Combining thermal conductivity

In summary, thermal resistance can be added for laminations in series, such as walls, by using the inverse of thermal conductivity. However, for mixtures that do not meet certain blending criteria, this method may not apply. When dealing with laminations in parallel, the thermal resistance or conductivity can be calculated using area weighting. The best insulator is Silica Aerogel, but it is expensive. The thermal conductivity of a combination of materials can be calculated by breaking it down into manageable layers or bits. It is also possible to calculate the conductivity of mixtures like bread dough, but it may be easier to measure it.
  • #1
If thermal resistance is additive, then how can the thermal conductivity of two (or more) materials be combined? Can it? Eg. a wall filled with straw and air, a hollow brick, a mixture of polystyrene and fibreglass wool (just some random ideas off the top of my head).
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  • #3
It's quite easy for laminations such as walls because if you use the right units..

Thermal Resistance = 1/thermal conductivity

so if the total thermal conductivity of material n is TCn then

Total Thermal Cond. = 1/(1/TC1 + 1/TC2 + 1/TC3...+ 1/TCn)

Be careful about the units used for any source data. Many countries use R-Value or U-Value to mean different things. Sometime data is specified "per unit thickness" (eg per meter thickness) and sometimes the data is provided for the particular thickness of the product. It's not unknown for advertisers to try and confuse people by quoting the figure for the raw material used (eg per meter thickness) leaving you to work out how good (or bad) their 5mm thick product really is compared to thicker alternatives.

The thermal conductivity data down this page

is the value per meter thickness. You will need to scale the value to suit whatever thickness of lamination you have before working out the total for a combination. Not hard to do. If you have 100mm rather than 1 meter then the Thermal Conductivity goes up by a factor of 10.

For info I believe the best insulator is still Silica Aerogel which for any given thickness is about twice as good as PIR and PUR foams. Bit expensive though.
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  • #4
Example. Calculate total thermal conductivity of 100mm of concrete plus 150mm of polyeurathane.

From Wikipedia..

TC of 1m concrete is about 1 (eg a good conductor of heat)
TC of 1m Poly is about 0.02 (eg a good insulator)

both W.M-1.K-1


TC of 100mm concrete = 1 * 1000/100 = 10
TC of 150mm Poly = 0.02 *1000/150 = 0.133

Total TC = 1(1/10 + 1/0.133) = 0.131

Which is quite close to that of the Poly alone.

Experts may say it's a bit more complicated than that. To do it accurately I think you need to take into account surface emissivity of the various layers but the above is usually good enough for designing houses.
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  • #5
The above works for laminations where heat goes through each one after the other in "series".

Something like a wall with a window or a brick with a hole in has two materials effectively in "parallel". You can work out the thermal resistance or thermal conductivity for the combination using area weighting.

Some objects will have a combination of materials in series and parallel. It's just a matter of breaking it down into manageable layers/bits. There is an analogy with electrical resistors which can be connected in any number of ways and combinations.

It's interesting to read how aerogel works. All to do with pore size and the mean free path of gas molecules.

I've no idea if it's possible to calculate the conductivity of mixtures like bread dough - I imagine it's best to measure it!
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Likes Andries Stucki and HalcyonicBlues

FAQ: Combining thermal conductivity

What is thermal conductivity?

Thermal conductivity is a measure of a material's ability to conduct heat. It is a physical property that describes how quickly heat can pass through a material.

Why is it important to combine thermal conductivity?

Combining thermal conductivity allows us to create materials with desired thermal properties. For example, if we want a material to have high thermal conductivity, we can combine materials with high individual thermal conductivities to achieve that result.

What factors affect thermal conductivity?

Thermal conductivity is affected by several factors, including the material's composition, density, and temperature. Generally, materials with high thermal conductivity have strong bonds between atoms and are more dense, allowing for efficient heat transfer.

How is thermal conductivity measured?

Thermal conductivity is typically measured in units of watts per meter-kelvin (W/m·K) using specialized equipment, such as a thermal conductivity meter. This involves measuring the rate of heat transfer through a material under controlled conditions.

What are some real-world applications of combining thermal conductivity?

Combining thermal conductivity is important in many industries, such as construction, electronics, and energy. It allows for the development of materials with optimal thermal insulation, efficient heat transfer, and heat management capabilities, which are crucial for various applications, including building insulation, computer chips, and power generation systems.

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