Demonstration of relation between geodesics and FLRW metric

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of the FLRW metric in General Relativity and the concept of comoving coordinates. The author introduces the concept of Free Fall coordinates and their utility in understanding the dependence of time on the scale factor. The conversation also includes a demonstration of the first-order relation between these coordinates and classic geodesics, but the speaker is stuck on the details of the demonstration.
  • #1
I am reading a book of General Relativity and I am stuck on a demonstration. If I consider the FLRW metric as :


with ##g_{tt}=1##, ##\quad g_{rr}=\dfrac{a(t)^2}{1-kr^2}## and ##\quad g_{\theta\theta}=\dfrac{g_{\phi\phi}}{\text{sin}^2\theta}=a(t)^2 r^2##

It is said in this book that, despite of the utility of comoving coordinates, the dependence of time in scale factor ##a(t)## can be better understood if we consider a set of coordinates called "Free Fall coordinates" and noted ##(\tilde{x}^\mu, \mu=0,1,2,3)## with a metric locally Lorentzian near to the origin ##\tilde{x}^{\mu}=0## :


with ##\eta_{00}=-\eta_{11}=-\eta_{22}=-\eta_{33}=1\quad\quad## and ##\eta_{\mu\neq\nu}=0##

and ##g_{\mu\nu,\alpha\beta}=\dfrac{\partial^2 g_{\mu\nu}}{\partial \tilde{x}^{\alpha}\partial \tilde{x}^{\beta}}##

Moreover, one takes the expression of classic geodesics :

##\dfrac{\text{d}}{\text{d}\tau}\bigg(g_{\mu\nu}(x)\dfrac{\text{d}x^{\nu}}{\text{d}\tau}\bigg)-\dfrac{1}{2}\dfrac{\partial g_{\lambda\nu}}{\partial x^{\mu}}\dfrac{\text{d}x^{\lambda}}{\text{d}\tau}\dfrac{\text{d}x^{\nu}}{\text{d}\tau}=0\quad\quad\mu=0,1,2,3\quad (eq2)##

The author says that, by applying ##(eq1)## into the relation ##(eq2)##, one gets, at first order, the following relation :

##\dfrac{\text{d}^2 \tilde{x}^{\alpha}}{\text{d}\tau^2} = -\eta^{\alpha\gamma}\bigg[g_{\mu\gamma,\nu\beta}-\dfrac{1}{2}g_{\mu\nu,\gamma\beta}\bigg]\tilde{x}^{\beta}\dfrac{\text{d}\tilde{x}^{\mu}}{\text{d}\tau}\dfrac{\text{d}\tilde{x}^{\nu}}{\text{d}\tau}\quad\quad(eq3)##

I can't manage to obtain the ##eq(3)## from ##eq(1)## and ##eq(2)##, if someone could help me for the details of the demonstration, this would be nice.

Thanks in advance for your help
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  • #2
Please show us what you did get.
  • #3
For the moment, if I put the definition of ##g_{\nu\mu}## into ##eq(2)##, I get :

##\dfrac{\text{d}}{\text{d}\tau}\bigg(g_{\mu\nu}(x)\dfrac{\text{d}x^{\nu}}{\text{d}\tau}\bigg)=\bigg(\dfrac{\text{d}g_{\mu\nu}}{\text{d}\tau}\bigg)\,\dfrac{\text{d}x^{\nu}}{\text{d}\tau}+g_{\mu\nu}\dfrac{\text{d}^2x^{\nu}}{\text{d}\tau^2}\quad\quad eq(4)##

If I separate the two terms on RHS on ##eq(4)## :




Concerning the second term on RHS of ##eq(4)##, maybe I could write :

##g_{\mu\nu}\dfrac{\text{d}^2x^{\nu}}{\text{d}\tau^2}=\eta_{\mu\nu}\dfrac{\text{d}^2x^{\nu}}{\text{d}\tau^2}## by neglecting the term ##\dfrac{1}{2}g_{\mu\nu,\alpha\beta}(0)\tilde{x}^{\alpha}\tilde{x}^{\beta}## in the expression of ##g_{\mu\nu}##.

Another problem, How can I transform the second term on LHS of ##(eq2)## :

##-\dfrac{1}{2}\dfrac{\partial g_{\lambda\nu}}{\partial x^{\mu}}\dfrac{\text{d}x^{\lambda}}{\text{d}\tau}\dfrac{\text{d}x^{\nu}}{\text{d}\tau}\quad\quad eq(5)## ??

Indeed, it seems that we can deduce from this term the wanted term :


But ##\tilde{x}## coordinates ("Free Fall coordinates") appear in this last expression instead of "Comobile coordinates" ##x^{\mu}## into ##eq(5)## , so I don't know how to get it ?

Any help is welcome
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  • #4
Can't anyone bring a little help ?

FAQ: Demonstration of relation between geodesics and FLRW metric

What is a geodesic?

A geodesic is the shortest path between two points on a curved surface, or in other words, the path that minimizes the distance traveled.

What is the FLRW metric?

The FLRW metric is a mathematical framework used to describe the expanding universe in the context of general relativity. It is based on the work of Friedmann, Lemaître, Robertson, and Walker, and it describes the geometry of the universe in terms of its expansion rate, density, and curvature.

How are geodesics related to the FLRW metric?

The FLRW metric includes a term that describes the curvature of space, which influences the path of a geodesic. This means that the curvature of space affects how objects move through the expanding universe, and therefore has an impact on the evolution of the universe as a whole.

Can you give an example of how geodesics and the FLRW metric are demonstrated in the real world?

One example is the bending of light from distant galaxies, known as gravitational lensing. The FLRW metric predicts this phenomenon, as the curvature of space-time around massive objects, such as galaxies, affects the path of light passing through it. This bending of light follows a geodesic, which is described by the FLRW metric.

How does understanding the relation between geodesics and the FLRW metric contribute to our understanding of the universe?

By understanding how geodesics are influenced by the FLRW metric, we can better understand the overall structure and evolution of the universe. This knowledge can also help us make predictions and test theories about the nature of the universe, such as the existence of dark matter and dark energy.
