Desired interpolation in MATLAB

In summary, to assess the best method for minimizing interpolation errors, it is recommended to use numerical analysis techniques such as Richardson Extrapolation and least-squares fitting, and to consider the Lagrange polynomial interpolation as the primary method.
  • #1

Homework Statement

My questions concern interpolation and a method to assess if the interpolations I have made could be refined in regards of ill condition numbers etc.

How can I make this interpolation better? I have read about interpolation techniques in Matlab but I don’t know which one to use…how can i assess the ill condition of such interpolation? Is the Lagrange polynomial interpolation the best one to use for this purpose?
Can anybody help or show me a way to assess the best method for this to minimize the interpolation errors?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I had the following dataset...

I have the following x and y values:
X1: [243.6, 199.8, 166.8, 133.2, 16.4]
Y1: [1, 1.078,1.1184,1.1648, 1.238]

X2: [286.6, 253.2, 209.4, 183.6, 56.6]
Y2: [1, 1.06,1.1452,1.182,1.3]

X3: [333.6,310.2,259.8,240,113.6]
Y3: [1.0512,1.166,1.212, 1.348,1.3]
X8: [...]
X8: [...]

Using Excel I got the following (trend lines):

y = -0.000003623485 x2 - 0.000104061124 x + 1.240802644498
y = -0.000003689281 x2 - 0.000050097492 x + 1.314941155615
y = -0.000005138283 x2 + 0.000694149114 x + 1.335972900207

Using a constant called a and jotting down

a = -3.62E-06, -3.69E-06, -5.14E-06...a8
b = -0.000104061, -5.00975E-05, 0.000694149...b8
c = 1.240802644, 1.314941156, 1.3359729...c8

and plotting all the a values I obtained the following higher order polynomial…

y = -0.021888102619 x6 + 0.081260616942 x5 - 0.121696999709 x4 + 0.093940463998 x3 - 0.039420446179 x2 + 0.008521813480 x - 0.000744464046

and for b
y = 18.562953566900 x6 - 68.758956799423 x5 + 102.790440490807 x4 - 79.186370651594 x3 + 33.144419473323 x2 - 7.144313735101 x + 0.619166739240

and for c

y = -4,074.658731371160 x6 + 15,081.496519386700 x5 - 22,571.220590122000 x4 + 17,426.445712900200 x3 - 7,311.335903832610 x2 + 1,580.188986737920 x - 136.160481054492

Can anyone help me with this?
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  • #2
The best way to assess the ill condition of an interpolation is to use a numerical analysis technique such as the Richardson Extrapolation method. This method uses a sequence of increasingly accurate approximations to estimate the true value of a function, and then compares the differences between them to determine the quality of the interpolation. Additionally, using a numerical optimization technique such as a least-squares fit can be used to fit a polynomial to the data points, which will help reduce the ill condition of the interpolation. Finally, the Lagrange polynomial interpolation is a common and reliable method for interpolating data points. This method is generally considered to be more accurate than other methods, and is the preferred method for many applications.

FAQ: Desired interpolation in MATLAB

1. What is interpolation in MATLAB and why is it important?

Interpolation in MATLAB is the process of estimating a value between two known data points. It is important because it allows us to fill in missing data or create a smooth curve from a set of discrete data points.

2. How do I perform desired interpolation in MATLAB?

To perform desired interpolation in MATLAB, you can use the built-in function "interp1". This function takes in the x and y values of your data points, as well as the desired x values for interpolation, and returns the interpolated y values.

3. Can I choose the type of interpolation in MATLAB?

Yes, MATLAB offers several interpolation methods, such as linear, nearest neighbor, and spline. You can specify the type of interpolation by providing an optional argument in the "interp1" function.

4. Is it possible to plot the interpolated curve in MATLAB?

Yes, after performing the desired interpolation, you can use the "plot" function to plot the original data points and the interpolated curve together. This can help visualize the accuracy of the interpolation.

5. What are some common applications of interpolation in MATLAB?

Interpolation in MATLAB is commonly used in data analysis, signal processing, and curve fitting. It can also be used in image processing to resize images or fill in missing pixels. Additionally, it is useful in creating smooth animations or transitions in graphical user interfaces.
