What is the solution to the diagonal garden path problem?

In summary: Thanks for providing your summary of the content. In summary, the problem is that the path is not exactly on the diagonal of a 54 x 40 yard rectangle. This causes the path to be 1 yard wide but the trajectory of the path is not exactly a 40-55-11-root-185 diagonal.
  • #1
I found this problem in Erwin Brecher's "Journey through Puzzleland" and I find it baffling. There is a garden 55 yards by 40 yards. There is a diagonal path through the garden 1 yard wide. How long is the path? Notice that it is not quite a 40-55-11-root-185 diagonal because ALTERNATE "corners" of the path terminate on the corners of the garden: that is, you enter and leave the garden on the "long" sides (the 55's). So the trajectory of the path is just slightly off from the true diagonal. If you draw the garden in "landscape" perspective, the path is just a little steeper. I hope I've described it well enough.

The problem I'm having is that I can grind out the solution by brute force, but in fact it turns out to be a very simple solution. I just can't find an easy way of getting it. Any ideas?

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  • #2
Do you mean that the path is on the diagonal of a 54 x 40 yard rectangle?
  • #3
jimmysnyder said:
Do you mean that the path is on the diagonal of a 54 x 40 yard rectangle?

No, that path wouldn't be one yard wide. The width of the path is measured perpendicular to the trajectory of the path.
  • #4
monish said:
No, that path wouldn't be one yard wide. The width of the path is measured perpendicular to the trajectory of the path.
Do you mean that the path is 1 yard wide and is on the diagonal of a 54 x 40 yard rectangle that sits within the 55 x 40 yard garden?
  • #5
No. The path is a long thin parallelogram with its acute corners on the corners of the 55x40 rectangle. The short faces of the parallelogram lie on the long edges of the rectangle. The transverse width of the parallelogram measured normal to its long faces is 1 yard.
  • #6
OK. Now cut away the top half yard and the bottom half yard of the garden. What is left?
  • #7
If I do as you suggest I am left with an elongated hexagon whose greatest dimension is the hypotenuse of a 54-40 right triangle. But this hypotenuse is not the length I am after; the line which it traces is not parallel to the long faces of my original parallelogram.
  • #8
monish said:
the line which it traces is not parallel to the long faces of my original parallelogram.
When I drew it, it was parallel. I'm not sure that I understand the problem. Is there any way you could draw a picture?
  • #9
Here is a picture (attempt to attach bmp file:)


  • gpath.bmp
    27 KB · Views: 648
  • #10
Thanks. Now I see my error.
  • #11
Answer is hidden.

Remove the path (say of length x) from the garden, we have the area equation
(55)(40) - x = 2 \sqrt{x^2 - 40^2} (40)
and that gives x = 48.202 yards.
  • #12
To Doodle:

Your method is OK but you have an extra factor of 2 somewhere. In any case you can see that the answer must be greater than 55.
  • #13
Oops, it should have been:

Remove the path (say of length x) from the garden, we have the area equation
(55)(40) - x = \sqrt{x^2 - 40^2} (40)
and that gives x = 66.67 yards.
  • #14
  • #15
You are close, but Doodle had the exact answer of 66.666 which you can see if you hilite the white text in the previous message. In fact, this number arises from a very simple 3-4-5 geometry which I was unable to notice until after I saw the answer. What baffled me was the idea that you needed to solve such a difficult quadratic equation to arrive at such a simple solution. I have the general idea that if there is a simple answer, there should be an easy way of getting there. This philosophy doesn't seem to work with this problem.

I now have an idea why the equation appears so complicated when the solution ends up being so simple. If anyone is interested in my thoughts I will elaborate.


FAQ: What is the solution to the diagonal garden path problem?

1. What is a Diagonal Garden Path?

A Diagonal Garden Path is a type of garden path design that involves laying out a path in a diagonal direction instead of a straight line. This design can add visual interest to a garden and create a sense of movement.

2. What materials are commonly used for a Diagonal Garden Path?

Some common materials used for a Diagonal Garden Path include gravel, stone, brick, and concrete. These materials are durable and can withstand outdoor conditions, making them ideal for garden paths.

3. How do I create a Diagonal Garden Path?

To create a Diagonal Garden Path, first mark out the desired path with stakes and string. Then, remove any existing grass or plants in the path area and level the ground. Next, lay down the chosen material in a diagonal pattern, making sure to pack it down firmly. Finally, add any finishing touches, such as edging or plants along the path.

4. What are the benefits of a Diagonal Garden Path?

A Diagonal Garden Path can add visual interest and depth to a garden, making it more aesthetically pleasing. It can also create a sense of movement and flow, leading the viewer's eye through the garden. Additionally, the diagonal design can make a small garden appear larger and more spacious.

5. Are there any drawbacks to using a Diagonal Garden Path?

One potential drawback of a Diagonal Garden Path is that it may be more difficult to construct and maintain than a straight path. The diagonal angle may also make it more challenging to walk on, especially for those with mobility issues. Additionally, the design may not work well in all garden styles, so it's important to consider the overall aesthetic before choosing a Diagonal Garden Path.
