How Do I Understand Compound Names and Formulas Using the Periodic Table?

  • Thread starter sanketm182
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In summary, this person is asking about general rules for reacting molecules, and looking for a table of Ksp, Ka and E0 values to help them understand organic reactions.
  • #1
i need help understanding compound names and formulas and charges of ions using periodic table
Chemistry news on
  • #2
Maybe you should post in the Chemistry section.
  • #3
sanketm182 said:
i need help understanding compound names and formulas and charges of ions using periodic table

Thread moved to Chemistry. Welcome to the PF, sanketm182. What can you tell us about the subject? What courses are you taking now? What kind of introduction to the Periodic Table have you had so far?
  • #4
Perhaps someone could help me out with questions I have relating to this.

How do you determine which chemical takes precedence over others?

For exampe: if there was a mixture of bicarbonate and chlorine and I added sodium, would I have sodium bicarbonate or sodium chloride?

H + Cl + F = HCl + F or HF + Cl?

I hope what I'm asking is clear.
  • #5
As for the sodium question, if the solution reaches saturation, the salt which is least soluble will form.

As for the H,Cl,F question, HCl is a super strong acid and will dissolve completely. HF is a weak acid and will more likely form, but in both cases you are dealing with equilibrium reactions, so the molecules will likely dissolve shortly after forming.
  • #6
Thank you for your reply, but what I'm looking for are general rules to follow (as opposed to specific), perhaps using the periodic table?

An example of a rule (I just made this up off the top of my head): "The molecule with the least electrons will form a compound"

If it were true then flourine would have less electrons so it would make H + F + Cl = HF + Cl.

Obviously I'm just using that rule as an example, but is there some set precedure to working all this out?

Perhaps even a topic reference so I can look it up...

  • #7
There are laws which govern reactions, but Chemistry is a lot of casework. You really need to know stuff about the spesific molecules/atoms involved. For example, you might think that H+ and HSO4- in solution will combine to form H2SO4, but in reality very few of protons will do this. The eason is that the equilibrium reaction

[tex]H_2SO_4(aq)\Longleftrightarrow H^+(aq)+HSO_4^-(aq)\Longleftrightarrow 2H^+(aq) + SO_4^{2-}[/tex]

is strongly weighed to the right (H2SO4 is also a super strong acid).

You really need a table of Ksp, Ka and E0 values to get anywhere with unorganic reactions.

A good place to start is the Wikipedia article on Chemical rections, which lists many reaction types:
  • #8
Thank you for your help, i'll check out and hopefully I can learn some stuff from it.

FAQ: How Do I Understand Compound Names and Formulas Using the Periodic Table?

1. What are compounds?

Compounds are substances made up of two or more elements that are chemically bonded together. They have a unique set of physical and chemical properties that are different from the elements that make them up.

2. How are compounds named?

Compounds are named using a system called nomenclature, which assigns a unique name to each compound based on its chemical composition. This includes using prefixes and suffixes to indicate the number and type of atoms present in the compound.

3. What is the purpose of writing chemical formulas for compounds?

Chemical formulas are used to represent the elements and their ratios within a compound. This allows scientists to easily identify and compare different compounds and predict their properties and reactions.

4. How do you determine the formula of a compound?

The formula of a compound is determined by the number and type of atoms present in the compound. This information can be found by analyzing the compound's molecular structure and using chemical formulas and equations.

5. Are there any rules for writing compound names and formulas?

Yes, there are specific rules and guidelines for writing compound names and formulas. These rules include using the correct prefixes and suffixes, following the order of elements in the compound, and using subscripts to indicate the number of each element present in the compound.

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