What Is the Difference Between a Closed Set and a Complete Set in Topology?

  • Thread starter davidebianco1
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In summary, there is a difference between closed and complete sets, as closedness is an extrinsic property that depends on the topological space it is a subset of, while completeness is an intrinsic property that only applies to metric spaces. However, there are cases where the two concepts coincide, such as for subvectorspaces of a Banach-space. The proof of openness in a topological space can be simplified by using the induced topology, where a subset B of an open subset A is also open in the original topological space X.
  • #1
Hello Everyone,

first of all my apologies, may be my question is too stupid for a forum on Topology and Geometry, but it's something I was thinking about for a while without getting an answer : What's the actual difference between a Close set and a Complete set? I mean : from an algebraic point of view, we say that a Close set contains the limits of its successions, whereas a complete set contains the limits of its Cauchy successions. But we can show that a succession is convergent if and only if it is a Cauchy succession, so the two concepts should be equivalent, and I don't see the difference between closure and completeness. From a topological point of view, we define a close set as the complement of an open one, but at this point I don't see the connection with the completeness property. I started to taught the actual difference could be in passing from infinite dimension to finite dimension, but I am not able to see clearly why. Can anyone help me?
Sorry again if the question is not so relevant. Cheers,

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  • #2
Hi Davide,

Closedness is a property a subset of a any topological space can have. It is "extrinsic" because it depends on which space you are considering it to be a subset of, for example the interval (0,1] is closed in (0,2] but not in [0,2] (with the usual topology).

Completeness, on the other hand, makes sense only for metric spaces (or so-called uniform spaces). It is an intrinsic property.

Sometimes however, the two notions coincide, for example for subvectorspaces of a Banach-space.
  • #3

You had mentioned that (0, 1] is an open set in the topological space (0, 2] with the topology on (0, 2] inherited from the topology on R.

Would one way to prove that (0 , 1] is open in (0, 2] be to find a homeomorphism from
(0, 2] onto (0, 1], then conclude that (0, 1] is open in (0, 2] since (0, 2] is open by definition of a topological space, and homeomorphisms from topological spaces to topological spaces maps open sets to open sets?

For this particular case, I am thinking the proof could be done by making use of the homeomorphism of scalar multiplication:

x->bx, with b non-zero and real, and then noting that (0, 1] = 1/2*(0, 2].

What are your thoughts?
  • #4
Hello again guys,

so, If I have understood well, the question is that, in principle, closure and completeness are concepts different in nature, and it can just happen they do coincide somewhere? (Actually, I didn,t get the example about the interval on R). Many thanks for replying and Cheers

  • #5
Edwin said:

You had mentioned that (0, 1] is an open set in the topological space (0, 2] with the topology on (0, 2] inherited from the topology on R.

(0,1] is closed in (0,2]!

Edwin said:
Would one way to prove that (0 , 1] is open in (0, 2] be to find a homeomorphism from
(0, 2] onto (0, 1], then conclude that (0, 1] is open in (0, 2] since (0, 2] is open by definition of a topological space, and homeomorphisms from topological spaces to topological spaces maps open sets to open sets?

This only proves that (0,1] is open in (0,1] itself.

Edwin said:
For this particular case, I am thinking the proof could be done by making use of the homeomorphism of scalar multiplication:

x->bx, with b non-zero and real, and then noting that (0, 1] = 1/2*(0, 2].

What are your thoughts?

I would prove that (0,1] is closed in (0,2] as follows:
(1,3) is open in R.
By definition of the induced topology (1,2]=(1,3)[tex]\cap[/tex](0,2] is open in (0,2]. (If B is a subset of A, the induced topology on B is given by sets of the form B[tex]\cap[/tex]U, where U is any open set in A).
Therefore, (0,1] is the complement of an open set (in (0,2]), hence closed by definition.
  • #6
Thank you! Sorry about the inaccurate statements: when I went to post, I got the ideas mixed up in my mind.

The induced topology looks like a real convenient way to prove openness: if you have a topological space X, and C is a subset of B is a subset of X, all you have to do to prove that the subset set C of B is open in B is to show that C can be written as the intersection of B with some open set V in X.

A homeomorphism from a topological space X to a topological space Y maps subsets of X that are open in X to subsets of Y that are open in Y.

So, if B is a subset of A, and A and B are homeomorphic, is it still possible that an open set in B is not open in A?
  • #7
Edwin said:
So, if B is a subset of A, and A and B are homeomorphic, is it still possible that an open set in B is not open in A?

Yes. For instance take A=[0,2], B=[0,1], then B is open in B but not in A.

Maybe the following fact will clarify things: If A is an open subset of a topological space X and is given the induced topology, then any subset B of A that is open in A is also open in X. (Try showing this!)
  • #8
Yyat wrote: If A is an open subset of a topological space X and is given the induced topology, then any subset B of A that is open in A is also open in X. (Try showing this!)

I appreciate all of your help, and knowledge.

I'll give it a try.

Please let me know if I make a mistake in the proof.


Let T be a topology on X. Then since A is open in X, then A is contained in T. Let K be the induced topology on A given by defining

[tex] K = \{A \cap V [/tex]: [tex] V \in T \} [/tex].

If B is a subset of A, and B is open in A, then B is contained in K, and it follows by the definition of K that

[tex] B = A \cap V [/tex] for some set V in T.

Since this V is contained in T, and A is contained in T, then by the axioms of a topological space (which state that topologies are closed under finite intersection), we have

[tex] A \cap V [/tex] is contained in T.

That is, [tex] A \cap V [/tex] is an open set in X.

Since [tex] B = A \cap V [/tex],

then by the substitution principle, B is open in X, and the proof is complete.
  • #9
Your proof is correct. The induced topology K can be siad to be the relative toplolgy on A if A is considered as an open subspace of X.
  • #10
Is there a linear space in any union of linear subspaces is a subspace except the trivial subspaces? pls help
  • #11
Is there a linear space in which any union of linear subspaces is a subspace except the trivial subspaces? pls help
  • #12
I am not sure I am interpreting the question correctly. But as far as I know, given any linear space (vector space) W, the trivial linear subspaces of W are the origin {0} in W, and W itself.

Given any linear space X, it can be shown that the union of any of the following spaces

{{0}, X, Y}} where the trivial subspace {0} is the origin in X, and Y is any arbitrarily chosen subspace of X.

So, there exists no linear space in which any union of linear subspaces is a subspace except the trivial subspaces.

I have a quick: we know from set theory that the cardinality of the power set P(S) of any set S is strictly greater than the cardinality of S itself.

With that in mind, is it necessarily true that given any linear space (vector space) Z, the set Sub{Z} of all subspaces of Z is itself a subspace of Z?
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FAQ: What Is the Difference Between a Closed Set and a Complete Set in Topology?

What is closure in science?

Closure in science refers to the process of reaching a conclusion or understanding through experimentation and observation. It involves using evidence and data to support a hypothesis or theory, and ruling out alternative explanations.

What is completeness in scientific research?

Completeness in scientific research refers to the extent to which all relevant factors and variables have been considered and accounted for in a study. It is important for ensuring accurate and reliable results.

How do closure and completeness relate to the scientific method?

Closure and completeness are essential components of the scientific method. They help scientists reach valid and reliable conclusions by systematically gathering and analyzing evidence and ruling out potential biases and confounding factors.

What are some potential challenges in achieving closure and completeness in scientific research?

One challenge is the presence of unknown or unaccounted for variables that can affect the results of a study. Another challenge is the possibility of human error or bias in data collection and interpretation. Additionally, limited resources or time constraints may make it difficult to fully achieve closure and completeness in a study.

Why is it important for scientific research to strive for closure and completeness?

Closure and completeness are crucial for producing reliable and valid scientific knowledge. Without these principles, research may produce inaccurate or biased results that can lead to incorrect conclusions and hinder progress in a particular field of study.
