Crystal Field Model: True/False Questions for Octahedral Complex Ions

In summary, the Crystal Field Model of an octahedral complex ion for first-row transition metals states that a) Two of the 3d orbitals point directly at ligands, b) t2 orbitals are less stable than e orbitals, d) The high-spin case gives maximum unpaired electrons, e) For a given ligand, Fe3+ increases splitting less than Fe2+, and f) Cl- causes a greater increase in the crystal field splitting energy than does H2O. However, statement c is technically incorrect as an odd number of electrons still results in a diamagnetic complex and statement g is unclearly worded as the splitting energy is influenced by the ligands' attachment on the axis.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Which of the following are true for the Crystal Field Model of an octahedral complex ion? Consider ions to be from first-row transition metals.

a) Two of the 3d orbitals point directly at ligands

b) t2 orbitals are less stable than e orbitals

c) A large crystal field splitting energy results in a diamagnetic complex

d) The high-spin case gives maximum unpaired electrons

e) For a given ligand, Fe3+ increases splitting less than Fe2+

f) Cl- causes a greater increase in the crystal field splitting energy than does H2O

g) The splitting of energy (E) of 3d orbitals occurs in the ligands

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I put acde and I am pretty sure I am right, what am I doing wrong?
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  • #2
SamTsui86 said:

Homework Statement


c) A large crystal field splitting energy results in a diamagnetic complex


g) The splitting of energy (E) of 3d orbitals occurs in the ligands


The statement c isn't technically right and g is unclearly worded to me.

For statement C if there are an odd number of electrons it is still diamagnetic. By most standards diamagnetic means no unpaired electrons and if there are an odd number electrons it going to have to be unpaired. A large splitting energy makes it hard to move the electons up in energy to the Eg orbitals but the unpaired electron can occur in T2g orbitals

Statement G: Crystal field theory assumes coulombic repulsion. The ligands attach on the axis making a higher electron density on those 2 d orbitals. This increases the repulsion and that is why those two orbitals split and become higher in energy. So in a way the splitting energy does come the ligands
  • #3

Your response is mostly correct, but there are a few errors.

a) True - Two of the 3d orbitals (dx^2-y^2 and dz^2) point directly at ligands in an octahedral geometry.

b) False - t2 orbitals are actually more stable than e orbitals due to their lower energy.

c) True - A large crystal field splitting energy results in a diamagnetic complex, meaning there are no unpaired electrons.

d) False - The low-spin case actually gives maximum unpaired electrons.

e) False - For a given ligand, Fe3+ actually increases splitting more than Fe2+.

f) True - Cl- causes a greater increase in the crystal field splitting energy than H2O due to its smaller size and higher charge.

g) False - The splitting of energy (E) of 3d orbitals occurs in the presence of the ligands, not within them.

FAQ: Crystal Field Model: True/False Questions for Octahedral Complex Ions

1. Is the Crystal Field Model an accurate representation of octahedral complex ions?

Yes, the Crystal Field Model is generally accepted as an accurate representation of the electronic structure and properties of octahedral complex ions.

2. Does the Crystal Field Model consider the effects of ligand field splitting?

Yes, the Crystal Field Model takes into account the effects of ligand field splitting, which is the separation of energy levels in a complex ion caused by the interactions between the ligands and the metal ion.

3. Are all octahedral complex ions high spin?

No, not all octahedral complex ions are high spin. The Crystal Field Model predicts whether a complex ion will be high spin or low spin based on the number of unpaired electrons in the d orbitals of the metal ion.

4. Can the Crystal Field Model explain the color of transition metal complex ions?

Yes, the Crystal Field Model can explain the color of transition metal complex ions by considering the energy differences between the d orbitals in the presence of ligands. These energy differences correspond to specific wavelengths of light, resulting in the absorption of certain colors and the reflection of others.

5. Is the Crystal Field Model applicable to all types of complex ions?

No, the Crystal Field Model is specifically designed for octahedral complex ions and may not accurately predict the properties of other types of complex ions, such as tetrahedral or square planar complexes. Other models, such as the Molecular Orbital Model, may be more appropriate for these types of complex ions.
