape of a complex molecule is influenced by several factors including the arrangement of atoms, the type and strength of chemical bonds, and the presence of functional groups. Additionally, external factors such as temperature and pressure can also affect a molecule's shape.

3. Can we predict a molecule's shape before conducting experiments?

Yes, with the advancements in computational modeling, scientists can now predict a molecule's shape before conducting experiments. By inputting information about the molecule's structure and chemical properties, simulations can predict the most likely shape of a molecule.

4. How accurate are predictions of a complex molecule's shape?

The accuracy of predictions varies depending on the complexity of the molecule and the method used for prediction. In general, computational modeling can provide a good estimate of a molecule's shape, but experimental data is still needed for validation.

5. Why is predicting a molecule's shape important?

Predicting a molecule's shape is crucial in understanding its properties and potential interactions with other molecules. It can also aid in drug design, material science, and other fields that require a deep understanding of molecular structures and their functions.

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