Computer Vision, Corners and Eigenvalues

In summary, the Harris Corner detection method in Computer Vision involves locating corners in an image by examining the image brightness gradient in a 5x5 neighboring pixel region. This gradient is calculated using the co-variance matrix C and its eigenvalues and eigenvectors indicate the direction and strength of the gradient. The eigenvalues are important in determining whether a pixel is a corner, as large values for both indicate a corner. The calculation of the eigenvalues is not related to principal component analysis. The equation being solved is related to finding the root of the homogeneous equation Ax=0. The Taylor expansion in the attached PDF is for calculating the change in intensity about a point in the image.
  • #1
This question is about the use of eigenvalues in a specific application.
The subject is Computer Vision and the topic is the Harris Corner detection method. The attached file is PDF document of slides that show the math in a bit more detail.

In the slides, a corner is located by looking at the image brightness gradient in a region (say 5 x5 neighboring pixel) about each pixel in the image. The gradient value (formula) is

D(u,v) = [u v]C[u v]T = constant. C is the co-variance matrix for the neighborhood about a given pixel.

C is then diagonalized with eigenvalues, and they and their eigenvectors indicate the direction and strength of the brightness gradient.

But I’m puzzled why eigenvalues are calculated at all. Isn’t calculating D(u,v) for each pixel enough?

I am aware that eigenvalues provide a root to the homogeneous equation Ax=0, but why try and find roots at all in this situation? And what is the equation we trying to solve in this case?


  • Gradientslides.pdf
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  • #2
The directions in which the gradient variation is maximal/minimal are given by the eigenvectors of D(u,v), and the magnitude of these maxima, minima is given by the eigenvalues. Supposedly a corner is characterized by the condition that both eigenvalues are large, which is why the are computed.
  • #4
I don't think this has to do with principal component analysis, but it was a thoughtful suggestion.

I think you are right yyat. D(u,v) calculates the change in intensity about a point. But its essential term is I(i+u,j+v)-I(i,j). Is this a difference equation - effectively a discrete derivative? Or is the derivative of this equation what we want to set to zero and solve.

In the PDF the Taylor expansion is for I(i+u,j+v)=I(i,j)+Ix(u)+Iy(v)...(where Ix=dI/dx, and Iy=dI/dy, and x and y are in the i and j direction). But is this applied to the difference equation or to its derivative?

By the way, i and j represent pixel indices and have nothing to do with unit directional vectors.

FAQ: Computer Vision, Corners and Eigenvalues

What is computer vision and how is it used?

Computer vision is a field of computer science that involves extracting information from images or videos. It is used to understand and analyze visual data, such as identifying objects, people, and their movements.

What are corners in computer vision?

Corners are points in an image where the brightness or color changes significantly in multiple directions. These points are important for various computer vision tasks, such as feature detection, tracking, and 3D reconstruction.

How are corners detected in computer vision?

Corners can be detected using various algorithms, such as Harris corner detection or Shi-Tomasi corner detection. These algorithms look for significant changes in the image gradient, which indicate the presence of a corner.

What are eigenvalues in computer vision?

Eigenvalues are a mathematical concept that is used in computer vision for feature extraction and analysis. They represent the amount of variance in a set of data along a specific direction or axis, and can be used to reduce the dimensionality of data.

How are eigenvalues used in computer vision?

In computer vision, eigenvalues are used in techniques such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Eigenfaces for facial recognition. These techniques use eigenvalues to identify the most important features in a dataset and reduce its complexity for faster and more accurate analysis.
