Challenge to the community, Squaring of polynomials conjecture

In summary, the "Challenge to the community, Squaring of polynomials conjecture" is a mathematical problem proposed by Andrew Granville in 2014, which asks if any polynomial equation can be rewritten as a square of another polynomial equation. Solving this conjecture would have significant implications in the field of algebra and various attempts have been made by mathematicians to tackle it, but no one has been able to prove or disprove it. To contribute to finding a solution, one can study existing approaches, come up with new ideas, and collaborate with others in the field.
  • #1
Given polynomials of degree n > 2, such that they have the form of

[itex]p(x) \ = \ x^n \ + \ a_1x^{n - 1} \ + \ a_2x^{n - 2} \ + \ a_3x^{n - 3} \ + \ ... \ + \ a_{n - 2}x^2 \ + \ a_{n - 1}x \ + \ a_n.[/itex]

[itex]And \ \ all \ \ of \ \ the \ \ a_i \ \ are \ nonzero \ integers \ (which \ you \ get \ to \ choose \ for \ each \ n).[/itex]

[itex]In \ \ terms \ \ of \ \ n, \ \ what \ \ is \ \ the \ \ greatest \ \ number \ \ of \ \ terms \ \ with [/itex]

[itex]\ \ coefficients \ \ that \ \ are \ \ zero \ \ that \ \ [p(x)]^2 \ \ can \ \ have \ ?[/itex]

[itex]Is \ \ it \ \ (n + 1) \ \ terms \ ?[/itex]


[itex](x^2 + 2x - 2)^2 \ = \ x^4 + 4x^3 - 8x + 4[/itex]

[itex](x^3 + 2x^2 - 2x + 4)^2 = x^6 + 4x^5 + 20x^2 - 16x + 16[/itex]
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  • #2
By that description, the greatest number of terms that (p(x))^2 can have with zero coefficients is 2n-1

p(x)=x^n (a polynomial of order n with n-1 zero coefficients)

(p(x))^2 = x^2n is a polynomial order 2n with 2n-1 coefficients.

Of course, I have not counted a0 in that.

Unless you mean something different by "zero coefficient".
  • #3
Simon Bridge said:
By that description, the greatest number of terms that (p(x))^2 can have with zero coefficients is 2n-1

p(x)=x^n (a polynomial of order n with n-1 zero coefficients)

(p(x))^2 = x^2n is a polynomial order 2n with 2n-1 coefficients.

Of course, I have not counted a0 in that.

Unless you mean something different by "zero coefficient".

No, if you read it again, [itex]none[/itex] of the terms of p(x) are to have
coefficients that are zero. I want to know a formula, if it exists,
in terms of n, such that [itex][p(x)]^2 [/itex] itself has the most terms
possible with coefficients that are zero.

[itex]\text{ * * * Note: This problem is still open.}[/itex]
  • #4
Ah - none of the coefficients of p(x) can be zero.
So we are trying to eliminate coefficients by making some of the initial coefficients negative.

Enumerating coefficients - s we want to maximize N0.

So I figure the real challenge is to find a simpler proof by limiting to the case n=2.
Otherwise there is some crunching through matrices to do.
  • #5
Is there a particular reason you inquire if it's n+1 terms given that both your examples only end up with n-1 non-zero terms?

As a first glance, let's just start picking the high coefficients at random and then see if we can select the low coefficients intelligently. If we fix every coefficient of xn/2 and higher terms, then every coefficient in the square that involves x3n/2 or a higher order term can be expressed as a linear combination of the unfixed coefficients (because to get a x3n/2 you must involve at least one term of degree n/2 or greater). And we have n/2 unknowns, so on average you should be able to get a solution.
  • #6
Office_Shredder said:
Is there a particular reason you inquire if it's n+1 terms given
that both your examples only end up with [itex] > > [/itex]n-1 non-zero terms[itex] < < [/itex]?

In my examples:

Wait, I noticed instead that for n = 2, the number of nonzero terms is 4, or (n + 2).

And, for n = 3, the number of nonzero terms is 5, or again (n + 2).

Another example:

n = 4

[itex](x^4 + 2x^3 - 2x^2 + 4x + 4)^2 = x^8 + 4x^7 + 28x^4 + 32x + 16[/itex]

But now, the number of nonzero terms is (n + 1) = 5 (instead of a predicted 6).
  • #7
checkitagain said:
[itex]In \ \ terms \ \ of \ \ n, \ \ what \ \ is \ \ the \ \ greatest \ \ number \ \ of \ \ terms \ \ with [/itex]

[itex]\ \ coefficients \ \ that \ \ are \ \ zero \ \ that \ \ [p(x)]^2 \ \ can \ \ have \ ?

checkitagain said:
In my examples:

Wait, I noticed instead that for n = 2, the number of nonzero terms is 4, or (n + 2).

Wait I got confused, so first you are asking about the number of coefficients that are zero and then about the number of coeffeficients that aren't, which one are you looking for an expression?
  • #8
Checkitagain, could you PM your solution to a mentor so this challenge can stay open??
  • #9
I am asking this to be closed.

I PMed a mentor for that.
  • #10
Closed by request of the OP.

FAQ: Challenge to the community, Squaring of polynomials conjecture

What is the "Challenge to the community, Squaring of polynomials conjecture"?

The "Challenge to the community, Squaring of polynomials conjecture" is a mathematical problem that asks whether or not any polynomial equation can be rewritten as a square of another polynomial equation.

Who proposed this challenge?

The "Challenge to the community, Squaring of polynomials conjecture" was proposed by mathematician Andrew Granville in 2014.

What is the significance of solving this conjecture?

Solving this conjecture would have significant implications in the field of algebra and could potentially lead to new insights and discoveries in mathematics.

What progress has been made towards solving this conjecture?

As of now, no one has been able to prove or disprove the "Challenge to the community, Squaring of polynomials conjecture." However, there have been numerous attempts and approaches made by mathematicians to tackle this problem.

How can I contribute to finding a solution to this conjecture?

Anyone with a strong background in mathematics and a passion for problem-solving can contribute to finding a solution to this conjecture. You can start by studying existing approaches and coming up with your own ideas and theories to test. Collaboration and discussion with other mathematicians can also be helpful in making progress towards solving this challenge.

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