Dielectric sphere in constant E-field

Remember to always start with the given equations and definitions, and substitute in as needed. Good luck! In summary, the conversation discusses a dielectric sphere with a relative permittivity in a homogeneous E-field, causing a homogeneous polarisation. The total electric field outside the sphere is determined using the dipole moment vector. The question asks to use the continuous nature of the normal component of \vec{D} at the surface to show a specific equation involving \epsilon_{0} and P. The solution involves substituting in the given equations and definitions, simplifying, and rearranging to get the desired result.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Given a dielectric sphere with relative permittivity = ε in a homogeneous E-field:

[itex]\vec{E_{0}} = E \vec{e_{z}}[/itex].

The E-field causes a homogeneous polarisation (dipole density) of

[itex]\vec{p} = \frac{vec{P}}{V} [/itex] with big P the dipole moment vector. The total electric field outside is:

[itex]\vec{E^{ex}} = \vec{E_{0} - \frac{1}{4 \pi \epsilon_{0}} ( \frac{\vec{P}{r^{3}} - \frac{\vec{3P}{r^{5}}} ) [/itex]

Question: Use the continuous nature of the normal component of [itex]\vec{D}[/itex] at the surface to show that:

[itex]\epsilon_{0} E^{in} = E_{0} + \frac{2P}{4\pi\epsilon_{0}}[/itex]

Homework Equations

Using [itex]\vec{D^{ex}_{n}} = \vec{D^{in}_{n}}[/itex] , e.g. normal component of D is continuous at surface
and [itex]\vec{\frac{D^{ex}_{t}}{\epsilon_{0}}} = \vec{D^{in}_{t}}[/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

I simply don't know what to do I've messed around with this and got nowhere. Please help!

Latex isn't rendering properly - vector arrows are appearing as small boxes but please try and help!
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  • #2

Hi there,

I understand your frustration with this problem. It can be quite challenging to work with vector equations and equations involving dielectric materials. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to approach this problem:

1. Start by writing out the equation for the normal component of \vec{D} at the surface:

\vec{D^{ex}_{n}} = \vec{D^{in}_{n}}

2. Substitute in the equations for \vec{D^{ex}_{n}} and \vec{D^{in}_{n}} using the given information:

\epsilon_{0}E^{ex}_{n} = \epsilon_{0}E^{in}_{n} + P

3. Use the definition of \vec{E_{0}} and the given equation for \vec{E^{ex}} to substitute in for E^{ex}_{n}:

\epsilon_{0}(E_{0} - \frac{1}{4\pi\epsilon_{0}}(\frac{P}{r^{3}} - \frac{3P}{r^{5}})) = \epsilon_{0}E^{in}_{n} + P

4. Simplify the equation by multiplying through by r^{3}:

r^{3}\epsilon_{0}E_{0} - P + \frac{3P}{4\pi} = r^{3}\epsilon_{0}E^{in}_{n} + r^{3}P

5. Now, use the definition of \vec{E^{in}} to substitute in for E^{in}_{n}:

r^{3}\epsilon_{0}E_{0} - P + \frac{3P}{4\pi} = r^{3}\epsilon_{0}(E_{0} + \frac{2P}{4\pi\epsilon_{0}})

6. Simplify the equation further by combining like terms and rearranging:

\epsilon_{0}E_{0}r^{3} + P(\frac{3}{4\pi} - r^{3}) = \epsilon_{0}E_{0}r^{3} + P(\frac{2}{4\pi})

7. Finally, divide both sides by r^{3} and simplify to get the desired result:

\epsilon_{0}E_{0} = E_{0} + \frac{2P}{4\pi}

I hope this helps and clarifies the

FAQ: Dielectric sphere in constant E-field

What is a dielectric sphere in constant electric field?

A dielectric sphere in constant electric field is a scientific concept where a spherical object made of a material with a non-zero dielectric constant is placed in an electric field with a constant magnitude and direction.

What is the purpose of studying dielectric sphere in constant electric field?

The study of dielectric sphere in constant electric field helps in understanding the behavior and properties of dielectric materials under the influence of an electric field. This knowledge is crucial in designing and improving electronic devices such as capacitors and insulators.

How does the presence of a dielectric sphere affect the electric field?

The presence of a dielectric sphere in a constant electric field causes a distortion in the electric field lines. This distortion is due to the polarization of the dielectric material, which creates an induced electric field in the opposite direction to the applied field.

What is the relation between the electric field inside and outside a dielectric sphere?

The electric field inside a dielectric sphere is weaker than the applied field due to the polarization of the material. However, the electric field outside the sphere remains unchanged.

Can a dielectric sphere in constant electric field experience a net force?

Yes, a dielectric sphere in constant electric field can experience a net force if the electric field is non-uniform. This force is known as the dielectrophoretic force and is caused by the difference in the strength of the electric field on different parts of the sphere.
