Probability of All Suits in 7-Card Hand

  • Thread starter Fullhawking
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In summary, the probability of having all four different suits present in a hand of 7 cards drawn from a common deck of cards is 0.5696, calculated by taking into account all possible combinations of cards and permutations of suits. This is equivalent to finding the probability of not having all four suits present and subtracting it from 1. The denominator for all terms is (52*51*50*49*48*47*46), which takes into account all possible arrangements of the cards. The numerator is found by considering the number of combinations and permutations for each scenario where four, three, two, or one suits are present in the hand. The final answer is confirmed by another method and is shown to be 0.
  • #1
Useing a common deck of cards, you are dealt a hand of 7 cards. Whis is the probability that all the different suits are present in your hand?
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  • #2
I can't think of an easy way to do this, I think you'd just have to calculate and add the probailties of the different permutuations of cards (though of course treat all cards of the same suit as the same card) that gives you 4 different suits. It would probably be easier to work it out the other way by calculating and adding the probailties of all the different permutuations of cards that don't give you four different suits and because of unity take this figure away from 1.
  • #3
After some consideration, I have found a simplish way to do it:

Firstly, the denominator of all terms in the sequence that will give us the probilty will be the same:


So with the denominator out of the way the numerator of this fraction can be found, which is:

4(7!/2!2!2!)(134*123) + 12(7!/3!2!)(134*122*11) + 4(7!/4!)(134*12*11*10)

Which gives the total probailty as about 0.5696
  • #4


Please recheck your result. It seems to work out to a probability of about 1.7557.
  • #5
Nope, I've re-checked it, I still get the same answer and I'm pretty sure that the method is correct.
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  • #6
Your denominator is based on first card may be one of 52, second card may be one of 51, and so on. But this assumes a particular ordering of the hand. The cards might be in any order so you have to multiply by the number of possible arrangements, which is 7!. See the derivation of the binomial coefficients.
  • #7
No the denominator will always be the denominator given, different orderings are taken into account in the numerator (the 7!/2!2!2!, etc. terms and the first coefficent takes into account differemt combinations), no specfic ordering is assumed.
  • #8
As this is causing some confusion, I'll explain the exact meaning and resoning behind every term:

The denominator must be (52*51*50*49*48*47*46) as the probailty of getting any unique permutuation of any combination of seven cards is 1/(52*51*50*49*48*47*46), thefore any other probanilty relating to the premutuations of the combination of seven cards will be an additon (or integr mutiple) of this term and will always have the same denominator.

Given that four of the cards must be different from each other there are 3 possible combinations relating to the numbers per suite of each card in the hand: 2 cards each of three suites and 1 card of one suite: there are four possible ways of rotating the suites through this combination; 3 cards from one suite, 2 cards from one suite and 1 card from two suites: there are 12 possible ways of rotaing the suites through this combanation; and finally 4 cards from one suite and 1 card each from three suites: there are 4 possible ways of rotaing the suites through this combination.

For each separate combination there will also be permutations and these are represented by the factorials in brackest, using the rule that when you have a number of objects the same the number of permutautions are equal to: n!/p!q!...
  • #9

I just wrote up a nice neat solution to this and it vaporized!

jscd's solution is correct. I duplicated it with a different method.

  • #10
I know this is an old thread but reading it has helped me refresh my understanding of probability calculations.

However - I am having trouble getting the exact solution jcsd came up with. I approached the problem for the case where you have a 7 card hand with only three suits represented. The only way to have that seniario is for NO cards of a given suite to be in the dealt hand which means you only have 39 of the 52 cards in the deck from which to make up your hand. The total number of unique 7 card hands that can be made from only 39 cards (3 suites present) would be combine(39,7), or 15,380,937. Since any of the 4 suites could be absent you would multiply that number by 4 to get 61,523,748.

Repeating that process for the case where 2 suits are missing (combine(26,7) * 6) and the case where 3 suits are missing (combine(13,7) * 4) you come up with a total number of hands that don't have at least 1 of each suite represented by adding these three, or 61,523,748 (3 suites) + 3,946,800 (2 suites) + 6,864 (all 1 suite) = 65,477,412.

Dividing the number of possible hands without all four suits present by the total number of 7 card hands that could be made from 52 cards and subtracted from 1 should be the probability of having all four suites present. The solution I get from the above exercise is 0.5106, not 0.5696.
  • #11
FrankEE2 said:
The total number of unique 7 card hands that can be made from only 39 cards (3 suites present) would be combine(39,7), or 15,380,937. Since any of the 4 suites could be absent you would multiply that number by 4 to get 61,523,748.

You've made a mistake. In combine(39,7) you don't have, necessarily, 3 suites presents.

The jcsd's solution is ok.

FAQ: Probability of All Suits in 7-Card Hand

1. What is the probability of getting all suits in a 7-card hand?

The probability of getting all suits in a 7-card hand is approximately 0.00000000198 or 1 in 504,000.

2. How is the probability of all suits in a 7-card hand calculated?

The probability is calculated by taking the number of possible hands with all suits accounted for (4 suits x 13 ranks x 12 ranks x 11 ranks x 10 ranks x 9 ranks x 8 ranks = 504,000) and dividing it by the total number of possible 7-card hands (52 cards x 51 cards x 50 cards x 49 cards x 48 cards x 47 cards x 46 cards = 133,784,560).

3. Is the probability of all suits in a 7-card hand affected by the order of the cards?

No, the order of the cards does not affect the probability. As long as the hand contains all 4 suits, it is considered a successful outcome.

4. What is the probability of getting all suits in a 7-card hand in a game of poker?

The probability of getting all suits in a 7-card hand in a game of poker is the same as the general probability stated earlier (approximately 0.00000000198 or 1 in 504,000). However, this probability may vary depending on the specific rules and variations of the game being played.

5. How does the probability of all suits in a 7-card hand compare to other probabilities in poker?

The probability of all suits in a 7-card hand is relatively low compared to other probabilities in poker, such as getting a royal flush (1 in 649,740) or a straight flush (1 in 72,192). However, it is still considered a rare occurrence in the game.

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