Calculating Electrostatic Force and Charge Imbalance in Tiny Water Drops

  • Thread starter Forceflow
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In summary, two tiny, spherical water drops with identical charges of -1.04 10-16 C and a center-to-center separation of 1.5 cm have an electrostatic force of 4.32159e-19 acting between them. Furthermore, each drop has an excess of approximately 650 electrons, which gives it its charge imbalance.
  • #1
Two tiny, spherical water drops, with identical charges of -1.04 10-16 C, have a center-to-center separation of 1.5 cm.
(a) What is the magnitude of the electrostatic force acting between them?
(b) How many excess electrons are on each drop, giving it its charge imbalance?

Ok so, i know that the answer for A is 4.32159e-19.
However, I'm not sure how to do B.
I think its something like the total charge divided by a single charge. I'm not sure though.
Physics news on
  • #2
for b you are correct. All you do is divide the charge on the drop by the charge on an electron.
  • #3

Thanks you.

FAQ: Calculating Electrostatic Force and Charge Imbalance in Tiny Water Drops

What is charge?

Charge is a fundamental physical property of matter. It is a property of particles that gives rise to electric and magnetic forces between them. It can be either positive or negative, and is measured in units of coulombs.

What is an electric field?

An electric field is a region in space where charged particles experience a force. It is created by charged particles and can be either attractive or repulsive depending on the sign of the charges involved. The strength of the electric field is measured in units of newtons per coulomb.

How do objects become charged?

Objects become charged when they gain or lose electrons. When an object gains electrons, it becomes negatively charged, and when it loses electrons, it becomes positively charged. This can happen through friction, contact, or induction.

What is the difference between conductors and insulators?

Conductors are materials that allow electrons to flow freely, while insulators do not allow electrons to flow. This is due to the difference in the number of free electrons in each material. Metals are good conductors, while materials like rubber and plastic are good insulators.

What is an electric circuit?

An electric circuit is a closed loop through which electric current can flow. It consists of a source of electricity, such as a battery, wires that conduct the current, and a load, which is the device that uses the electricity. A circuit must be complete for electricity to flow.
