Do you think it is bad to surf adult sites at work ?

  • Thread starter Saint
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In summary, most employers view surfing porn at work as unethical and unprofessional. If you are caught, you may be fired.
  • #1
Do you think it is bad to surf porn sites at work ?
Non ethical ?
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  • #2
as long as it doesn't interfer with your job, surf away. (but try to control yourself :wink:)
  • #3
definately, i would fire anyone I hired that looked at porn at the office.
  • #4
Most companies will respond badly if they catch you. Not a good idea.
  • #5
Originally posted by Saint
Do you think it is bad to surf porn sites at work ?
Non ethical ?

Personally, and I am not a prude in any sense of the word, I would try to keep it totally separate from work. I don't think it's "bad" as in immoral, but consider the practical side of it. What sort of mood do you want to be in at work? Ready to jump somebody? Once you start, it might open little mental doors in your head and make the next step easier. But if you set high standards of professionalism, you will never have to worry about anything because of your behavior (like inadvertantly getting caught one evening, or leaving a trace on the computer).
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  • #6
Good or bad is inmaterial. I get caught surffing the naughties I get fired. I don't surf the naughties.
  • #7
i am with Greg Bernhardt here,

I would not like people i hired to look up porn - your at don't look up porn..its loss of production and it gives a bad image to your company.
  • #8
Depends on what business your in
  • #9
how about if you surfed it after office hour, using company PC ?
  • #10
It is unethical, a very poor choice, and yes you will most likely be fired.

So i too agree with Greg.
  • #11

Originally posted by Saint
how about if you surfed it after office hour, using company PC ?
You may not be aware but one international company I used to work for can and did keep track of computer activities of their employees. You might think you are safe by removing your tracks after you finish, but I know people who did exactly that and yet were fired when the administrators saw where they had surfing. You better be careful if you value your job.
Computers and the Internet are lots of fun, but when you have agreed to work for someone in exchange for their hard earned money, you really ought to work, not play. This is, however, somewhat flexible depending on the nature of your job. If you had a lot of idle time between periods of activity it might not be so bad, but it also might not be so bad to seek permission first too. We are all human and enjoy our 'playtime' (whatever it might consist of), but if the chances are that you would be getting yourself or someone else into trouble then I would think long and hard, teehehe, before surfing the porn sites.
  • #12
Companies are opposed to having such content because they can be sued if another employee walks into your office and sees your porn.

Therefore, I too would lockdown my employees' access to such content, and move to immediately review the job position of anyone caught violating that rule.
  • #13
it is only ok if you do it under this condtion...on the foreing guys computer
  • #14
When I was a manager, there were no computers at work, but if there had been, and I caught an employee at it, BYE!

I would NOT! very un-professional.

PS Actually I have never surfed porn, not ever!

(at least not on the net, I was young, once, just before they invented dirt, sooooo)
  • #15
IMHO, the ethics of the situation does not really depend on whether you are in the office, or not. If you think porn is bad, it is pretty much bad everywhere.

But practicality wise, I would think that you would be betraying the trust of the employer if you have him pay for "work time" that you spend looking at porn.
  • #16
I like the point that Considering made about when somebody else sees it and has a problem with it.

Other than that, I personally, ethically would think of it just like any other non-work activity, but I am not normal. Most employers would definitely frown very much upon it, much more than playing solitaire.
  • #17
That reminds me. Has there been any sort of study into the effects of passive pornograph? :wink:
  • #18
Aren't a lot of porn sites privately owned & run? If so, it would seem that each time you visit one, you run the risk of downloading a virus. This may be a risk you are willing to take with your own PC, but your employer might have very a different attitude to your exposure of his system to this risk. It would seem that promiscuity on the 'net, just as in real life, brings with it the risk of viral infection.

So, if you do look at porn, please make sure you at least wear eye protection; wouldn't want you to git that thar "visual aids" I've heard about!
  • #19
speaking as a network admin, I have to say that unless YOU are the network admin at a company, and no one else has access to the firewall logs, you will get caught eventually..You may have been lucky so far, but everything gets recorded on a network. Especially external traffic like web-surfing. And unless you have acess to your firewall logs, you could wipe out your entire hard drive and it's still there, so there's no way to erase your tracks.

Ethical or not, Most public,private, and government instituions including schools track, if not monitor that type of activity. And I can't think of a single one who would be ok with it, so you're playing with fire there;)

I remember once at a job I worked we caught a very important VP with gigs of porn on his laptop. And not just tame stuff either.. it was bordering on kiddie porn. Because of his importance to the company, there was a big investigation, but needless to say he was gone in under a week. And he had a wife and 2 kids. Imagine that conversation at home. "honey I got canned today for surfing porn..."
  • #20
Originally posted by Saint
Do you think it is bad to surf porn sites at work ?
Non ethical ?

If you work as a porn site developer, then I'd say no.

  • #21
LOL.. well that's a different story.. why are there any openings?;)
  • #22
Let's think for a second. What is the reason you look up porn? Yeah, lol that's right. So while you may not have a problem with a worker looking at porn at work, you may have something against what goes along with that, haha.
  • #23
Most companies have customers and it's not the type of thing a company would like people to know that it's employees do.

On the other hand, the reason why I don't look up porn in the university computer lab is shame, rather than not being allowed to...

FAQ: Do you think it is bad to surf adult sites at work ?

1. Is surfing adult sites at work against company policy?

It depends on the specific policies of the company you work for. Some companies may have strict rules against accessing adult content on work computers or during work hours, while others may have more lenient guidelines.

2. Can surfing adult sites at work put my job at risk?

Yes, it is possible that browsing adult sites at work could put your job at risk. Some companies may consider this behavior a violation of their code of conduct and could result in disciplinary action or termination. It is important to familiarize yourself with your company's policies and make informed decisions.

3. Can surfing adult sites at work harm my computer?

Yes, visiting adult sites can potentially harm your work computer. These sites can contain malicious links or downloads that could infect your computer with viruses or malware. It is important to only browse safe and trusted websites to protect your computer and company's network.

4. Is it unethical to surf adult sites at work?

It is a matter of personal opinion and company policies whether surfing adult sites at work is considered unethical. Some may argue that it is a private matter and should not affect one's job performance, while others may argue that it is unprofessional and a misuse of company resources.

5. Can surfing adult sites at work affect my colleagues or work environment?

Yes, browsing adult sites at work can create an uncomfortable or even hostile work environment for your colleagues. It is important to be respectful of others and their boundaries in a professional setting. Additionally, accessing these sites can also lead to distractions and decrease productivity for yourself and others.

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