Determine the magnitude of force at pin A as a function of position d.

In summary, the problem involves determining the magnitude of force at pin A as a function of position d, with a weight of 700 kg and d ranging from 1.7 m to 3.5 m. The force on member BC has been found to be 6.86d/1.2 from a previous problem. The equations for the summation of forces in the x and y directions were set up, but the weight was initially left out in the summation of the y forces. Once included, the correct answer was obtained.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Refer to link for picture of problem.
Determine the magnitude of force at pin A as a function of position d.
The mass of the weight is 700 kg and d goes from 1.7 m to 3.5 m

I have found Fbc (Force on member b c) from an earlier problem to be 6.86d/1.2 and it is correct.
I can't seem to get Fa (Force on pin a) though.

Homework Equations

Summation of forces

The Attempt at a Solution

I tried to sum the forces in the x direction and y direction and got the equations.
ƩFx=0: Ax - cos(53.13)Fbd = 0
ƩFy=0: Ay - sin(53.13)Fbd = 0

I then found Ax and Ay then squared them added them together and took the square root.
I got 5.716d. That is not the correct answer. Where did I go wrong?
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  • #2
Nevermind. I forgot to put the weight in the summation of the y forces. I got it

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