Why Do Ionic and Inert Gas Crystals Have Different Repulsive Potential Terms?

In summary, the difference in repulsive terms between inert gas crystals and ionic crystals is due to the different types of interactions between the atoms in each system, with the former being short-ranged Van der Waals forces and the latter being long-ranged Coulombic repulsions described by the central field repulsive potential.
  • #1
Hi all, I have a doubt regarding interaction energy term between atoms of crystal.
1.) Actually in interaction energy term of Inert gas crystals, we get term as R**(-12) as repulsvie potential. But on the contra while writing term for Interaction energy term for Ionic Crystal we write Repulsive Term as “ a*exp(-R/b), about which in Kittel it is introduced as Central Field Repulsive potential.
2.) Now Can anybody tell me why the change is made in ionic crystal?
3.) And what’s mean by Central field Repulsive potential and what is its origin??
Please help
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  • #2
me in clearing my doubt.Thanks in advance. The difference between the repulsive terms for inert gas crystals and ionic crystals is due to the different types of interactions between the atoms in the two systems. Inert gas crystals are composed of non-polar molecules, so the main interaction between the atoms is the Van der Waals force. This force is short-ranged and decreases with the distance as R^(-12). On the other hand, ionic crystals are composed of ions with opposite charges, so there is a Coulombic repulsion between them. This repulsion is long-ranged and decreases with the distance exponentially (as a*exp(-R/b)). The term "central field repulsive potential" is used to describe the repulsive interaction between two ions of opposite charges. It is derived from classical electrostatics and is a consequence of the fact that the electric field produced by one ion at the position of the other has a component that points away from the other ion, thus causing a repulsive force between them.
  • #3


Thank you for your question regarding crystal interactions. I can provide some information and clarification on the topics you have mentioned.

1.) The difference in the repulsive potential term between inert gas crystals and ionic crystals is due to the nature of the interactions between the atoms. In inert gas crystals, the atoms are neutral and interact through van der Waals forces, which are described by the R**(-12) term. However, in ionic crystals, the atoms have opposite charges and interact through electrostatic forces, which are described by the a*exp(-R/b) term. This change is necessary because the nature of the interactions is different in these two types of crystals.

2.) The term "Central Field Repulsive potential" refers to the repulsive interactions between ions in an ionic crystal. It is called "central field" because it is a result of the repulsion between the positively charged ion and the negatively charged electrons in the surrounding "central field." This term is used in Kittel's book to describe the repulsive potential in ionic crystals.

3.) The origin of the Central Field Repulsive potential is the Coulombic repulsion between ions with opposite charges. As mentioned before, the positively charged ion and the negatively charged electrons in the central field repel each other, resulting in a repulsive potential. This potential is essential in determining the stability of ionic crystals and plays a significant role in their structure and properties.

I hope this answers your questions and provides some clarity on the topic. If you have any further doubts or inquiries, please feel free to ask. it is always important to have a curious and inquisitive mind, and I am happy to help in any way I can.

Best regards,

FAQ: Why Do Ionic and Inert Gas Crystals Have Different Repulsive Potential Terms?

What is crystal interaction?

Crystal interaction refers to the way in which crystals interact with each other, either through physical contact or through electromagnetic forces.

What causes crystal interaction?

Crystal interaction is primarily caused by the arrangement of atoms within a crystal lattice, which creates a specific structure and surface properties that allow for interactions with other crystals.

Why is crystal interaction important?

Crystal interaction plays a crucial role in many natural processes, such as crystal growth, mineral formation, and the formation of geological structures. It also has important applications in fields such as materials science, geology, and crystallography.

How is crystal interaction measured?

Crystal interaction can be measured using various techniques, such as X-ray diffraction, atomic force microscopy, and optical methods. These techniques allow scientists to study the physical properties and structure of crystals, including their interactions with other crystals.

Can crystal interaction be controlled?

While the arrangement of atoms within a crystal lattice ultimately determines its interactions, scientists can manipulate certain factors, such as temperature, pressure, and chemical composition, to control crystal interactions to some extent. This is important for applications such as crystal growth, drug delivery, and material design.
