Herding Cats, Running with Squirrels and Lamb Streaking

  • Thread starter Evo
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In summary: DRaLpHoZA8E" for what you were trying to say. :biggrin::rofl:In summary, the Super Bowl commercials are famous for being absurd and often funny.
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  • #2
BTW, these are some of the top ranked Super Bowl commercials.

Do you know if you type SuperBowl in Microsoft Outlook that spellcheck offers a correction "superb owl". :smile:
  • #3
Of course, this reminds me of the old joke about college and university deans: herding faculty is like herding cats. :smile:
  • #5
I don't get it. What does e-business have to do with herding cats? I don't see how they can say "this is what we do", it seems blatantly stupid to me.
  • #6
verty said:
I don't get it. What does e-business have to do with herding cats? I don't see how they can say "this is what we do", it seems blatantly stupid to me.

OK possible loss of humour, multiple signs of seriousness:quick let's get him into surgery for an emergency sense of humour bypass; nurse: 30 minutes of Monty Python titrated with alcahol and introduce a tube of pringles stat. :biggrin: :wink:
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  • #7
This made me laugh :-)

Although I have to agree with cristo, I don't see the connection.
  • #8
dontdisturbmycircles said:
This made me laugh :-)

Although I have to agree with cristo, I don't see the connection.

Dr we have a code banana...

It's meant to be absurd, why are the English and a few other Europeans on this planet and maybe the Canadians the only people capable of understanding absurd for the sake of it? Something doesn't have to make sense to be funny, this isn't Sienfeld :biggrin:

At least you laughed there's hope for you yet :-p

Dr we have a pulse, keep him on a monitor for five days, and make sure it has youtube, you know something amusing. phew that was a close call, good work team.

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  • #9
Schrodinger's Dog said:
OK possible loss of humour, multiple signs of seriousness: quick let's get him into surgery for an emergency sense of humour bypass; nurse: 30 minutes of Monty Python titrated with alcohol and introduce a tube of pringles stat. :biggrin: :wink:

I thought this was pretty funny -

EDS - Airplanes - "You never know what you going to come across up here -- Canadian geese, mallards . . . . owls." :smile:

Running with Squirrels - Hey, squirrels can be vicious. Don't underestimate them because of their size. Squirrel fangs may be small, but they are sharp. :biggrin:

As for the Lamb streaker - I think Moonbear will appreciate it. She's probably seen a few. :biggrin:
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  • #10
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  • #11
Are those all done by the same ad firm? They all look like variations on the same theme.

I like the lamb streaker best. That was hilarious! :smile: "We didn't need to see that." :smile:

Okay, since verty and ddmcircles need some help here...they're SuperBowl commercials. It's a form of entertainment all by itself. The point is to make the commercial funny enough that you stay to watch it and find out the product at the end rather than walk away to get another beer or refill the chip bowl. Some people even watch TV for the commercials instead of the game on that day. :biggrin:
  • #12
radou said:
...which didn't turn out to be an http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRaLpHoZA8E" for what you were trying to say. :biggrin:

Doctor, we have another one! He's lost all sensation in the sarcasm region. He needs 24 hours of continuous treatment with Comedy Central.
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  • #13
Moonbear said:
Okay, since verty and ddmcircles need some help here...they're SuperBowl commercials. It's a form of entertainment all by itself. The point is to make the commercial funny enough that you stay to watch it and find out the product at the end rather than walk away to get another beer or refill the chip bowl.
The beer is the key . . . don't try to understand the commercial - just appreciate it.
  • #14
Thanks for finding the airplane one Astronuc! :smile:

Geez verty sounds like a lost cause. :bugeye:

Moonbear's right, the Super Bowl commercials are famous and a lot of people tune in just to see the ads.

Here are two more.

I want to have this guys problem.

This chimp has rythm.

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  • #15
Moonbear said:
Doctor, we have another one! He's lost all sensation in the sarcasm region. He needs 24 hours of continuous treatment with Comedy Central.

Blah, you better not experience my sarcasm, believe me. :devil: :-p
  • #16
Evo said:
I want to have this guys problem.

:smile: :smile: :smile:
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  • #17
This is considered by many pros to be the best commercial ever made.
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  • #18
This is considered by many pros to be the best commercial ever made.

I must admit, that advert is quite surprising. It seems so corny initially but then you see that it was supposed to look corny. I think it's really good.
  • #19
Ivan Seeking said:
This is considered by many pros to be the best commercial ever made.
I remember that one.

I however bought a Zenith (for about $2000) with an 8088 microprocessor (320 kB RAM which I upgraded to 640 kB, and later added a 8087 math coprocessor) with two floppy drives (360 kB). :rolleyes: :smile:

Our department was split between those who proferred Macs and those using Wintel systems. Most of us eventually migrated to Macs, and we had parallel Mac and Sun networks.
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  • #22
What a brutal, violent commercial, Evo. But funny!

"Herding cats" is one of my all-time favourites. And it makes perfect sense to me on top of being hilarious.
  • #23
Evo said:
Herding cats

That one is simply hilarious!
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FAQ: Herding Cats, Running with Squirrels and Lamb Streaking

1. What exactly is "herding cats" and why is it used as a metaphor?

"Herding cats" is a popular metaphor used to describe a situation in which it is difficult to control or manage a group of individuals who are independent and have their own agendas. This phrase is often used in a humorous way to describe a chaotic or challenging situation, as cats are notoriously difficult to control and have a reputation for being independent and aloof.

2. Can squirrels actually be trained to run with humans?

Yes, squirrels can be trained to run with humans through a process called "imprinting". This involves exposing the squirrels to humans at a very young age and gradually acclimating them to human presence and interaction. However, it is important to note that squirrels are wild animals and may not always behave predictably, so caution should always be taken when attempting to interact with them.

3. What is "lamb streaking" and why do lambs do it?

Lamb streaking is a term used to describe the playful behavior of lambs running and jumping around in an energetic and exuberant manner. This behavior is often seen in young lambs and is believed to be a way for them to release pent-up energy and socialize with other lambs. It is also thought to be a way for lambs to practice their coordination and agility skills.

4. Are there any practical applications for studying the behaviors of cats, squirrels, and lambs?

Yes, studying the behaviors of these animals can have practical applications in various fields such as animal behavior and welfare, ecology, and even robotics. By understanding the behaviors of these animals, we can better care for and manage them in captivity, as well as gain insights into how they interact with their environment and other species.

5. Is it possible for cats, squirrels, and lambs to interact or socialize with each other?

It is unlikely for these animals to interact or socialize with each other in the wild, as they have different natural habitats and behaviors. However, in controlled environments such as zoos or animal sanctuaries, it is possible for them to coexist and even form unlikely friendships. In some cases, animals of different species have been known to interact and bond with each other, showing that social behavior is not limited to just one species.

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