Exploring the Density of Black Holes: Common Misconceptions Debunked

In summary, black holes do not have a specific or constant density as it is a derived quantity and the volume of a singularity is not defined. The density decreases as the mass increases and the volume of a black hole is not well-defined. However, the ratio of mass to the hypothetical volume of a sphere with the same surface area as the event horizon can be used to estimate the density of a black hole.
  • #1
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[Mentors' note: split off from this thread]
Do all black holes have the same density?
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  • #2
I am not sure what you mean by "density". The following may or may not be relevant. It certainly is not rigourous..

George Jones said:
As mass increases, the density of matter necessary to form a black hole decreases. If fact, if enough stars are used, they don't even have to touch for a black hole to form. In other words the stars have to be close together, but there still can be space between them. Below, I calculate a quantity that I'll call density, but, in reality, the quantity is only suggestive of density.

Setting this "density" to the average density of the sun, about 1400 kg/m^3, gives a black hole mass of about 100 million solar masses. So, if more than 100 million or so (within an order of magnitude) sunlike stars congregate in the centre of a galaxy, they don't have to touch (initially) to form a black hole.

The following calculation is only suggestive, and it is in no way rigorous. Because of the curvature and nature of spacetime, it probably doesn't make sense to calculate the spatial volume inside the event horizon of a black hole.

Density is mass over volume, i.e.,

[tex]\rho = \frac{M}{V},[/tex]

and the volume of a spherical object of radius [itex]R[/itex] is given by [itex]4\pi R^3/3[/itex], so the density of a uniform sphere is

[tex]\rho = \frac{3M}{4\pi R^3}.[/tex]

A spherical black hole has event horizon (boundary) located at

[tex]R = \frac{2GM}{c^2},[/tex]

where [itex]G[/itex] is Newton's gravitational constant and [itex]c[/itex] is the speed of light.

Subsituting this equation into the density equation for a spherical black hole gives

[tex]\rho = \frac{3c^6}{32\pi G^3} \frac{1}{M^2}.[/tex]

The first bit is just a constant number, while the second bit shows that the "density" of a spherical black rapidly decreases as mass increases.

Inverting this equation gives

[tex]M = \frac{c^3}{4}\sqrt{\frac{3}{2\pi G^3}}\sqrt{\frac{1}{\rho}},[/tex]

and using the Sun's density for [itex]\rho[/itex] gives the result I mentioned at the top.
  • #3
Density is a derived quantity, not a fundamental one, equal to mass divided by volume. The volume of a singularity is not defined, so neither is the density. It just isn't a useful concept for black holes.
  • #4
Short answer: No, as you can see just by looking at the relationship between the mass and the Schwarzschild radius. Doubling the mass doubles the "radius" so increases the "volume" eight-fold, commensurately reducing the "density".

Longer answer: Those scare-quotes are in the short answer for a reason. The volume of a black hole, and hence its density, aren't especially well defined. The first and most obvious problem is that the mass is not distributed evenly inside the black hole; as far as GR will tell us (and there's no reason to believe this particular prediction) it is concentrated in a point of zero volume at the singularity in the "center" so there's no physical significance to any density you might calculate. Second, the Schwarzschild radius is not the length of a line segment between the central singularity and the event horizon (in fact, there is no such thing) so you can't just plug it into the formula for the volume of a sphere.

Usually when someone speaks of the "density" of a black hole, they mean the ratio of the mass to the volume of a hypothetical sphere whose surface area is equal to the surface area of the event horizon. And if that's what you mean by the density, you can go with the short answer above: the bigger the black hole, the lower the density.
  • #5
But the utility of George's calculation is, for example, suppose some process carried away most of the angular momentum of the stars within our galaxy, so they inevitably start collapsing. Then, the calculation show that stars are inside the event horizon before they are touching (and in some sense, before 'whatever' happens at the center, assuming it is not a singularity). In fact if there were a cloud of dust with the mass of the milky way, that had low angular momentum and was collapsing, its [average] density just before the event horizon formed would be less than that of air.
  • #6
I always thought they're all made of "black hole matter" with constant average density, like some exotic black diamond. Patently false.

FAQ: Exploring the Density of Black Holes: Common Misconceptions Debunked

1. What is the density of a black hole?

The density of a black hole is not a constant value and can vary depending on the size and mass of the black hole. However, on average, the density of a black hole is extremely high, with some estimates suggesting it can be trillions of times denser than water.

2. Is the center of a black hole a point of infinite density?

No, the center of a black hole is not a point of infinite density. The concept of a singularity, where density becomes infinite, is a mathematical prediction and not a physical reality. Scientists believe that at the center of a black hole, there is a state of extreme density and curvature of spacetime, but it is not infinite.

3. Can anything escape the gravitational pull of a black hole?

Yes, there is a point called the event horizon, beyond which the gravitational pull of a black hole is too strong for anything, including light, to escape. However, objects that are far enough away from the black hole can still escape its gravitational pull.

4. Do black holes suck everything in like a vacuum?

No, black holes do not suck everything in like a vacuum. They have a strong gravitational pull, but they do not actively pull objects towards them. Instead, objects are pulled towards the black hole due to its immense mass and the curvature of spacetime around it.

5. Can black holes die or disappear?

Currently, scientists do not have enough evidence to support the idea that black holes can die or disappear. However, some theories suggest that they can evaporate over time through a process called Hawking radiation, but this process is very slow and would take trillions of years for a black hole to significantly shrink in size.

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