Contracting over indices chain rule

In summary, the conversation discusses a problem involving showing the equality of uβ∂βuα and aα, where u is 4 velocity and a refers to 4 acceleration. The solution involves using the chain rule and transforming into a rest frame. The four-velocity and four-acceleration are also defined and explained in the conversation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

As part of a problem I am doing I am asked to show uββuα = aα where u is 4 velocity and a refers to 4 acceleration. The way to do this is not immediately obvious to me, especially since the problem implies there should be a chain rule step involved which I am not seeing. I thought ∂ refers to ∂/∂t + ∂/∂x ect.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2
Hints: What is ##\partial_\beta(u^\beta u^\sigma)##? What is the definition of ##a^\sigma##, and is there a way to rewrite that in a way that involves partial derivatives?

Edit: Oops. You don't have to use the product rule here, so ignore my first hint. Just start with the definition of ##a^\sigma##.
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  • #3
Well if I do this (∂/∂t + ∂/∂x...)* each component of uβ there's still the uα I have to worry about. aα = duα/dτ so this seems to imply that uββ = d/dτ which doesn't seem right...?

And I'm not seeing how I can get that?

Oh wait never mind...I think I got it! If say I transform into a rest frame, the only component of the four velocity that is nonzero is the time component which is γc but γ=dt/dτ so uββ = d/dτ which makes the whole thing work! (yay)
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  • #4
yeah you really don't have to use chain rule
  • #5
black_hole said:
If say I transform into a rest frame, the only component of the four velocity that is nonzero is the time component which is γc but γ=dt/dτ so uββ = d/dτ which makes the whole thing work! (yay)
In the (momentarily) comoving inertial coordinate system, we have u=(c,0,0,0), not (γc,0,0,0), and this is only at one specific moment. The four-acceleration is the rate of change of the four-velocity as a function of proper time, and the four-velocity is just the normalized tangent vector to the world line. The four-acceleration is telling us how that tangent vector's direction in spacetime is changing with proper time, so you can't compute it from knowledge of that direction at only one point on the world line.

black_hole said:
yeah you really don't have to use chain rule
You do, actually. Recall that the chain rule is about taking the derivative of the composition of two functions. Can you figure out what the two functions are in this case?
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  • #6
Fredrik said:
You do, actually. Recall that the chain rule is about taking the derivative of the composition of two functions. Can you figure out what the two functions are in this case?

I replied to this thread by using chain rule which gives answer in one line.someone deleted it,and send me an infraction for it.
  • #7
andrien said:
I replied to this thread by using chain rule which gives answer in one line.someone deleted it,and send me an infraction for it.
Yes, I noticed. My reply to it was deleted as well. I just said that in the homework forum, we try to give hints, not complete solutions. It can be hard to do this when the calculation is this short.

FAQ: Contracting over indices chain rule

1. What is the Contracting over Indices Chain Rule?

The Contracting over Indices Chain Rule is a mathematical rule used in tensor calculus to simplify and manipulate equations involving tensors. It is also known as the Einstein summation convention.

2. How does the Contracting over Indices Chain Rule work?

The rule states that when there are two indices in an equation that are repeated, they are automatically summed over in the final result. This allows for a more concise representation of tensor equations and reduces the number of terms that need to be written out.

3. Why is the Contracting over Indices Chain Rule important?

The Contracting over Indices Chain Rule is important because it simplifies and streamlines calculations involving tensors, which are widely used in physics, engineering, and other scientific fields. It also allows for more elegant and concise representations of equations, making them easier to understand and work with.

4. Are there any exceptions to the Contracting over Indices Chain Rule?

Yes, there are some exceptions to the rule, such as when the indices are not repeated in the same order or when there are multiple terms in an equation with different index orders. In these cases, the rule cannot be applied and the full equation must be written out.

5. How can I use the Contracting over Indices Chain Rule in my scientific work?

If you are working with tensor equations, you can use the Contracting over Indices Chain Rule to simplify and manipulate them. This can make your calculations more efficient and your equations easier to understand. It is important to understand the rules and any exceptions to ensure accurate and consistent results.

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