What is the dimensional formula for Planck's constant?

  • Thread starter forest chump
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In summary, the conversation revolved around finding the dimensional formula for Planck's Constant. The individual asking the question was a physics rookie and was struggling to find the answer on their own. They received hints from others, but ultimately had to confirm their assumption that the formula was h = m L^2 T^-1. The conversation also touched on the idea of teaching someone versus simply giving them the answer.
  • #1
forest chump
Good day. Forum newbie / physics rookie here.

I need the dimensional formula for Planck

5p3ll!ng is not my strong suite...but I can quantify "5p3ll!ng" to the nth degree.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Sorry, cell phone typo...

The dimensional formula for Planck's Constant... m? L? T?
  • #3
What about using wikipedia?

A good way to remember the dimension of h is the uncertainty principle. xp, Et, lθ, etc. all have the same dimension as h.
  • #4
Thanks kith...

Have you looked at the Wikipedia page for the Planck Constant and found the dimensional formula? It's not there.

Also, google produces inconsistent responses.

I'm assuming h = m L^2 T^-1

However, assumptions will land me in algebraic purgatory. I'll review your response to verify my assumption...
  • #5
forest chump said:
Have you looked at the Wikipedia page for the Planck Constant and found the dimensional formula? It's not there.
Yes it is. It says "Js" numerous times. You could have arrived there also by considering my hint [h]=[E][t]=Js. Also Js = kg m² / s, so your assumption is correct.
  • #6
kith: I asked a simple straight-forward question that has a difinitive answer. You gave me homework. I even said "physics rookie".

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make a physics rookie drink mass, length, and the reciprocal of time by offering hints that the uncertainty principal has ANYTHING to do with joules multiplied by time.

That's for future reference.

Thanks for confirming my assumption...I'm going to take your lesson to heart so I can move on from my rookie status. :)
  • #7
I was trying to understand what prevented you from solving the simple question by using wikipedia. Physics is not so much about answers but about how you get there. Sorry for assuming that you wanted to understand. ;-)

forest chump said:
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make a physics rookie drink mass, length, and the reciprocal of time by offering hints that the uncertainty principal has ANYTHING to do with joules multiplied by time.
Why not just ask about the hint if you don't understand it? The uncertainty principle for energy and time reads ΔEΔt ≥ ħ/2. The right-hand side has the dimension of h, so the left-hand side needs to have the same dimension as h. This tells you that the dimension of h is Js.
  • #8
Why not ask about the hint?

Because math & physics gurus are notoriusly "holier than thou". Asking about hints often leads me to long-winded discusions and complex formulas that confuse the issue even futher.

That's why I prefer industrial arts. :)
  • #9
forest chump said:
kith: I asked a simple straight-forward question that has a difinitive answer. You gave me homework.

Around here we tend to take seriously the parable about giving a man a fish versus teaching him how to fish. :wink:
  • #10
jtbell: when dealing with a rookie fisherman, do you hand him a shovel and expect he should know that it's used to dig for worms?

Teaching a rookie means walking him through the process.

Again: "holier than thou".
  • #11
The question has been asked and answered, and has derailed. Closed.

FAQ: What is the dimensional formula for Planck's constant?

What is the dimensional formula for h?

The dimensional formula for h is [L], which represents length.

Why is the dimensional formula for h represented as [L]?

The dimensional formula for h is represented as [L] because h is a unit of length. It is commonly used to measure the height or distance of an object.

How is the dimensional formula for h calculated?

The dimensional formula for h is calculated by analyzing the units of h in a given equation or problem. For example, if h is used to represent height in an equation, then its dimensional formula would be [L] as height is measured in units of length.

What is the significance of the dimensional formula for h in physics?

The dimensional formula for h is significant in physics as it helps to ensure that equations are mathematically correct and consistent. It also allows for easy conversion between units of length when solving problems.

Can the dimensional formula for h vary in different contexts?

Yes, the dimensional formula for h can vary in different contexts depending on how it is used in a given equation or problem. For example, in a physics problem involving velocity, h may have a dimensional formula of [LT-1] as it represents height over time.

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