Chemistry vs Physics: Reasons to Choose Chemistry

In summary, the conversation discussed the reasons why someone may choose to study Chemistry over Physics. It was mentioned that it depends on the individual's interests and career goals. Chemists focus on the properties and interactions of atoms and molecules, while physicists study everything in the universe. The conversation also touched on the role of chemical engineers and the different approaches taken by different fields in solving problems. It was also mentioned that some individuals end up studying chemistry due to limited options or as a joke within the science community.
  • #1
Can you give me any reasons why one would choose to go into Chemistry rather than Physics?
Physics news on
  • #2
Depends on the context in which you ask the question: if it's your choice we're discussing, no one's going to be able to rationalize your behavior but you; if you're a physicist and trying to rationalize the behavior of your offspring ("Where did we go wrong?"), see a family counselor; if you're trying to define the nature of questions and answers that are answered in detail by chemists, as a sub-field of physics, as compared to the nature of questions and answers physicists present to describe identical phenomena, physics is the organized study of the properties of and interactions of matter and energy (or if you wish to be "relativistic," of energy or matter), that is, everything there is, while chemistry is the study of the properties and interactions of atoms and molecules as isolated entities, in bulk, and in "simple" mixtures.
  • #3
I decided to major in Physics last semester, but now I'm getting thoughts that maybe I would like Chemistry or Chemical Engineering better. I was just wondering why some of you may have chosen chemistry over physics.
  • #4
Physics? Chemistry? Chem. E.? Depends on what you want to do, and what sort of hand-waving, superstition, and monetary bullying you're willing to tolerate to do it.

First I.P. of He? A physicist is might spend a lifetime trying to justify ad hoc calculations; a chemist is going to accept Poincare' and measure it; chemical engineers never heard of it.

Equation of state of methane? Physicist spends a lifetime making approximations trying to do a "rigorous" integration of the partition function; chemist laughs at "mean spherical approximation," measures it, reports it and wonders why the chemical engineers won't use it; the chemical engineers shovel a hundred years of pipeline data into their computers, and outperform the chemists by an order of magnitude in speed and uncertainty --- there's money involved.

You wanta put communications satellites into orbit? Talk to the chemists for the fuel energetics, the physicists for ballistics, and the engineers for producing materials at tolerable unit costs.
  • #5
Yey for the last poster!

I took chemistry because that's all i could get :P at the time it was better than a non-science degree or a mcDonalds diploma.

It's kindof a running joke that most chemists are failed physicists, like the drummers of the science rock band :P

FAQ: Chemistry vs Physics: Reasons to Choose Chemistry

1. What is the difference between chemistry and physics?

Chemistry and physics are both branches of science that deal with the study of matter and energy. However, chemistry focuses on the composition, properties, and reactions of substances, while physics focuses on the fundamental laws and principles that govern the behavior of matter and energy.

2. Why would someone choose to study chemistry over physics?

Some people may choose to study chemistry over physics because they are more interested in the chemical reactions and properties of substances, or because they want to pursue a career in a chemistry-related field such as pharmaceuticals, food science, or environmental science.

3. Is chemistry more applicable to everyday life compared to physics?

Chemistry is closely related to our everyday lives as it explains the composition, properties, and interactions of the substances we encounter in our daily routines. Physics, on the other hand, may seem more abstract and theoretical, but it also has many practical applications in our modern world, such as in technology and engineering.

4. Are there any similarities between chemistry and physics?

Despite their differences, chemistry and physics do have some similarities. Both use the scientific method to conduct experiments and make observations, and both rely on mathematical equations and models to explain and predict phenomena.

5. Can someone study both chemistry and physics?

Yes, it is possible to study both chemistry and physics. In fact, many scientific fields, such as biochemistry and materials science, require an understanding of both chemistry and physics. However, it may be more challenging to excel in both subjects simultaneously, and students may need to prioritize one over the other in terms of their academic focus.

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