Differences in formulas (Ohm's law, power)

In summary, we discussed a hypothetical electrical appliance with a single phase, powered by 230V from the wall and having a nominal power of 2600W and a resistance of 26 ohms. We also explored different ways to calculate its operational current, which led to some contradictory information due to over-specification of the situation. We also discussed the relationship between voltage, power, current, and resistance and how knowing two of these variables can determine the other two through mathematical formulas.
  • #1
Science Advisor
For the sake of simplicity, assume we have an electrical appliance, single phase.
Powered by U = 230V from the wall, its nominalpower N = 2600W and the resistance R = 26 ohm.

If I wanted to calculate its operational current "I" (not entirely sure about the English terminology - the amount of the current's intensity in the circuit), I could go about it in 3 ways:
1) I = U/R = 230/26 = X amps
2)N = UI => I = N/U = 2600/230 = Y amps
3)U = RI, N = UI => N = I2R => I =√[N/R] = √[2600/26] = Z amps

Seemingly all of these Should give us the correct answer, but why do they differ and which would be the correct one? It's not homework, just curious.
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  • #2
But you have just made things up... right? I could say I am taller than you, you are taller than mike and mike is taller than me. That is inconsistent, its just made up and not realistic. That is the problem with making up problems, they are harder to be realistic than students often realize.

The answer is that 230V dropped across 26 Ohms will not dissipate 2600W. With V and R known the power is V^2/R = (230^2)/26 ~ 2035W. You have over specified the situation with contradictory information (Like I did with the height situation.) Does that make sense?
  • #3
Thank you for the reply, especially for:
ModusPwnd said:
The answer is that 230V dropped across 26 Ohms will not dissipate 2600W. With V and R known the power is V^2/R = (230^2)/26 ~ 2035W.
I'm a math student, clearly wanting to understand physics the wrong way. The quote explains something, but now I have more questions - does the resistance Have to dissipate, with 230V across it, so-and-so watts? Is there any specific material you would suggest in regards to this topic?

If I had the appliance's nominalpower and the 230V from the wall as known values, would that be enough to calculate I? If we observed an actual electrical motor, for example, with all the values written in a brochure, could we calculate I and arrive at the exact same results with the three formulas I wrote earlier?

Thanks in advance
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  • #4
Yes, it's enough to know the voltage and the power to calculate both current and resistance.
And you will get the same values no matter in what order you do it or with which formulas.
There are basically two formulas:
V=I*R (Ohm's law).
and 4 variables.

If you know 2 of them the other two are completely determined by the two independent equations. It is a math problem, isn't it? :)
  • #5

I can confirm that all three formulas are correct and can be used to calculate the operational current of an electrical appliance. Each formula is derived from Ohm's law and power formula, but they are presented in different forms to suit different scenarios.

Formula 1 (I = U/R) is the most basic form of Ohm's law and is used to calculate the current in a circuit when the voltage and resistance are known. This formula is useful when you want to determine the current in a simple circuit with only one resistor.

Formula 2 (I = N/U) is derived from the power formula (P = VI) and is used when the power and voltage are known. This formula is useful when you want to determine the current in a circuit where the power rating of the appliance is given.

Formula 3 (I = √[N/R]) is also derived from the power formula (P = I²R) and is used when the power and resistance are known. This formula is useful when you want to determine the current in a circuit with a known resistance, such as in the case of a heating element.

All three formulas are correct and can be used interchangeably to calculate the operational current of an electrical appliance. The reason they differ is that they are presented in different forms to suit different scenarios. For the given scenario, any of the three formulas can be used to calculate the operational current, and the result should be the same.

In conclusion, as a scientist, I can assure you that all three formulas are correct and can be used to calculate the operational current of an electrical appliance. The choice of which formula to use depends on the information you have and the scenario you are dealing with.

FAQ: Differences in formulas (Ohm's law, power)

1. What is Ohm's law and how is it different from the power formula?

Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor is directly proportional to the voltage applied across it, given a constant temperature. It can be written as V = IR, where V is voltage, I is current, and R is resistance. The power formula, on the other hand, relates the amount of power, measured in watts, to the voltage and current using the equation P = VI. In simple terms, Ohm's law is used to calculate the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance, while the power formula is used to calculate the amount of power in a circuit.

2. Can Ohm's law and the power formula be used interchangeably?

No, Ohm's law and the power formula cannot be used interchangeably. While both formulas involve voltage and current, they serve different purposes. Ohm's law is used to calculate the relationship between voltage, current, and resistance, while the power formula is used to calculate the amount of power in a circuit. They are two separate equations and should not be used interchangeably.

3. How do changes in resistance affect the use of Ohm's law and the power formula?

Changes in resistance will affect the use of Ohm's law and the power formula differently. In Ohm's law, an increase in resistance will result in a decrease in current, given a constant voltage. In the power formula, an increase in resistance will result in a decrease in power, given a constant voltage. Therefore, changes in resistance will have different impacts on the calculations for both equations.

4. Are there other formulas related to Ohm's law and the power formula?

Yes, there are other formulas related to Ohm's law and the power formula. These include the formulas for calculating voltage, current, and resistance in a series or parallel circuit. In a series circuit, the total resistance can be calculated by adding up the individual resistances, while in a parallel circuit, the total resistance can be calculated using a different formula. These formulas are all interconnected and can be used in conjunction with Ohm's law and the power formula.

5. How can understanding Ohm's law and the power formula benefit me?

Understanding Ohm's law and the power formula can benefit you in various ways. These formulas are fundamental concepts in the field of electricity and are essential for understanding and troubleshooting electrical circuits. They can also be used to design and analyze circuits, making them crucial for engineers and scientists working in this field. Additionally, understanding these formulas can also help in calculating the efficiency of electrical devices and in determining the appropriate size of components for a circuit.
