Have you ever fantasized about killing someone who annoys you?

  • Thread starter maximus
  • Start date
In summary, some people think that they are capable of killing another person, while others believe that it is something that should only be done in extreme circumstances.

could you kill a person?

  • yes, i could do it easily. (in cold blood)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • yes, but i would only do it for specific reasons (hot blood)

    Votes: 7 53.8%
  • no, i could never kill a person

    Votes: 3 23.1%
  • other, please explain

    Votes: 3 23.1%

  • Total voters
  • #1
do you think that you are capable of killing another person?

...have you?
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  • #2
Certain people, in a different time perhaps.

It's like the saying on a t-shirt I saw. "Some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them". :wink:
  • #3
Yes, I could probably do it, but only because it was necessary, for instance in the case of war or, in self-defense. This I believe you call jutifiable homicide, which you would have to classify as "other" in your poll.
  • #4
Originally posted by Eh
It's like the saying on a t-shirt I saw. "Some people are only alive because it's illegal to kill them". :wink:

Good one!

Actually, my past is strewn with "dead bodies" ...the victims of wishful thinking on my part.

However -- and this might be one of those times I shouldn't answer a question at all, let alone truthfully -- I could kill someone with pleasure if they ticked me off enough.

Just remember, as my signature says: "We are what we DO" ...not what we think about doing. Living a decent life is NOT about "controlling our emotions"; its about controlling the actions we may or may not want to take as a result of our emotions.
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  • #5
Originally posted by maximus
do you think that you are capable of killing another person?

I don't know. Who did you have in mind?
  • #6
I think that if I were in combat I could learn to do this. I can't think of any other occasion in which I could manage to go through with it.
  • #7
As the great rap-artist Scarface once wrote,
"Ah got this killuh up-inside a me. I cain't talk to mah mutha so I talk to mah diary."

If I could get away with it, yes I would be able to kill someone, but I would be the folkhero-type vigilante. I'd go after the rapists, murderers and all-around evil-doers.
  • #8
I think deep down everyone is capable of it under the right circumstances. It's simply a question of extremes, and what would push you to do something like that. If someone killed the person you love most in the world, and you could kill them, wouldn't you?

For those of you who saw the movie "Seven" it's like that. He took them out there knowing that he would do it. For the rest of you, sorry I ruined the ending.. hehe. Or the movie "A time to kill". What paren't wouldn't want to do what he did?

When dealing with primal instincts of the human phsyche, anyone could be pushed to do it if they had no other choice. If you had to defend yourself? Kill or be killed? 99.9 percent would.
  • #9
Yes i could kill someone if i needed to, are there any people who have served with the armed forces here, who might have killed someone in combat? Would be interesting to hear there views on this.
  • #10
Theoretically I imagine each of us is capable of anything. In hard reality, though, it's different. Thinking about killing someone would be easy - but actually getting down to it - my body would try and do everything to prevent me. Maybe film and media has desensitised us to precisely what an incredible powerful emotional experience killing someone would be. I know it wouldn't be a natural action for myself, no matter what theoretical provocation surrounded any given situation.
  • #11
I can kill a person in a situation of self-defense...I think...
But I don't think this could be answered without facing a likely situation.
It is too difficult to imagine smt like it! To end another human being's life by your own hands...to do something which cannot be taken back, ever... Ok I don't know what to say exactly...
  • #12
i would have to be in a situation where i felt severely threatened...
  • #13
I kill you like my lobster.
  • #14
I couldn't even kill a chicken. But if I see a rape, chances are that I'll kill the rapist.
  • #15
am i the only person here who has ever fantisized about killing another person? i find myself sometimes walking through how i'd do it. usually it's only if the person is annoying me, but sometimes it's just a complete stranger or a friend. should i be worried?
  • #16
What if I told you everyone you kill goes to heaven. Or better yet, lol, er, what Arthur Kay says about his father.
He hated the fact that we had to kill chickens in order to eat them. He felt God has gotten it all wrong when it came to chickens. They should be, my father would say, like peaches, unfeeling and edible. Grown in chicken orchards, and picked at their ripest and plumpest. Or, he would also say, chickens should have the magical ability to be eaten, but immediately reappear, alive and well, pecking away and no worse for the wear.
  • #17
Originally posted by M. Gaspar
Good one!

Actually, my past is strewn with "dead bodies" ...the victims of wishful thinking on my part.

However -- and this might be one of those times I shouldn't answer a question at all, let alone truthfully -- I could kill someone with pleasure if they ticked me off enough.
Damn, Hell hath no fury like M. Gaspar scorned!?

I'll try to stay on your good side from now on :smile:
  • #18
Originally posted by maximus
do you think that you are capable of killing another person?

...have you?

  • #19
Was that a yes to the "have you" question? if so what where the circumstances for you killing th person(s)?
  • #20
am i the only person here who has ever fantisized about killing another person? i find myself sometimes walking through how i'd do it. usually it's only if the person is annoying me, but sometimes it's just a complete stranger or a friend. should i be worried?

I can't say I've ever thought about killing someone who annoyed me. I go by a simple philosphy, "Don't get mad, get even" And if a person is annoying me, I'd rather get them even better, and have them around to laugh at, then maybe do it again.

See, this way, instead of killing people, you let them live for your own personal entertainment.

FAQ: Have you ever fantasized about killing someone who annoys you?

1. Can a person really kill someone?

Yes, it is possible for a person to kill someone. However, it is a complex and multifaceted issue that varies from person to person.

2. What are some factors that could lead someone to kill?

Some factors that could potentially lead someone to kill include mental illness, extreme emotional distress, self-defense, and following orders from a higher authority.

3. Are some people more likely to kill than others?

Research has shown that there are certain personality traits and circumstances that may make someone more likely to kill, such as a history of violent behavior, exposure to violence, and access to weapons. However, it is important to remember that each person is unique and it is impossible to predict with certainty who will or will not kill.

4. Is killing someone ever justified?

This is a highly debated and subjective question. In some cases, such as self-defense or during war, killing may be seen as justified. However, it is ultimately up to individuals and societies to determine their own moral codes and beliefs about the justification of killing.

5. How does the human brain react to killing?

The human brain is a complex organ and its reaction to killing can vary greatly from person to person. Some individuals may experience a range of emotions, including guilt and remorse, while others may feel little to no emotional response. Additionally, the brain may also experience changes in neural pathways and chemical reactions in response to killing.

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