Does Accelerating Mass Radiate Gravitational Waves and Lose Energy?

In summary, gravitational radiation is likely produced by accelerating masses, but it's extremely weak and we wouldn't be able to detect it with current technology.
  • #1

I've know that accelerated charge generates electromagnetic radiation which eventually should cause the electron to crash into the atom nuclear, until Bohr atom model.
Suppose that we have a mass which cause to gravitation field.
If this mass will be accelerated, will it radiate gravitational field? and furthermore, will it energy will be lost eventually (In this case I guess that Bohr's model is not relevant) ?

Physics news on
  • #2
People write articles on this topic such as "Electrodynamics of Radiating Charges":

"The radiation of a uniformly accelerated charge is beyond the horizon: A simple

"Hawking-Unruh Radiation and Radiation of a Uniformly Accelerated Charge":

This final paper, which takes into account quantum effects, provides the best explanation of the three.

For the Unruh effect, see:
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  • #3
Yes, it is believed that acceleration of masses may cause the production of gravitational waves. But so far experiments have failed to detect those waves.
  • #4
adamp121 said:

If this mass will be accelerated, will it radiate gravitational field? and furthermore, will it energy will be lost eventually (In this case I guess that Bohr's model is not relevant) ?

Hey Adam. You remember how the electric dipole radiation's angular distribution of power radiated comes from the second time derivative of the electric dipole moment of a charge distribution in the dipole approximation? Well for gravitational waves, using a similar approximation scheme, we find that the radiation comes from the third time derivative of the mass quadrupole moment of a mass distribution (the dipole moment doesn't contribute simply because of conservation of momentum). If a system is accelerated so as to yield a sufficiently dynamical mass quadrupole moment then yes there will be gravitational radiation and energy will be lost over time. But note that for most sources the amplitude and energy carried away will be orders of magnitude lower than what we could even hope to detect. Anything non-negligible in amplitude tends to be generated by extremely violent astrophysical events like non-spherical supernovae.
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  • #5

Hello Adam,

Thank you for your question. The concept of collapse in a gravitational field is a complex one and has been a subject of scientific debate for many years. It is important to note that the concept of collapse is not well-defined in the context of a gravitational field, as the laws of gravity do not work in the same way as electromagnetism.

However, to address your question about the radiation of gravitational fields, the answer is yes. Any mass that is accelerated will indeed radiate a gravitational field. This is known as gravitational radiation and has been observed in extreme cases, such as when two massive objects like black holes merge.

As for the loss of energy, it is possible that some energy may be lost through the emission of gravitational radiation. However, the amount of energy lost in this way is very small and would not significantly affect the mass or the gravitational field. Therefore, the Bohr model is still relevant in this case.

I hope this helps to clarify your question. If you have any further inquiries, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards,

FAQ: Does Accelerating Mass Radiate Gravitational Waves and Lose Energy?

1. What is a collapse in a gravitational field?

A collapse in a gravitational field occurs when a massive object, such as a star or planet, collapses under its own gravity. This can happen when the internal pressure of the object is no longer strong enough to counteract the force of gravity.

2. Why does a collapse occur in a gravitational field?

A collapse occurs in a gravitational field because of the fundamental property of gravity, which is the attraction between two objects with mass. When an object becomes massive enough, the force of gravity becomes stronger than the internal forces holding it together, leading to a collapse.

3. What are the consequences of a collapse in a gravitational field?

The consequences of a collapse in a gravitational field depend on the size and type of object that is collapsing. For smaller objects, such as stars, the collapse can result in a supernova explosion. For larger objects, such as galaxies, the collapse can lead to the formation of a black hole.

4. Can a collapse in a gravitational field be prevented?

No, a collapse in a gravitational field cannot be prevented. It is a natural process that occurs due to the laws of gravity and the properties of matter. However, scientists are studying ways to potentially mitigate the effects of a collapse, such as through advanced propulsion systems or gravitational wave detection.

5. How does a collapse in a gravitational field affect space and time?

A collapse in a gravitational field can have significant effects on the fabric of space and time. Near a black hole, for example, space and time are heavily distorted, leading to phenomena such as time dilation and gravitational lensing. These effects are predicted by Einstein's theory of general relativity.

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