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I ran across this paper some time ago. I would be interested in any comments that you may have.
http://www.laboratory.ru/articl/hypo/eax060.htmThe aim of our research is to define a tie of electrodynamics and gravitation and to define a tie of Newtonian constant of gravitation G and electromagnetic constants. Has been discovered a global tie between Newtonian constant of gravitation G and major fundamental physical constants and has been got mathematical equation for calculation of constant G. Has been found out that Newtonian constant of gravitation G includes in oneself Planck constant h. A tie between constants which has been opened by us allows to get all the fundamental physical constants by mathematical calculation on base of special group of constants. As an initial constants for getting Newtonian constant of gravitation G we used only 4 fundamental physical constants: speed of light in vacuum, Planck constant, Rydberg constant, fine-structure constant. We discovered a group of independent primary constants, which allowed to get not only the constant G, but also the other fundamental physical constants with exactness 9 v10 digits by mathematical calculation. Results, which have been got, open the new possibilities in research of problems of microgravity, indicate on single nature of electromagnetism and gravitation and on possibility of management by gravitation with help of electromagnetic technologies.
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